Cómo integrar Yahoo con Mediation

This guide shows you how to use the Google Mobile Ads SDK to load and display ads from Yahoo using mediation, covering waterfall integrations. It covers how to add Yahoo to an ad unit's mediation configuration, and how to integrate the Yahoo Mobile SDK and adapter into an iOS app.

Supported integrations and ad formats

The Ad Manager mediation adapter for Yahoo has the following capabilities:



  • iOS deployment target of 12.0 or higher

Step 1: Set up configurations in Yahoo UI

Log in to Yahoo's SSP. Under Applications and Sites, click the + button then Application.

Fill out the form and click Save and Add Placement to create your app.

Once you've created an app, you will need to create a Placement. Select a Placement Type, fill out the form, and click Save & Monetize.

Take note of your Placement ID.

You will need to add an Ad Source to your placement. On the next form, select Yahoo SSP as an Ad Source and fill out the form with the required information. Once you've completed the form, click Save.

Finally, drag the Ad Source that you just created under the Waterfall Ad Sources table to add it to your placement.

Take note of the Site ID.

Turn on test mode

Yahoo ads can be tested by creating a Test Ad Source and adding it into your placement's Waterfall Ad Sources. Navigate to your Placement ID's settings, click the Add button and select Test Ad Source.

Once you've created the Ad Source, drag it into your placement's Waterfall Ad Sources.

That's it! You now have a working mediation integration with Yahoo.

Step 2: Set up Yahoo demand in Ad Manager UI

Cómo configurar la mediación para tu unidad de anuncios

Accede a tu cuenta de Ad Manager.

Navega a Publicación > Grupos de rendimiento y haz clic en el botón Nuevo grupo de rendimiento.

Ingresa un Nombre único para tu grupo de rendimiento, establece el Estado en Activo, selecciona el Formato del anuncio y establece el Tipo de inventario en Aplicación para dispositivos móviles. En la sección Segmentación > Inventario, selecciona la unidad de anuncios en Inventario y Aplicación para dispositivos móviles a la que deseas agregar la mediación.

Luego, haz clic en el botón Agregar socio de rendimiento.

Si ya tienes un socio de rendimiento para Yahoo - App & Display , puedes seleccionarlo. De lo contrario, selecciona Crear un socio de rendimiento nuevo.

Selecciona Yahoo - App & Display como la Red de publicidad, ingresa un Nombre único y habilita la Mediación.

Una vez que hayas seleccionado el Socio de rendimiento, elige Mediación del SDK para dispositivos móviles como el Tipo de integración, iOS como la Plataforma y Activo como el Estado. Ingresa elPlacement ID and Site ID obtenido en la sección anterior. Luego, ingresa un valor de CPM predeterminado.

Haz clic en Guardar en la parte inferior de la página cuando termines.

Add Yahoo to GDPR and US state regulations ad partners list

Sigue los pasos que se indican en Configuración del GDPR y Configuración de las reglamentaciones estatales de EE.UU. para agregar Yahoo a la lista de socios publicitarios de las reglamentaciones estatales de EE.UU. y el GDPR en la Ad Manager IU.

Step 3: Import the Yahoo Mobile SDK and adapter

Add the following line to your project's Podfile:

pod 'GoogleMobileAdsMediationYahoo'

From the command line run:

pod install --repo-update

Step 4: Implement privacy settings on Yahoo SDK

US states privacy laws

U.S. states privacy laws require giving users the right to opt out of the "sale" of their "personal information" (as the law defines those terms), with the opt-out offered via a prominent "Do Not Sell My Personal Information" link on the "selling" party's homepage. The U.S. states privacy laws compliance guide offers the ability to enable restricted data processing for Google ad serving, but Google is unable to apply this setting to each ad network in your mediation chain. Therefore, you must identify each ad network in your mediation chain that may participate in the sale of personal information and follow guidance from each of those networks to ensure compliance.

The following sample code shows how to pass consent information to the Yahoo Mobile SDK. If you choose to call this method, it is recommended that you do so prior to requesting ads through the Google Mobile Ads SDK.


import YASAds
import YASCcpaConsent

// ...
let ccpaConsent = YASCcpaConsent(consentString: "<CCPA CONSENT>")


#import <YASAds.h>
#import <YASCcpaConsent.h>

// ...
YASCcpaConsent *ccpaConsent = [[YASCcpaConsent alloc] initWithConsentString: @"<CCPA CONSENT>"];
[YASAds.sharedInstance addConsent: ccpaConsent];

See Publisher Privacy Settings for more details and the values that can be provided in the method.

Step 5: Add required code

No additional code required for Yahoo integration.

Step 6: Test your implementation

Habilitar anuncios de prueba

Asegúrate de registrar tu dispositivo de prueba en Ad Manager y habilitar el modo de prueba en la Yahoo - App & Display IU.

Cómo verificar los anuncios de prueba

Para verificar que recibes anuncios de prueba de Yahoo - App & Display , habilita las pruebas de fuentes de anuncios individuales en el inspector de anuncios mediante la Yahoo (Waterfall) fuente de anuncios.

Optional steps

Using native ads

Ad rendering

The Yahoo adapter returns its native ads as GADNativeAd objects. It populates the following fields for a GADNativeAd.

Field Populated by Yahoo adapter
App icon
Call to action
Advertiser Name
Star rating

Yahoo iOS Mediation Adapter Changelog

Next Version

  • Now requires Google Mobile Ads SDK version 10.4.0 or higher.
  • Replaced the deprecated childDirectedTreatment method with GADMobileAds.sharedInstance.requestConfiguration.tagForChildDirectedTreatment.


  • Rebranded Verizon Media adapter to "Yahoo" adapter.
  • Verified compatibility with Yahoo Mobile SDK version 1.4.0.
  • Updated the adapter to use the didRewardUser API.
  • Removed support of the armv7 architecture.
  • Removed use of deprecated gender, birthday and location mediation APIs.
  • Now requires a minimum deployment target of iOS 11.0.
  • Now requires Google Mobile Ads SDK version 10.0.0 or higher.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 10.3.0.
  • Yahoo Mobile SDK version 1.4.0