Component: Topic

Element: Topic / info

Annotations Textual information about the topic.
Diagram Diagram dspl4.tmp#id7 dspl4.tmp#id14 dspl4.tmp#id15 dspl4.tmp#id6
Type Info
content: complex
Model name , description{0,1} , url{0,1}
Children description, name, url
<xs:element name="info" type="Info">
    <xs:documentation>Textual information about the topic.</xs:documentation>

Element: Topic / topic

Annotations Child topics can be inlined inside their parent topic. If so, the order of children is meaningful and should be respected by applications that display these topics.
Diagram Diagram dspl15.tmp#id32 dspl15.tmp#id34 dspl15.tmp#id30 dspl15.tmp#id31 dspl15.tmp#id29
Type Topic
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
maxOccurs: unbounded
Model info , topic*
Children info, topic
<topic id="" parentTopic="">
  <topic id="" parentTopic="">{0,unbounded}</topic>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
id Id required The unique identifier of the topic in the dataset.
parentTopic xs:QName optional The id of the parent topic of this topic, if it has one. parentTopic cannot be specified for topics that are inlined inside other topics.
<xs:element name="topic" type="Topic" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Child topics can be inlined inside their parent topic. If
            so, the order of children is meaningful and should be
            respected by applications that display these topics.</xs:documentation>

Complex Type: Topic

Annotations A topic is a label that can be attached to concepts. Topics are organized hierarchically.
Diagram Diagram dspl15.tmp#id32 dspl15.tmp#id34 dspl15.tmp#id30 dspl15.tmp#id31
Used by
Elements Topic/topic, dspl/topics/topic
Model info , topic*
Children info, topic
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
id Id required The unique identifier of the topic in the dataset.
parentTopic xs:QName optional The id of the parent topic of this topic, if it has one. parentTopic cannot be specified for topics that are inlined inside other topics.
<xs:complexType name="Topic">
    <xs:documentation>A topic is a label that can be attached to concepts. Topics
        are organized hierarchically.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="info" type="Info">
        <xs:documentation>Textual information about the topic.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="topic" type="Topic" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>Child topics can be inlined inside their parent topic. If
            so, the order of children is meaningful and should be
            respected by applications that display these topics.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="id" type="Id" use="required">
      <xs:documentation>The unique identifier of the topic in the dataset.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="parentTopic" type="xs:QName" use="optional">
      <xs:documentation>The id of the parent topic of this topic, if it has one. parentTopic
          cannot be specified for topics that are inlined inside other topics.</xs:documentation>

Attribute: Topic / @id

Namespace No namespace
Annotations The unique identifier of the topic in the dataset.
Type Id
use: required
maxLength 64
Used by
Complex Type Topic
<xs:attribute name="id" type="Id" use="required">
    <xs:documentation>The unique identifier of the topic in the dataset.</xs:documentation>

Attribute: Topic / @parentTopic

Namespace No namespace
Annotations The id of the parent topic of this topic, if it has one. parentTopic cannot be specified for topics that are inlined inside other topics.
Type xs:QName
use: optional
Used by
Complex Type Topic
<xs:attribute name="parentTopic" type="xs:QName" use="optional">
    <xs:documentation>The id of the parent topic of this topic, if it has one. parentTopic
          cannot be specified for topics that are inlined inside other topics.</xs:documentation>

Created using the oXygen XML Editor.