Panduan memulai Google Apps Script

Panduan memulai menjelaskan cara menyiapkan dan menjalankan aplikasi yang memanggil Google Workspace API.

Panduan memulai Google Workspace menggunakan library klien API untuk menangani beberapa detail alur autentikasi dan otorisasi. Sebaiknya gunakan library klien untuk aplikasi Anda sendiri. Panduan memulai ini menggunakan pendekatan autentikasi sederhana yang sesuai untuk lingkungan pengujian. Untuk lingkungan produksi, sebaiknya pelajari autentikasi dan otorisasi sebelum memilih kredensial akses yang sesuai untuk aplikasi Anda.

Buat Google Apps Script yang membuat permintaan ke Google Drive Activity API.


  • Buat skrip.
  • Mengaktifkan Google Drive Activity API.
  • Jalankan contoh.


  • Akun Google
  • Akses ke Google Drive

Membuat skrip

  1. Buat skrip baru dengan membuka
  2. Ganti konten editor skrip dengan kode berikut:

 * Lists 10 activity for a Drive user.
 * @see
function listDriveActivity() {
  const request = {
    pageSize: 10
    // Use other parameter here if needed.
  try {
    // Activity.query method is used Query past activity in Google Drive.
    const response = DriveActivity.Activity.query(request);
    const activities = response.activities;
    if (!activities || activities.length === 0) {
      console.log('No activity.');
    console.log('Recent activity:');
    for (const activity of activities) {
      // get time information of activity.
      const time = getTimeInfo(activity);
      // get the action details/information
      const action = getActionInfo(activity.primaryActionDetail);
      // get the actor's details of activity
      const actors =;
      // get target information of activity.
      const targets =;
      // print the time,actor,action and targets of drive activity.
      console.log('%s: %s, %s, %s', time, actors, action, targets);
  } catch (err) {
    // TODO (developer) - Handle error from drive activity API
    console.log('Failed with an error %s', err.message);

 * @param {object} object
 * @return {string}  Returns the name of a set property in an object, or else "unknown".
function getOneOf(object) {
  for (const key in object) {
    return key;
  return 'unknown';

 * @param {object} activity Activity object.
 * @return {string} Returns a time associated with an activity.
function getTimeInfo(activity) {
  if ('timestamp' in activity) {
    return activity.timestamp;
  if ('timeRange' in activity) {
    return activity.timeRange.endTime;
  return 'unknown';

 * @param {object} actionDetail The primary action details of the activity.
 * @return {string} Returns the type of action.
function getActionInfo(actionDetail) {
  return getOneOf(actionDetail);

 * @param {object} user The User object.
 * @return {string}  Returns user information, or the type of user if not a known user.
function getUserInfo(user) {
  if ('knownUser' in user) {
    const knownUser = user.knownUser;
    const isMe = knownUser.isCurrentUser || false;
    return isMe ? 'people/me' : knownUser.personName;
  return getOneOf(user);

 * @param {object} actor The Actor object.
 * @return {string} Returns actor information, or the type of actor if not a user.
function getActorInfo(actor) {
  if ('user' in actor) {
    return getUserInfo(actor.user);
  return getOneOf(actor);

 * @param {object} target The Target object.
 * @return {string} Returns the type of a target and an associated title.
function getTargetInfo(target) {
  if ('driveItem' in target) {
    const title = target.driveItem.title || 'unknown';
    return 'driveItem:"' + title + '"';
  if ('drive' in target) {
    const title = || 'unknown';
    return 'drive:"' + title + '"';
  if ('fileComment' in target) {
    const parent = target.fileComment.parent || {};
    const title = parent.title || 'unknown';
    return 'fileComment:"' + title + '"';
  return getOneOf(target) + ':unknown';

  1. Klik Simpan .
  2. Klik Untitled project, ketik Quickstart, lalu klik Rename.

Mengaktifkan Google Drive Activity API

  1. Buka project Apps Script.
  2. Klik Editor .
  3. Di samping Services, klik Add a service .
  4. Pilih Drive Activity API lalu klik Add.

Menjalankan contoh

Di editor Apps Script, klik Run.

Saat pertama kali menjalankan contoh, contoh akan meminta Anda mengizinkan akses:

  1. Klik Tinjau izin.
  2. Pilih akun.
  3. Klik Izinkan.

Log eksekusi skrip akan muncul di bagian bawah jendela.

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