Ads Data Hub API

API for executing Ads Data Hub queries.


To call this service, we recommend that you use the Google-provided client libraries. If your application needs to use your own libraries to call this service, use the following information when you make the API requests.

Discovery document

A Discovery Document is a machine-readable specification for describing and consuming REST APIs. It is used to build client libraries, IDE plugins, and other tools that interact with Google APIs. One service may provide multiple discovery documents. This service provides the following discovery document:

Service endpoint

A service endpoint is a base URL that specifies the network address of an API service. One service might have multiple service endpoints. This service has the following service endpoint and all URIs below are relative to this service endpoint:


REST Resource: v1.customers

describeValidDv360AdvertiserIds POST /v1/{customer=customers/*}:describeValidDv360AdvertiserIds
Describes the valid DV360 AdvertiserIds
GET /v1/{customer=customers/*}:describeValidFrequencyLimitingEventMatchers
Lists valid event matchers along with their metadata for frequency capping audience lists.
exportJobHistory POST /v1/{customer=customers/*}:exportJobHistory
Exports job history of a customer account to customer-selected BigQuery dataset.
generateDv360IvtVideoViewabilityReport POST /v1/{customer=customers/*}:generateDv360IvtVideoViewabilityReport
Starts the execution of a query to retrieve invalid traffic viewability metrics for the DV360 platform.
generateIvtReport POST /v1/{name=customers/*}:generateIvtReport
Starts the execution of a query to retrieve a day-by-day summary of invalid traffic counts for a specific platform.
get GET /v1/{name=customers/*}
Retrieves the requested Ads Data Hub customer.
getImportCompletionStatus GET /v1/{customer=customers/*}/importCompletionStatus
Returns the percentage of Google data across all customers that has successfully been ingested into ADH on the given date.
list GET /v1/customers
Lists Ads Data Hub customers to which the current user has access.
submitBrandLiftBenchmark POST /v1/{customer=customers/*}:submitBrandLiftBenchmark
Starts ADH import of a specified BigQuery table populated with the quarterly brand lift benchmark report generated by the customer.
submitBrandLiftStudyReport POST /v1/{customer=customers/*}:submitBrandLiftStudyReport
Starts ADH import of a specified BigQuery table populated with the brand lift study report generated by the customer.
submitBrandSafetyScores POST /v1/{customer=customers/*}:submitBrandSafetyScores
Starts ADH import of a specified BigQuery table populated with the vendor's Brand Safety score file.
submitVendorAggregatesReport POST /v1/{customer=customers/*}:submitVendorAggregatesReport
Starts ADH import of a specified BigQuery table populated with the vendor's summary report for a given metric.
submitVendorReportIdMapping POST /v1/{customer=customers/*}:submitVendorReportIdMapping
Starts ADH import of a specified BigQuery table populated with the mapping between customer defined report ID and Google campaign ID.

REST Resource: v1.customers.adsDataCustomers

get GET /v1/{name=customers/*/adsDataCustomers/*}
Retrieves the requested Ads Data Hub customer.
getDataAccessBudget GET /v1/{name=customers/*/adsDataCustomers/*/dataAccessBudget}
Retrieves the data access budget for the requested ads data source for the last 366 days.
list GET /v1/{parent=customers/*}/adsDataCustomers
Lists ads data customers accessible from the customer.

REST Resource: v1.customers.analysisQueries

create POST /v1/{parent=customers/*}/analysisQueries
Creates an analysis query for later execution.
delete DELETE /v1/{name=customers/*/analysisQueries/*}
Deletes an analysis query.
get GET /v1/{name=customers/*/analysisQueries/*}
Retrieves the requested analysis query.
list GET /v1/{parent=customers/*}/analysisQueries
Lists the analysis queries owned by the specified customer.
patch PATCH /v1/{*/analysisQueries/*}
Updates an existing analysis query.
start POST /v1/{name=customers/*/analysisQueries/*}:start
Starts execution on a stored analysis query.
startTransient POST /v1/{parent=customers/*}/analysisQueries:startTransient
Starts execution on a transient analysis query.
validate POST /v1/{parent=customers/*}/analysisQueries:validate
Performs static validation checks on the provided analysis query.

REST Resource: v1.customers.crmBasedUserListQueries

create POST /v1/{parent=customers/*}/crmBasedUserListQueries
Creates a CRM based user list query for later execution.
delete DELETE /v1/{name=customers/*/crmBasedUserListQueries/*}
Deletes a CRM based user list query.
get GET /v1/{name=customers/*/crmBasedUserListQueries/*}
Retrieves the requested CRM based user list query.
list GET /v1/{parent=customers/*}/crmBasedUserListQueries
Lists the CRM based user list queries owned by the specified customer.
patch PATCH /v1/{*/crmBasedUserListQueries/*}
Updates an existing CRM based user list query.
validate POST /v1/{parent=customers/*}/crmBasedUserListQueries:validate
Performs static validation checks on the provided CRM based user list query to ensure valid output schema.

REST Resource: v1.customers.customBiddingAlgorithms

addAdvertiser POST /v1/{customBiddingAlgorithm=customers/*/customBiddingAlgorithms/*}:addAdvertiser
Add a DV360 advertiser to the custom bidding algorithm's advertisers.
create POST /v1/{parent=customers/*}/customBiddingAlgorithms
Creates an Ads Data Hub-managed custom bidding algorithm.
delete DELETE /v1/{name=customers/*/customBiddingAlgorithms/*}
Delete this custom bidding algorithm.
execute POST /v1/{name=customers/*/customBiddingAlgorithms/*}:execute
Scores the last 30 days of impressions for the custom bidding models.
get GET /v1/{name=customers/*/customBiddingAlgorithms/*}
Retrieves the requested Ads Data Hub-managed custom bidding algorithm.
list GET /v1/{parent=customers/*}/customBiddingAlgorithms
Lists the custom bidding algorithms managed by the specified Ads Data Hub customer.
patch PATCH /v1/{*/customBiddingAlgorithms/*}
Updates the requested Ads Data Hub-managed custom bidding algorithm.
removeAdvertiser POST /v1/{customBiddingAlgorithm=customers/*/customBiddingAlgorithms/*}:removeAdvertiser
Remove a DV360 advertiser from the custom bidding algorithm's advertisers.

REST Resource: v1.customers.tables

get GET /v1/{name=customers/*/tables/*}
Retrieves the requested Ads Data Hub table.
list GET /v1/{parent=customers/*}/tables
Lists the Ads Data Hub tables to which the specified customer has access.

REST Resource: v1.customers.tempTables

get GET /v1/{name=customers/*/tempTables/*}
Retrieves the requested Ads Data Hub temp table.
list GET /v1/{parent=customers/*}/tempTables
Lists the Ads Data Hub temp tables that the customer has created.

REST Resource: v1.customers.userListQueries

create POST /v1/{parent=customers/*}/userListQueries
Creates a user list query for later execution.
delete DELETE /v1/{name=customers/*/userListQueries/*}
Deletes a user list query.
get GET /v1/{name=customers/*/userListQueries/*}
Retrieves the requested user list query.
list GET /v1/{parent=customers/*}/userListQueries
Lists the user list queries owned by the specified customer.
patch PATCH /v1/{*/userListQueries/*}
Updates an existing user list query.
start POST /v1/{name=customers/*/userListQueries/*}:start
Starts execution on a stored user list query.
POST /v1/{parent=customers/*}/userListQueries:startTransient
Starts execution on a transient user list query.
validate POST /v1/{parent=customers/*}/userListQueries:validate
Performs static validation checks on the provided user list query.

REST Resource: v1.customers.userLists

POST /v1/{userList=customers/*/userLists/*}:addEventMatchers
Adds event matchers to a frequency-based user list.
addRecipients POST /v1/{userList=customers/*/userLists/*}:addRecipients
Add entities to an Ads Data Hub-managed user list’s recipients.
create POST /v1/{parent=customers/*}/userLists
Creates an Ads Data Hub-managed user list.
delete DELETE /v1/{name=customers/*/userLists/*}
Delete the requested Ads Data Hub-managed user list.
POST /v1/{name=customers/*/userLists/*}:generateFrequencyListMemberships
Generate memberships for the UserList.
get GET /v1/{name=customers/*/userLists/*}
Retrieves the requested Ads Data Hub-managed user list.
list GET /v1/{parent=customers/*}/userLists
Lists the user lists managed by the specified Ads Data Hub customer.
patch PATCH /v1/{*/userLists/*}
Updates the requested Ads Data Hub-managed user list.
removeRecipients POST /v1/{userList=customers/*/userLists/*}:removeRecipients
Removes entities from an Ads Data Hub-managed user list’s recipients.
updateCrmBasedUserListMemberships POST /v1/{name=customers/*/userLists/*}:updateCrmBasedUserListMemberships
Update memberships for the UserList.

REST Resource: v1.operations

cancel POST /v1/{name=operations/**}:cancel
Starts asynchronous cancellation on a long-running operation.
delete DELETE /v1/{name=operations/**}
Deletes a long-running operation.
get GET /v1/{name=operations/**}
Gets the latest state of a long-running operation.
list GET /v1/{name}
Lists operations that match the specified filter in the request.
wait POST /v1/{name=operations/**}:wait
Waits until the specified long-running operation is done or reaches at most a specified timeout, returning the latest state.

REST Resource: v1.outages

list GET /v1/outages
Lists the outages in descending order of outage start timestamp, and the look back window is 130 days.