
Apps authorize calls to the zero-touch enrollment customer API using OAuth. This document explains the API's authorization for enterprise mobility management (EMM) providers and enterprise IT developers. After reading this document, you'll know how to authorize API requests in your app and explain the account requirements to your app's users.

Authorization quickstart

  • To set up a Google Cloud Platform project with the zero-touch enrollment API and OAuth client secrets, run this wizard.
  • Build the quickstart sample code for Java, .NET, or Python. Use Google's API client libraries to support other languages.


Device and customer resource relationship

  1. One or more IT admins are users in a zero-touch enrollment customer account.
  2. IT admins use a Google Account to authenticate themselves.
  3. API requests pass an OAuth2 token to authorize API requests on behalf of an IT admin.

Customer accounts

An organization's configurations, devices, and (IT admin) users belong to a customer account. A customer account is similar to a group and isn't an individual user. A reseller sets up a customer when the organization first purchases devices for zero-touch enrollment. IT admins manage other users in their organization using the zero-touch enrollment portal.

The API uses numeric customer IDs to identify accounts. You pass the customer ID as part of the URL path when calling API methods. Your app needs to get a user's customer ID before calling any API methods.

The example below shows how to get the customer accounts for the user that authorizes the API call:


AndroidProvisioningPartner.Customers.List accountRequest = service.customers().list();
CustomerListCustomersResponse accountResponse = accountRequest.execute();

List<Company> customers = accountResponse.getCustomers();
if (customers == null || customers.isEmpty()) {
    // No accounts found for the user. Confirm the Google Account
    // that authorizes the request can access the zero-touch portal.
    System.out.println("No zero-touch enrollment account found.");
} else {
    // Print the customers in this page.
    for (Company customer : customers) {
              customer.getCompanyName(), customer.getCompanyId());


CustomersResource.ListRequest accountRequest = service.Customers.List();
accountRequest.PageSize = 100;
CustomerListCustomersResponse accountResponse = accountRequest.Execute();
IList<Company> customers = accountResponse.Customers ?? new List<Company>();
if (customers.Count == 0)
    // No accounts found for the user. Confirm the Google Account
    // that authorizes the request can access the zero-touch portal.
    Console.WriteLine("No zero-touch enrollment account found.");
foreach (Company customer in customers)


response = service.customers().list(pageSize=100).execute()
if 'customers' not in response:
  # No accounts found for the user. Confirm the Google Account
  # that authorizes the request can access the zero-touch portal.
  print('No zero-touch enrollment account found.')
  response['customers'] = []

for customer in response['customers']:
      customer['companyName'], customer['companyId']))

In your app, you'll need to navigate the account result pages because the example above only prints the first 100 accounts. To learn how to do this, read Paged results.

An organization typically has one customer account but larger organizations might use separate customer accounts for each division. Because an IT admin can be a member of different customer accounts, your app should help users find and use new customer accounts. In your app, label each customer account using the companyName value.


IT admins authorize the API requests your app sends on their behalf. To authorize API requests, your app's user need to do the following:

  1. Associate a Google Account with their email address.
  2. Join a customer account using the same email address.
  3. Accept the zero-touch enrollment customer Terms of Service (ToS).

To help your app's users get set up, reuse our guidance for IT admins in Get started and Associate a Google Account in your own documentation.

User management

IT admins manage the users for their customer accounts in the zero-touch enrollment portal. Users in a customer account have a role that's either an Owner or an Admin. Both roles have the same access to the customer API but an Owner can manage other users.

ToS acceptance

Before your app's users can authorize API calls, they need to accept the latest ToS. This happens when IT admins first use zero-touch enrollment or when we update the ToS. When a user hasn't accepted the latest ToS, the API returns an HTTP 403 Forbidden status code and the response body contains a TosError.

The portal automatically prompts users to accept the latest ToS when they sign in. To see suggested approaches your app could include, read Handle Terms of Service in the EMM integration guide.

 Add authorization to your app

Every request your app sends to the customer API must include an authorization token. The token also identifies your application to Google. Because the customer API accesses user data, authorization must come from the owner of the data. Your app delegates API authorization to IT admins using the OAuth 2.0 protocol.


We provide quickstart guides for Java, .NET, and Python apps. If you're using a different language, follow the two steps below to set up authorization for your app.

To learn more about authorization, read Using OAuth 2.0 to Access Google APIs.

Authorization scopes

Use the API authorization scope in your app to request an OAuth 2.0 access token.

A scope parameter controls the set of resources and operations that an access token permits calls to. Access tokens are valid only for the set of operations and resources described in the scope of the token request. The API covers all the methods and resources with the single zero-touch enrollment scope shown above.

For an example of the zero-touch enrollment scope used with the Google API client library, see the quickstarts for Java, .NET, and Python. To learn more about using Google API scopes, read Using OAuth 2.0 to Access Google APIs.

Best practices for API keys

When you use API keys in your applications, take care to keep them secure. Publicly exposing your credentials can result in your account being compromised, which could lead to unexpected charges on your account. To keep your API keys secure, follow these best practices:

Do not embed API keys directly in code
API keys that are embedded in code can be accidentally exposed to the public—for example, if you forget to remove the keys from code that you share. Instead of embedding your API keys in your applications, store them in environment variables or in files outside of your application's source tree.
Do not store API keys in files inside your application's source tree
If you store API keys in files, keep the files outside your application's source tree to help ensure your keys do not end up in your source code control system. This is particularly important if you use a public source code management system such as GitHub.
Restrict your API keys to be used by only the IP addresses, referrer URLs, and mobile apps that need them
By restricting the IP addresses, referrer URLs, and mobile apps that can use each key, you can reduce the impact of a compromised API key. You can specify the hosts and apps that can use each key from the Google API Console by opening the Credentials page and then either creating a new API key with the settings you want, or editing the settings of an API key.
Delete unneeded API keys
To minimize your exposure to attack, delete any API keys that you no longer need.
Regenerate your API keys periodically
You can regenerate API keys from the Google API Console by opening the Credentials page, selecting an API key, and clicking Regenerate key for each key. Then update your applications to use the newly-generated keys. Your old keys will continue to work for 24 hours after you generate replacement keys.
Review your code before publicly releasing it
Ensure that your code does not contain API keys or any other private information before you make your code publicly available.