The “Street View ready” badges and terms described below (the “SV Assets”) are designed to indicate that a particular product has the capabilities of publishing 360 imagery to Street View.
You do not need special approval to use the Street View Publish API or to promote API functionality in your product. However, any product that uses an SV Asset:
- must be capable of publishing 360 imagery to Street View and
- must require its users to acknowledge and comply with our Maps User Contributed Content Policy.
If you use SV Assets in violation of these guidelines, we may request that you modify your product or that you cease to use the assets. If you have been approved as "Street View ready pro", your product may be featured on the Street View website or selected for additional co-promotion opportunities with you.
What logos or branding can I use?

The Street View ready logo indicates that your product includes a feature or component that uploads 360 imagery to Street View and requires your users to acknowledge and comply with our Maps User Contributed Content Policy.
For any other Google trademarks, including the Street View or Google Maps logos, you must adhere to the guidelines on the Google Brand Permissions page. Unauthorized use of Google trademarks is expressly prohibited.
General brand use guidelines
- Google may update these guidelines as well as those on the Google Brand Permissions page (collectively, the “Brand Guidelines”) from time to time without notice, so it’s important to check this page before creating any new materials or other assets that may use the SV Assets.
- Your use of the SV Assets is contingent on your compliance with any future Google request that you cease using them.
- Do not name your product(s), domain name(s), website(s), social media handle(s), company, or other assets “Street View”, or anything similar that may make your product appear to be an official Google product.
- If you develop future products, they may be re-evaluated before you’re granted permission to use a corresponding badge. At that time, any use of the SV Assets will be subject to the latest brand use guidelines, which may differ from those published today.
- If you are uncomfortable with any of these Brand Guidelines, please discontinue your use of the SV Assets.