Get meeting and platform info

This page describes how to retrieve information regarding your meeting.

Get meeting info

To get details about a meeting, use the MeetAddonClient.getMeetingInfo method on the MeetAddonClient.

The method returns an instance of the MeetingInfo object which contains details about the meeting in which the add-on is running. This includes the MeetingInfo.meetingId property for the current meeting, which you can use to retrieve meeting information from the Google Meet REST API. The meeting ID is a globally unique identifier for the meeting.

Get meeting platform info

To get details about a meeting host, use the MeetAddonClient.getMeetPlatformInfo method on the MeetAddonClient.

The method returns an instance of the MeetPlatformInfo object which contains details about the meeting platform on which the add-on is running. This includes the MeetPlatformInfo.isMeetHardware property for the current meeting, which details if the meeting is running on Meet Rooms hardware.