Address Validation API
Validate an address and its components, standardize the address for mailing, and determine the best known geocode for it.
Learn how the Maps Address Validation API works.
Try the demo
Try the Address Validation API demo. Use any address from a supported region and see the response.
View supported regions
View the latest coverage details to see if the Address Validation API supports your region or country.
Get Started
Start building with the Maps Address Validation API.
Get started with Google Maps Platform
Create an account, generate an API key, and start building.
Make your first address validation request
Validate an address.
Client libraries
Use the C#, Java, Python, Go, or Node.js client libraries to work with Google Maps Services on your server.
View the API reference
View the Address Validation REST and gRPC API reference.
Learn about core features of the Maps Address Validation API.
Validate an address
Validate an address and return geocode information for the address.
Handle updated addresses
Send feedback on updated addresses.
CASS™ support
The Address Validation API can optionally use CASS™ as part of its address validation process.
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