KML Element Hierarchy

This page describes the element tree for KML. Some elements are abstract elements from which other elements are derived. The abstract classes provide an economical way to describe a set of child elements that a number of elements have in common. The element names listed here all link directly into the KML 2.2 Reference.

In KML, simple element names begin with a lowercase letter. Simple elements can contain a value, but they do not contain other elements. Complex element names being with an uppercase letter. Complex elements can contain other elements (referred to as their children).

Abstract Elements

The abstract elements in KML are as follows:

An abstract element is never actually created in KML. It is used only for the derivation of other elements. Each abstract element has its own entry in the KML Reference.

KML Element Tree

This section lists the set of elements cthat are derived from each abstract element. In effect, it describes the "branches" of the KML element tree.

All KML complex elements are derived from the Object element. The Object element (and all its derived elements) has an "id" attribute and a "targetId" attribute (both are optional).


The following elements are derived from the Feature abstract class:


The following elements are derived from the Container abstract class:


The following elements are derived from the Overlay abstract class:


The following elements are derived from the Geometry abstract class:


The following elements are derived from the ColorStyle abstract class:


The following elements are derived from the StyleSelector abstract class:


The following elements are derived from the TimePrimitive abstract class:


The following elements are derived from the AbstractView abstract class: