Landsat Global Land Survey 1975 Mosaic

Dataset Availability
Dataset Provider
Earth Engine Snippet
gls landsat radiance usgs


The Global Land Survey (GLS) 1975 is a global collection of imagery from the Landsat Multispectral Scanner (MSS). Most scenes were acquired by Landsat 1–3 during the years from 1972–1983. A few gaps in the Landsat 1–3 data have been filled with scenes acquired by Landsat 4–5 during the years 1982–1987.

These data contain 4 spectral bands: Green, Red, an NIR band, and a SWIR band. In the typical false-color presentation the images appear red because the NIR band, displayed as red, highlights vegetation.

All scenes in the collection are included in this composite image.


60 meters


Name Wavelength Description
10 0.50 - 0.60 μm


20 600-700 μm


30 0.70-0.80 μm

Near infrared

40 0.80-1.10 μm

Short-wavelength infrared

Terms of Use

Terms of Use

Landsat datasets are federally created data and therefore reside in the public domain and may be used, transferred, or reproduced without copyright restriction.

Acknowledgement or credit of the USGS as data source should be provided by including a line of text citation such as the example shown below.

(Product, Image, Photograph, or Dataset Name) courtesy of the U.S. Geological Survey

Example: Landsat-7 image courtesy of the U.S. Geological Survey

See the USGS Visual Identity System Guidance for further details on proper citation and acknowledgement of USGS products.

Explore with Earth Engine

Code Editor (JavaScript)

var dataset = ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/GLS1975_MOSAIC');
var falseColor =['30', '20', '10']);
var falseColorVis = {
  gamma: 1.6,
Map.setCenter(44.517, 25.998, 5);
Map.addLayer(falseColor, falseColorVis, 'False Color');
Open in Code Editor