Update CSS Product

Use UpdateCssProductInput method update an existing single CSS product by specifying product cssProductInput.name and a JSON body containing the data you would like to update for the product.

Note: This method only updates the attributes provided in the update request. The response contains the same attributes as the request and does not reflect the full CssProductInput state after the update is applied. You shouldn't rely on the response to determine the final state of the CssProductInput.

PATCH https://css.googleapis.com/v1/accounts/{ACCOUNT_ID}/cssProductInputs/{CSS_PRODUCT_ID}

To add or modify an attribute in a product, specify the field with the new value in the JSON body. The example shown will update the title and headline offer link of an existing product name 123/cssProductInputs/de~DE~B019G4 with the attribute value provided in the request body, leaving all other fields untouched.

PATCH https://css.googleapis.com/v1/accounts/{ACCOUNT_ID}/cssProductInputs/{CSS_PRODUCT_ID}
  "attributes": {
    "title": "new item title",
    "headlineOfferLink": "headline-offer.com"

Only top-level fields can be updated with cssProductInputs.update request. If you want to update nested fields you must provide the entire top-level object.

The example shown will update the top-level headlineOfferPrice object, including the nested fields of an existing product, with the product data provided in the request body, leaving all other fields untouched.

PATCH https://css.googleapis.com/v1/accounts/{ACCOUNT_ID}/cssProductInputs/{CSS_PRODUCT_ID}
  "attributes": {
    "headlineOfferPrice": {
      "amountMicros": "17.99",
      "currencyCode": "USD"

To select certain fields to update without making changes to the others included in the body of the request, you can specify an updateMask. This query string parameter should be a comma-separated list of fields you need to modify. An updateMask is useful when you want to assert that only the named fields will be updated. Not specifying an updateMask is equivalent to marking all fields in the request to be updated, as shown in the example. However, if an updateMask is not provided explicitly, it is not possible to delete existing attributes.

The example shown will update only the title of the existing item with the respective product data provided in the request body, leaving all other fields including the headline offer link untouched.

PATCH https://css.googleapis.com/v1/accounts/{ACCOUNT_ID}/cssProductInputs/{CSS_PRODUCT_ID}?updateMask=title
  "attributes": {

If a field is provided in the updateMask list but not in the body of the request, that field will be deleted from the Product resource, if it exists.

The example shown will use updateMask to remove the value for the field title.

PATCH https://css.googleapis.com/v1/accounts/{ACCOUNT_ID}/cssProductInputs/{CSS_PRODUCT_ID}?updateMask=title

ACCOUNT_ID: Unique identifier for the account, for example, 123.

CSS_PRODUCT_ID: CSS product ID, for example, de~DE~B019G4.

To delete the title field, leave it out of the request body. You can also send the request with no body or an empty body. Fields not in the updateMask will stay unchanged.