App Details API

The App Details API enables you to get detailed information about requested or specified apps.

Quick overview of API methods

URLs are relative to$CUSTOMER

Description Relative URL Http method
Get detailed information about a given Chrome app /apps/chrome/{app_id}@{app_version} GET
Get detailed information about a given Android app /apps/android/{app_id}@{app_version} GET
Get detailed information about a given Progressive Web App /apps/web/{app_id} GET
List requested Chrome apps. /apps:countChromeAppRequests GET
Get a list of devices that have requested to install an extension. /apps:fetchDevicesRequestingExtension GET
Get a list of users that have requested to install an extension. /apps:fetchUsersRequestingExtension GET

See code samples for example requests and responses. Note that the @{app_version} segment is optional; omitting it will return the information of the latest version of the app available.

API scopes

App Details API requires the following OAuth scope:

For more information, see the Authentication Overview.