Code Samples for the Chrome Management App / Extension Details API

Visit Chrome Management App Details API for an overview of API features.

All the requests shown below use the following variables:

  • $TOKEN - OAuth 2 token
  • $CUSTOMER - ID of the customer or literal my_customer

Get details for a Chrome app / extension

To view details about a specific Chrome app, use the /apps/chrome/{app_id}@{app_version} endpoint.


  curl -X GET \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \


    "name": "customers/<customer>/apps/chrome/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdef@1.2.3",
    "displayName": "Sample Google Chrome Extension",
    "description": "A sample Google Chrome extension.",
    "revisionId": "1.2.3",
    "type": "CHROME",
    "iconUri": "",
    "detailUri": "",
    "firstPublishTime": "2010-10-10T10:10:10.123456Z",
    "latestPublishTime": "2020-10-10T10:10:10.123456Z",
    "publisher": "",
    "homepageUri": "",
    "reviewNumber": "10000",
    "reviewRating": 4.5,
    "chromeAppInfo": {
        "supportEnabled": false,
        "minUserCount": 6000000,
        "permissions": [
                "type": "content_security_policy",
                "documentationUri": "",
                "accessUserData": false
                "type": "contextmenus",
                "documentationUri": "",
                "accessUserData": false
        "siteAccess": [
                "hostMatch": "<all_urls>"
        "isTheme": false,
        "googleOwned": true,
        "isCwsHosted": true

Get details for an Android app

To view details about a specific Android app, use the /apps/android/{app_id}@{app_version} endpoint.


  curl -X GET \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \


    "name": "customers/<customer>/apps/android/",
    "displayName": "Sample Android App",
    "description": "A sample Android app.",
    "appId": "",
    "revisionId": "1.2.3",
    "type": "ANDROID",
    "iconUri": "",
    "detailUri": "",
    "firstPublishTime": "2010-10-10T10:10:10.123456Z",
    "latestPublishTime": "2020-10-10T10:10:10.123456Z",
    "publisher": "Google LLC",
    "isPaidApp": true,
    "homepageUri": "",
    "privacyPolicyUri": "",
    "reviewNumber": "10000",
    "reviewRating": 4.5,
    "androidAppInfo": {
        "permissions": [
                "type": "android.permission.CAMERA"

Get details for a Progressive Web App

To view details about a specific Prgoressive Web App, use the /apps/web/{app_id} endpoint. Note that the app id is the URL-encoded app home page.


  curl -X GET \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \


    "name": "customers/<customer>/apps/web/",
    "displayName": "",
    "description": "A sample Progressive Web App.",
    "appId": "",
    "type": "WEB",
    "iconUri": ""

List requested Chrome extensions

To list requested Chrome apps, use the /apps:countChromeAppRequests endpoint.


  curl -X GET \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \


  "requestedApps": [
      "appId": "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdef",
      "displayName": "Sample Google Chrome Extension",
      "appDetails": "customers/<customer>/apps/chrome/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdef",
      "iconUri": "",
      "detailUri": "",
      "requestCount": "1",
      "latestRequestTime": "2020-10-10T10:10:10.123456Z"
  "totalSize": 1

Taking action on extension requests

To take an appropriate action on app requests from end users, you will need to use the Chrome Policy API. Follow the setup guide to get access to the API. Then you will be able to make requests to that API to take various actions. Samples for making app related requests can be found here. The following are examples of common actions you can take on an app request.

Approve extension request for manual install by the user/devices under an OU

curl -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
  -d '{
        requests: [{
                policyTargetKey: {
                        targetResource: "orgunits/04fatzly4jbjho9",
                        additionalTargetKeys: {"app_id": "chrome:abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdef"}
                policyValue: {
                        policySchema: "chrome.users.apps.InstallType",
                        value: {appInstallType: "ALLOWED"}
                updateMask: {paths: "appInstallType"}
      }' \

A successful response should be empty:


Deny extension request for all users/devices under an OU

curl -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
  -d '{
        requests: [{
                policyTargetKey: {
                        targetResource: "orgunits/04fatzly4jbjho9",
                        additionalTargetKeys: {"app_id": "chrome:abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdef"}
                policyValue: {
                        policySchema: "chrome.users.apps.InstallType",
                        value: {appInstallType: "BLOCKED"}
                updateMask: {paths: "appInstallType"}
      }' \

A successful response should be empty:


Force install extension for all users/devices under an OU

curl -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
  -d '{
        requests: [{
                policyTargetKey: {
                        targetResource: "orgunits/04fatzly4jbjho9",
                        additionalTargetKeys: {"app_id": "chrome:abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdef"}
                policyValue: {
                        policySchema: "chrome.users.apps.InstallType",
                        value: {appInstallType: "FORCED"}
                updateMask: {paths: "appInstallType"}
      }' \

A successful response should be empty:
