blockly > Xml

Xml namespace


Function Description
appendDomToWorkspace(xml, workspace) Decode an XML DOM and create blocks on the workspace. Position the new blocks immediately below prior blocks, aligned by their starting edge.
blockToDom(block, opt_noId) Encode a block subtree as XML.
blockToDomWithXY(block, opt_noId) Encode a block subtree as XML with XY coordinates.
clearWorkspaceAndLoadFromXml(xml, workspace) Clear the given workspace then decode an XML DOM and create blocks on the workspace.
deleteNext(xmlBlock) Remove any 'next' block (statements in a stack).
domToBlock(xmlBlock, workspace) Decode an XML block tag and create a block (and possibly sub blocks) on the workspace.
domToPrettyText(dom) Converts a DOM structure into properly indented text.
domToText(dom) Converts a DOM structure into plain text. Currently the text format is fairly ugly: all one line with no whitespace, unless the DOM itself has whitespace built-in.
domToVariables(xmlVariables, workspace) Decode an XML list of variables and add the variables to the workspace.
domToWorkspace(xml, workspace) Decode an XML DOM and create blocks on the workspace.
loadWorkspaceComment(elem, workspace) Deserializes the given comment state into the given workspace.
saveWorkspaceComment(comment, skipId) Serializes the given workspace comment to XML.
variablesToDom(variableList) Encode a list of variables as XML.
workspaceToDom(workspace, skipId) Encode a block tree as XML.