Agréger le contenu de plusieurs documents

Niveau de codage: Débutant
Durée: 15 minutes
Type de projet: automatisation avec un menu personnalisé


  • Comprendre à quoi sert la solution.
  • Découvrez le rôle des services Apps Script au sein de la solution.
  • Configurez le script.
  • Exécutez le script.

À propos de cette solution

Pour gagner du temps et réduire les erreurs liées aux copier-coller manuels, vous pouvez importer automatiquement le contenu de plusieurs documents dans un seul document principal. Cette solution se concentre sur l'agrégation de rapports d'état de projet, mais vous pouvez la modifier en fonction de vos besoins.

Capture d'écran des résumés de projets importés


Le script crée un dossier pour stocker les documents à partir desquels vous souhaitez importer du contenu et un modèle de document à partir duquel commencer l'importation. Le script inclut également des fonctions de création d'exemples de documents pour présenter cette solution.

Lorsqu'un utilisateur sélectionne Importer des résumés dans le menu personnalisé, le script récupère tous les fichiers Docs du dossier et parcourt chacun d'entre eux. Le script recherche une chaîne et un type d'en-tête spécifiques pour identifier le texte récapitulatif qu'il doit copier. Une fois le texte copié, le script modifie la couleur du texte de la chaîne d'identifiant pour limiter les doublons. Le script colle les résumés dans le document principal, chacun dans sa propre table à une seule cellule.

Services Apps Script

Cette solution utilise les services suivants:

  • Document service (Service Document) : crée le modèle et les exemples de documents sources. Il parcourt chaque document source à la recherche de nouveaux résumés de projet à importer. Importe les résumés dans le document principal. Met à jour les documents sources pour éviter que des résumés ne soient importés plusieurs fois.
  • Service Drive : crée un dossier dans lequel stocker les documents sources. Ajoute le modèle de document et les exemples de documents source au dossier.
  • Service Utilitaires : formate la date à laquelle le script ajoute le document principal chaque fois qu'il importe des résumés à partir des documents sources.
  • Service de base : utilise la classe Session pour obtenir le fuseau horaire du script. Le script utilise ce fuseau horaire lors de l'ajout de la date de l'importation au document principal.

Conditions préalables

Pour utiliser cet exemple, vous devez remplir les conditions préalables suivantes:

  • Un compte Google (les comptes Google Workspace peuvent nécessiter l'approbation de l'administrateur)
  • Un navigateur Web avec accès à Internet.

Configurer le script

Cliquez sur le bouton ci-dessous pour créer une copie du document Contenu cumulé.
Créer une copie

Exécuter le script

Exécuter une démonstration avec des exemples de documents

  1. Cliquez sur Importer des résumés > Configurer > Exécuter la configuration de démonstration avec des exemples de documents. Vous devrez peut-être actualiser la page pour que ce menu personnalisé s'affiche.
  2. Lorsque vous y êtes invité, autorisez le script. Si l'écran de consentement OAuth affiche l'avertissement Cette application n'est pas validée, sélectionnez Avancé > Accéder à {Project Name} (non sécurisé).

  3. Cliquez à nouveau sur Importer des résumés > Configurer > Exécuter la configuration de démonstration avec des exemples de documents.

  4. Lorsque vous y êtes invité, copiez l'URL du dossier Drive pour l'utiliser ultérieurement.

  5. Cliquez sur OK.

  6. Cliquez sur Importer des résumés > Importer des résumés.

  7. Lorsque vous y êtes invité, cliquez sur OK.

  8. Passez en revue les résumés de projet qui ont été importés à partir des exemples de documents.

Ajouter et importer un résumé

  1. Dans un nouvel onglet de navigateur, collez l'URL du dossier pour ouvrir le dossier État du projet.
  2. Ouvrez le fichier Projet ABC.
  3. Créez un résumé à importer en ajoutant le contenu suivant à la fin du document :
    1. Saisissez Summary, puis définissez le style de texte sur Titre 3.
    2. Juste en dessous de Summary, insérez une table de 1 x 1. Assurez-vous qu'il n'y a pas de ligne vide entre Summary et la table.
    3. Dans le tableau, saisissez Hello world!.
  4. Revenez au document principal et cliquez sur Importer des résumés > Importer des résumés.
  5. Lorsque vous y êtes invité, cliquez sur OK.
  6. Consultez votre dernière importation à la fin du document.

Examiner le code

Pour examiner le code Apps Script de cette solution, cliquez sur Afficher le code source ci-dessous:

Afficher le code source

// To learn how to use this script, refer to the documentation:

Copyright 2022 Google LLC

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

 * This file containts the main application functions that import data from
 * summary documents into the body of the main document.

// Application constants
const APP_TITLE = 'Document summary importer'; // Application name
const PROJECT_FOLDER_NAME = 'Project statuses'; // Drive folder for the source files.

// Below are the parameters used to identify which content to import from the source documents
// and which content has already been imported.
const FIND_TEXT_KEYWORDS = 'Summary'; // String that must be found in the heading above the table (case insensitive).
const APP_STYLE = DocumentApp.ParagraphHeading.HEADING3; // Style that must be applied to heading above the table.
const TEXT_COLOR = '#2e7d32'; // Color applied to heading after import to avoid duplication.

 * Updates the main document, importing content from the source files.
 * Uses the above parameters to locate content to be imported.
 * Called from menu option.
function performImport() {
  // Gets the folder in Drive associated with this application.
  const folder = getFolderByName_(PROJECT_FOLDER_NAME);
  // Gets the Google Docs files found in the folder. 
  const files = getFiles(folder);

  // Warns the user if the folder is empty.
  const ui = DocumentApp.getUi();
  if (files.length === 0) {
    const msg =
      `No files found in the folder '${PROJECT_FOLDER_NAME}'.
      Run '${MENU.SETUP}' | '${MENU.SAMPLES}' from the menu
      if you'd like to create samples files.`
    ui.alert(APP_TITLE, msg, ui.ButtonSet.OK);

  /** Processes main document */
  // Gets the active document and body section.
  const docTarget = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument();
  const docTargetBody = docTarget.getBody();

  // Appends import summary section to the end of the target document. 
  // Adds a horizontal line and a header with today's date and a title string.
  const dateString = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(), Session.getScriptTimeZone(), 'MMMM dd, yyyy');
  const headingText = `Imported: ${dateString}`;
  // Appends a blank paragraph for spacing.
  docTargetBody.appendParagraph(" ");

  /** Process source documents */
  // Iterates through each source document in the folder.
  // Copies and pastes new updates to the main document.
  let noContentList = [];
  let numUpdates = 0;
  for (let id of files) {

    // Opens source document; get info and body.
    const docOpen = DocumentApp.openById(id);
    const docName = docOpen.getName();
    const docHtml = docOpen.getUrl();
    const docBody = docOpen.getBody();

    // Gets summary content from document and returns as object {content:content}
    const content = getContent(docBody);

    // Logs if document doesn't contain content to be imported.
    if (!content) {
    else {
      // Inserts content into the main document.
      // Appends a title/url reference link back to source document.
      // Appends a single-cell table and pastes the content.
  /** Provides an import summary */
  let msg = `Number of documents updated: ${numUpdates}`
  if (noContentList.length != 0) {
    msg += `\n\nThe following documents had no updates:`
    for (let file of noContentList) {
      msg += `\n ${file}`;
  ui.alert(APP_TITLE, msg, ui.ButtonSet.OK);

 * Updates the main document drawing content from source files.
 * Uses the parameters at the top of this file to locate content to import.
 * Called from performImport().
function getContent(body) {

  // Finds the heading paragraph with matching style, keywords and !color.
  var parValidHeading;
  const searchType = DocumentApp.ElementType.PARAGRAPH;
  const searchHeading = APP_STYLE;
  let searchResult = null;

  // Gets and loops through all paragraphs that match the style of APP_STYLE.
  while (searchResult = body.findElement(searchType, searchResult)) {
    let par = searchResult.getElement().asParagraph();
    if (par.getHeading() == searchHeading) {
      // If heading style matches, searches for text string (case insensitive).
      let findPos = par.findText('(?i)' + FIND_TEXT_KEYWORDS);
      if (findPos !== null) {

        // If text color is green, then the paragraph isn't a new summary to copy.
        if (par.editAsText().getForegroundColor() != TEXT_COLOR) {
          parValidHeading = par;

  if (!parValidHeading) {
  } else {
    // Updates the heading color to indicate that the summary has been imported.     
    let style = {};
    style[DocumentApp.Attribute.FOREGROUND_COLOR] = TEXT_COLOR;
    parValidHeading.appendText(" [Exported]");

    // Gets the content from the table following the valid heading.
    let elemObj = parValidHeading.getNextSibling().asTable();
    let content = elemObj.copy();

    return content;

 * Gets the IDs of the Docs files within the folder that contains source files.
 * Called from function performImport().
function getFiles(folder) {
  // Only gets Docs files.
  const files = folder.getFilesByType(MimeType.GOOGLE_DOCS);
  let docIDs = [];
  while (files.hasNext()) {
    let file =;
  return docIDs;

 * Copyright 2022 Google LLC
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

 * This file contains the functions that build the custom menu.
// Menu constants for easy access to update.
const MENU = {
  NAME: 'Import summaries',
  IMPORT: 'Import summaries',
  SETUP: 'Configure',
  NEW_INSTANCE: 'Setup new instance',
  TEMPLATE: 'Create starter template',
  SAMPLES: 'Run demo setup with sample documents'

 * Creates custom menu when the document is opened.
function onOpen() {
  const ui = DocumentApp.getUi();
    .addItem(MENU.IMPORT, 'performImport')
      .addItem(MENU.NEW_INSTANCE, 'setupConfig')
      .addItem(MENU.TEMPLATE, 'createSampleFile')
      .addItem(MENU.SAMPLES, 'setupWithSamples'))
    .addItem('About', 'aboutApp')

 * About box for context and contact.
 * TODO: Personalize
function aboutApp() {
  const msg = `
  Version: 1.0
  Contact: <Developer Email goes here>`

  const ui = DocumentApp.getUi();
  ui.alert("About this application", msg, ui.ButtonSet.OK);

 * Copyright 2022 Google LLC
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

 * This file contains functions that create the template and sample documents.

 * Runs full setup configuration, with option to include samples.
 * Called from menu & setupWithSamples()
 * @param {boolean} includeSamples - Optional, if true creates samples files. * 
function setupConfig(includeSamples) {

  // Gets folder to store documents in.
  const folder = getFolderByName_(PROJECT_FOLDER_NAME)

  let msg =
    `\nDrive Folder for Documents: '${PROJECT_FOLDER_NAME}'
   \nURL: \n${folder.getUrl()}`

  // Creates sample documents for testing.
  // Remove sample document creation and add your own process as needed.
  if (includeSamples) {
    let filesCreated = 0;
    for (let doc of samples.documents) {
      filesCreated += createGoogleDoc(doc, folder, true);
    msg += `\n\nFiles Created: ${filesCreated}`
  const ui = DocumentApp.getUi();
  ui.alert(`${APP_TITLE} [Setup]`, msg, ui.ButtonSet.OK);


 * Creates a single document instance in the application folder.
 * Includes import settings already created [Heading | Keywords | Table]
 * Called from menu. 
function createSampleFile() {

  // Creates a new Google Docs document.
  const templateName = `[Template] ${APP_TITLE}`;
  const doc = DocumentApp.create(templateName);
  const docId = doc.getId();

  const msg = `\nDocument created: '${templateName}'
  \nURL: \n${doc.getUrl()}`

  // Adds template content to the body.
  const body = doc.getBody();


  const dateString = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(), Session.getScriptTimeZone(), 'MMMM dd, yyyy');
  body.appendParagraph(`${FIND_TEXT_KEYWORDS} - ${dateString}`).setHeading(APP_STYLE);

  // Gets folder to store documents in.
  const folder = getFolderByName_(PROJECT_FOLDER_NAME)

  // Moves document to application folder.

  const ui = DocumentApp.getUi();
  ui.alert(`${APP_TITLE} [Template]`, msg, ui.ButtonSet.OK);

 * Configures application for demonstration by setting it up with sample documents.
 * Called from menu | Calls setupConfig with option set to true. 
function setupWithSamples() {

 * Sample document names and demo content. 
 * {object} samples[]
const samples = {
  'documents': [
      'name': 'Project GHI',
      'description': 'Google Workspace Add-on inventory review.',
      'content': 'Reviewed all of the currently in-use and proposed Google Workspace Add-ons. Will perform an assessment on how we can reduce overlap, reduce licensing costs, and limit security exposures. \n\nNext week\'s goal is to report findings back to the Corp Ops team.'
      'name': 'Project DEF',
      'description': 'Improve IT networks within the main corporate building.',
      'content': 'Primarily focused on 2nd thru 5th floors in the main corporate building evaluating the network infrastructure. Benchmarking tests were performed and results are being analyzed. \n\nWill submit all findings, analysis, and recommendations next week for committee review.'
      'name': 'Project ABC',
      'description': 'Assess existing Google Chromebook inventory and recommend upgrades where necessary.',
      'content': 'Concluded a pilot program with the Customer Service department to perform inventory and update inventory records with Chromebook hardware, Chrome OS versions, and installed apps. \n\nScheduling a work plan and seeking necessary go-forward approvals for next week.'
  'common': 'This sample document is configured to work with the Import summaries custom menu. For the import to work, the source documents used must contain a specific keyword (currently set to "Summary"). The keyword must reside in a paragraph with a set style (currently set to "Heading 3") that is directly followed by a single-cell table. The table contains the contents to be imported into the primary document.\n\nWhile those rules might seem precise, it\'s how the application programmatically determines what content is meant to be imported and what can be ignored. Once a summary has been imported, the script updates the heading font to a new color (currently set to Green, hex \'#2e7d32\') to ensure the app ignores it in future imports. You can change these settings in the Apps Script code.'

 * Creates a sample document in application folder.
 * Includes import settings already created [Heading | Keywords | Table].
 * Inserts demo data from samples[].
 * Called from menu. 
function createGoogleDoc(document, folder, duplicate) {

  // Checks for duplicates.
  if (!duplicate) {
    // Doesn't create file of same name if one already exists.
    if (folder.getFilesByName( {
      return 0 // File not created.

  // Creates a new Google Docs document.
  const doc = DocumentApp.create(;
  const docId = doc.getId();

  // Adds boilerplate content to the body.
  const body = doc.getBody();

  body.appendParagraph("Usage Instructions").setHeading(DocumentApp.ParagraphHeading.HEADING1);

  const dateString = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(), Session.getScriptTimeZone(), 'MMMM dd, yyyy');
  body.appendParagraph(`${FIND_TEXT_KEYWORDS} - ${dateString}`).setHeading(APP_STYLE);

  // Moves document to application folder.

  // Returns if successfully created.
  return 1

 * Copyright 2022 Google LLC
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

 * This file contains common utility functions.

 * Returns a Drive folder located in same folder that the application document is located.
 * Checks if the folder exists and returns that folder, or creates new one if not found.
 * @param {string} folderName - Name of the Drive folder. 
 * @return {object} Google Drive folder
function getFolderByName_(folderName) {
  // Gets the Drive folder where the current document is located.
  const docId = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument().getId();
  const parentFolder = DriveApp.getFileById(docId).getParents().next();

  // Iterates subfolders to check if folder already exists.
  const subFolders = parentFolder.getFolders();
  while (subFolders.hasNext()) {
    let folder =;

    // Returns the existing folder if found.
    if (folder.getName() === folderName) {
      return folder;
  // Creates a new folder if one doesn't already exist.
  return parentFolder.createFolder(folderName)
    .setDescription(`Created by ${APP_TITLE} application to store documents to process`);

 * Test function to run getFolderByName_.
 * @logs details of created Google Drive folder.
function test_getFolderByName() {

  // Gets the folder in Drive associated with this application.
  const folder = getFolderByName_(PROJECT_FOLDER_NAME);

  console.log(`Name: ${folder.getName()}\rID: ${folder.getId()}\rURL:${folder.getUrl()}\rDescription: ${folder.getDescription()}`)
  // Uncomment the following to automatically delete the test folder.
  // folder.setTrashed(true);


Cet exemple est géré par Google avec l'aide d'Experts Google Developers.

Étapes suivantes