Preload ads

The Ads Placement API downloads and caches ads for use in adBreak() calls. By default it uses a set of automatic heuristics to determine the best times to download ads. However, these heuristics may mean that an ad has not yet been loaded before the very first placement in your game (such as your first call to adBreak() just as your game is loading).

You can adjust this behaviour using the adConfig() call to force preloading of ads immediately as follows.

<script async
   window.adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || [];
   var adBreak = adConfig = function(o) {adsbygoogle.push(o);}
   adConfig({preloadAdBreaks: 'on'});

Important: If you want to force preloading of ads, you should make this call before the first call to adBreak(). Once you've set a value for preloadAdBreaks, any subsequent attempts to change it are ignored.

To help ensure that ads show early in you game, you can:

  1. Make sure that ads are preloaded by calling adConfig({preloadAdBreaks: 'on'}). This ensures that there is an ad ready to go before the first call to adBreak().
  2. Reduce the data-ad-frequency-hint so that ads show more frequently.