Reply to user reviews

When a user leaves a review of your app on the Google Workspace Marketplace, you can add a reply to address their feedback.

Add a reply to a user review

To reply to a review, you must have basic.editor or basic.owner permission on the app's Google Cloud project. Follow the below steps to reply to a review.

  1. Go to the app listing on the Google Workspace Marketplace.
  2. Click Reviews.
  3. Under the review you want to reply to, click Reply to this review.
  4. In the Write a reply box, enter your reply (up to 2,500 characters).
  5. When you're done, click Submit reply.

Guidelines and policies

The same guidelines and policies that apply to reviews apply to replies.

Tips and guidelines

  • Keep it readable. Avoid excessive capitalization or punctuation. Remember to use proper grammar and check your spelling.
  • Aim for clarity. Post clear, valuable, and honest information.
  • Be polite. Write truthfully, but professionally.


Replies that violate the following policies will be removed:

  • Off-topic replies: Keep your replies relevant to the review you're replying to.
  • Illegal content: Don’t post replies that contain or link to unlawful content, such as links that facilitate the sale of prescription drugs without a prescription.
  • Advertising: Don't use replies to advertise or publish any promotional or commercial content, including affiliate or referral-based content. Google doesn't allow phone numbers, email addresses, or links to other websites in replies.
  • Sexually explicit content: Google doesn't allow replies that contain, promote, or solicit sexually explicit content. Also, Google doesn't allow replies that depict or address children in a sexual manner. For this type of content, Google will remove the reply, shut down the account, and, where applicable, send a report to the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC) and law enforcement.
  • Hate speech: Google doesn't allow replies that promote violence or incite hatred against individuals or groups based on their race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, age, nationality, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or other characteristic associated with systemic discrimination or marginalization.
  • Offensive content: Google will remove content that contains obscene, profane, or offensive language or content.
  • Copyrighted content: Don't post replies that infringe others' rights, including copyright. For more information, go to the Copyright Help Center.
  • Impersonation: Don’t post replies on behalf of others or misrepresent your identity.
  • Personal and confidential information: Don’t post replies that contain personal or confidential information, such as an address, driver's license number, or any other information that’s not publicly accessible.
  • Bullying and harassment: Google doesn't allow individuals to use the Google Workspace Marketplace to harass, bully, or attack other individuals. Google removes replies that represent personal attacks on others.

Repeated or extreme abuse of these policies will result in further disciplinary action, including a ban on your ability to leave replies.