
This section outlines the process for licensees to gain access to specific Widevine repositories.

Access to the Widevine partner repository requires a Google account, which can be created using a valid corporate individual email address. Access from gmail or other personal accounts is not allowed.


Step Description Action
Create a Google Account

Access to the repository requires a Google account.

When registering for a Google account, you must use your company or corporate email address.

We do not allow access from personal email addresses (,,, etc.)

See Creating a Google Account.
Complete Widevine Legal Agreements

Partner access to the repository is contingent upon signing of the Widevine Master License Agreement.

Additional technical discussion may be required to clarify your needs and requirements.

Contact Widevine
Accessing the Widevine Repository

Upon verification of a valid Google account and completion of the Widevine Master License Agreement, Widevine will grant access to the appropriate repository.

Note: If a Widevine Level 1 device integration is being considered, you will need to obtain the appropriate OEMCrypto library from your chipset vendor.

Getting support

Your email address will be part of a group access control list.

Leaving the group will disable your access.

Contact Widevine