Containers: move_tag_id

Move Tag ID out of a Container. Try it now.


HTTP request



Parameter name Value Description
Path parameters
path string GTM Container's API relative path. Example: accounts/{account_id}/containers/{container_id}
Optional query parameters
allowUserPermissionFeatureUpdate boolean Must be set to true to allow features.user_permissions to change from false to true. If this operation causes an update but this bit is false, the operation will fail.
copySettings boolean Whether or not to copy tag settings from this tag to the new tag.
copyTermsOfService boolean Must be set to true to accept all terms of service agreements copied from the current tag to the newly created tag. If this bit is false, the operation will fail.
copyUsers boolean Whether or not to copy users from this tag to the new tag.
tagId string Tag ID to be removed from the current Container.
tagName string The name for the newly created tag.


This request requires authorization with the following scope:


For more information, see the authentication and authorization page.

Request body

Do not supply a request body with this method.


If successful, this method returns a Containers resource in the response body.

Try it!

Use the APIs Explorer below to call this method on live data and see the response.