
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<dspl targetNamespace="http://www.google.com/publicdata/dataset/google/quantity"

  <import namespace="http://www.google.com/publicdata/dataset/google/unit"/>
  <import namespace="http://www.google.com/publicdata/dataset/google/geo"/>
  <import namespace="http://www.google.com/publicdata/dataset/google/time"/>

      <value xml:lang="en">Quantity concepts</value>
      <value xml:lang="en">DSPL quantity concepts.</value>
      <value xml:lang="en">http://code.google.com/apis/publicdata/docs/canonical/quantity.html</value>

      <value xml:lang="en">Google Inc.</value>
      <value xml:lang="en">Google Inc.</value>
      <value xml:lang="en">http://www.google.com</value>

    <concept id="quantity">
          <value xml:lang="en">Quantity</value>
          <value xml:lang="en">
            Base concept for defining concept that represent numerical quantities.
      <type ref="float"/>
      <attribute concept="unit:unit">
          <name><value xml:lang="en">Unit</value></name>
            <value xml:lang="en">The unit of the quantity</value>
      <attribute id="significant_digits">
            <value xml:lang="en">Number of significant digits</value>
            <value xml:lang="en">
              Specifies the number of significant digits to use when displaying the
              values of a metric concept.
        <type ref="integer"/>
      <attribute id="decimal_places">
            <value xml:lang="en">Number of decimal places</value>
            <value xml:lang="en">
              Specifies the number of decimal places to use for displaying the
              values of a metric concept.
        <type ref="integer"/>

    <concept id="amount" extends="quantity">
          <value xml:lang="en">Amount</value>
          <value xml:lang="en">
            Indicates that a numeric concept is an amount, i.e., a count
            of discrete elements.

            Example concept: Population, Gross Domestic Product.

    <concept id="magnitude" extends="quantity">
          <value xml:lang="en">Magnitude</value>
          <value xml:lang="en">
            Indicates that a numeric concept is a magnitude, i.e., a continuous
            quantity that is measurable.

            Example concepts: Temperature.

    <concept id="fraction" extends="magnitude">
          <value xml:lang="en">Fraction</value>
          <value xml:lang="en">
            Indicates that a numeric concept represents a fraction, i.e.,
            the division of two quantities.
      <attribute id="denominator">
          <name><value xml:lang="en">Denominator</value></name>
            <value xml:lang="en">The denominator of the fraction.</value>
        <type ref="concept"/>
      <attribute id="numerator">
          <name><value xml:lang="en">Numerator</value></name>
            <value xml:lang="en">The numerator of the fraction.</value>
        <type ref="concept"/>

    <concept id="ratio" extends="fraction">
          <value xml:lang="en">Ratio</value>
          <value xml:lang="en">
            Indicates that a numeric concept is a ratio, i.e., a fraction of two
            quantities of the same nature.

            Example concept: Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary education.
      <attribute id="is_percentage">
            <value xml:lang="en">Is percentage</value>
            <value xml:lang="en">
              Set to true if this ratio is a percentage, set to false
        <type ref="boolean"/>
      <attribute id="percentage_of">
            <value xml:lang="en">Percentage of</value>
            <value xml:lang="en">
              If this is a percentage, this attribute provides a descriptive text
              to display next to number that specifies what this is a percentage of.

              For instance, the "unemployment rate" metric has a percentage_of
              attribute set to: "of the labor force" to that the value reads
              "10.5% of the labor force".
        <type ref="string"/>

    <concept id="index" extends="rate">
          <value xml:lang="en">Index</value>
          <value xml:lang="en">
            A quantity that shows by its variations the changes of a magnitude
            over time or space, often normalized to a reference value.

            Example concept: Consumer Price Index.
      <attribute id="base_value" concept="quantity">
          <name><value xml:lang="en">Base value</value></name>
            <value>The reference value for the index (e.g., 100).</value>
      <attribute id="base_time" concept="time:time_point">
          <name><value xml:lang="en">Base time</value></name>
            <value>The reference time the index is defined for.</value>
      <attribute id="base_location" concept="geo:location">
          <name><value xml:lang="en">Base location</value></name>
            <value xml:lang="en">The reference location the index is defined for.</value>

    <concept id="rate" extends="ratio">
          <value xml:lang="en">Rate</value>
          <value xml:lang="en">
            A quantity considered as a proportion of another quantity.

            Example concepts: Literacy rate, GDP per Capita, unemployment rate.

    <concept id="change_rate" extends="rate">
          <value xml:lang="en">Change rate</value>
          <value xml:lang="en">
            The rate at which some quantity changes.

            Example concept: GDP growth rate.
      <attribute id="base_quantity">
            <value xml:lang="en">Base quantity</value>
            <value xml:lang="en">
              The quantity (concept) that this is a change rate for.
        <type ref="concept"/>