
We strongly recommend that the <area> entity defines the geographic area to be notified, not the incident area.

In the case of a tropical storm, we recommend that the <area> entity contains <polygon> or <geocode> elements that denote the places where you expect impacts from strong winds, heavy rain, or other threats from the storm. If a storm is still offshore, then don't set the <area> entity of your CAP alert to the storm's current location.

Similarly, in the case of a forest fire, we recommend that the <area> entity data also includes towns or places where you expect impacts from smoke or other threats from the fire.

area entity sub-elements

Element name Optionality Type CAP and Google notes and requirements
<areaDesc> REQUIRED string

To generate the location text string used in the alert title or headline, Google might use an <areaDesc> element. Keep the <areaDesc> value short (less than 50 characters).

<polygon> OPTIONAL string

The paired value points in a <polygon> element define a polygon that delineates the area to alert in an alert message. We recommend that you represent the <polygon> element by a whitespace-delimited list of WGS84 coordinate pairs.

Polygons must meet the following requirements:

  • They must be closed.
  • They can't overlap.
  • Holes (like in donut-shaped polygons) and intersections aren't supported.
  • A minimum of four coordinate pairs are required. The first and last pairs of coordinates must be the same.
<circle> OPTIONAL string

The <circle> element consists of paired point-and-radius values that delineate the area to alert in the form of an alert message. We recommend that you represent the <circle> element by a central point: a WGS84 coordinate pair followed by a space character and a radius value in kilometers.

Note: If you specify a circle with zero or a very small radius, Google can't show the alert to our users.

<geocode> OPTIONAL string

Define the <geocode> element with values from a accessible and open dataset of polygons. As an example, in the US, these values come from the following data sources:

  • FIPS6
  • UGC code
  • SAME
  • US Zip Code

If you use geocodes, provide Google with a fixed list of geocode-to-polygon and shapefile maps. To post notices of updates to this list, use a separate channel, preferably as RSS or email alerts. For example, US NOAA publicly publishes their geocode updates.

<altitude> OPTIONAL float

The value of the <altitude> element is the specific or minimum altitude of the affected area of the alert message. Provide this measurement in feet above mean sea level according to WGS84 datum.

<ceiling> CONDITIONAL float

Use the <ceiling> element only if the <alert> entity contains an <altitude> element. The value of the <ceiling> element is the maximum altitude of the affected area of the alert message. Provide this measurement in feet above mean sea level according to WGS84 datum.


    <polygon>14.473860833486,120.9718174024 14.347454023196,121.01386683476
     14.142014336735,121.03024107602 14.063075455227,120.85558468426
     14.221664765773,120.59001887699 14.473860833486,

    <areaDesc>107 km SouthWest DENPASAR-BALI</areaDesc>
    <circle>-9.63,115.12 300.0</circle>