Get started with Virtual Cards in Google Pay Autofill

To add support for Virtual Cards in Google Pay Autofill, financial services companies need to complete two legal agreements (a Non-disclosure agreement and a Virtual Cards agreement) and complete a technical integration with Google. Reach out to your Google contact to start the integration process.

Non-disclosure agreement (NDA)

If you are planning to launch support for Virtual Cards, reach out to your Google contact to request both the NDA and the Virtual Cards agreement. You must accept the NDA before the Virtual Cards agreement process is initiated. The NDA is required to start your technical integration.

Virtual Cards agreement

After you complete the NDA, your Google contact initiates the Virtual Cards agreement process. The Virtual Cards agreement is a standard agreement and not customizable; it's required to launch your Virtual Cards integration.

Getting started

Once you have accepted the NDA you are ready to begin the integration! This documentation aims to guide you through the services that you must build and the services provided to you by Google for Virtual Cards. The Guides section of this site describes the steps (see Implementation steps) to connect, test, and launch using the Virtual Cards API, whereas Reference describes the APIs. Finally, the Support section contains FAQ and Get help page in case you have questions about your integration.