Method: getGeneratePaymentTokenRedirectStatus

Get completion details about a specific redirect payment. If the user never redirected back to Google or there was a problem with the redirect, this API will be called to obtain the final result of a payment.

An example request looks like:

  "requestHeader": {
    "protocolVersion": {
      "major": 1,
      "minor": 1,
      "revision": 0
    "requestId": "cmVxdWVzdDE",
    "requestTimestamp": "1481907920000"
  "redirectRequestId": "cmVxdWVzdDE"

An example response looks like:

  "responseHeader": {
    "responseTimestamp": "1481899949611"
  "result": {
    "success": {}

HTTP request


Request body

The request body contains data with the following structure:

JSON representation
  "requestHeader": {
    object (RequestHeader)
  "redirectRequestId": string

object (RequestHeader)

REQUIRED: Common header for all requests.



REQUIRED: The requestId sent in the original/initiating redirect payment request.

This is a string that has a max length of 100 characters, and contains only the characters "a-z", "A-Z", "0-9", ":", "-", and "_".

Response body

Response object for the redirect-payment-token-v1.getGeneratePaymentTokenRedirectStatus method.

If successful, the response body contains data with the following structure:

JSON representation
  "responseHeader": {
    object (ResponseHeader)
  "result": {
    object (GeneratePaymentTokenRedirectResult)

object (ResponseHeader)

REQUIRED: Common header for all responses.


object (GeneratePaymentTokenRedirectResult)

REQUIRED: Result of this redirect payment.


Result details of the redirect payment.

JSON representation

  // Union field result can be only one of the following:
  "success": {
    object (Empty)
  "pending": {
    object (Empty)
  "chargeExceedsTransactionLimit": {
    object (Empty)
  "chargeUnderLimit": {
    object (Empty)
  "insufficientFunds": {
    object (Empty)
  "accountDoesNotSupportCurrency": {
    object (Empty)
  "userExitedGeneratePaymentTokenFlow": {
    object (Empty)
  "riskDeclined": {
    object (Empty)
  // End of list of possible types for union field result.
Union field result. The result of the redirect payment. The message specifies if this payment was successful, declined, or pending. result can be only one of the following:

object (Empty)

Successful redirect payment, deliver the goods.


object (Empty)

Payment is pending a final answer. This is a non-terminal state to indiciate the token generation was inconclusive and will resolve to be a success or decline in the future via a generatePaymentTokenRedirectCompleteNotification.

Depending on the Google product being purchased, if it takes too long for the integrator to tell Google the payment was successful, the payment may be considered canceled due to the user dropping out of session. A payment that is late in being marked successful (for some products) will immediately be refunded after the payment was reported as success.

A pending result should not be used to indicate system errors, those should be reported using the ErrorResponse.


object (Empty)

This redirect payment token request amount exceeds per-transaction limit.


object (Empty)

This redirect payment request amount does not meet the minimum transaction amount.


object (Empty)

This account does not have sufficient funds to guarantee this redirect payment token request.


object (Empty)

This account does not support the requested currency.


object (Empty)

User canceled the whole payment attempt. At any point in the payment flow, the user performed an action that canceled the payment. This should be used only when the payment will not complete in the future.


object (Empty)

The transaction was declined due to a risk check done by the integrator.


This type has no fields.

This object is used for extensibility because booleans and enumerations often need to be extended with extra data. The implementer uses it to determine presence. The enumeration this represents may be extended to contain data in future versions.

The JSON representation for Empty is empty JSON object {}.