
Results for transfer

JSON representation

  // Union field result can be only one of the following:
  "success": {
    object (Empty)
  "chargeExceedsTransactionLimit": {
    object (ChargeExceedsTransactionLimit)
  "chargeExceedsDailyLimit": {
    object (ChargeExceedsDailyLimit)
  "chargeExceedsMonthlyLimit": {
    object (ChargeExceedsMonthlyLimit)
  "chargeUnderLimit": {
    object (ChargeUnderLimit)
  "insufficientFunds": {
    object (InsufficientFunds)
  "accountDoesNotSupportCurrency": {
    object (AccountDoesNotSupportCurrency)
  "accountClosed": {
    object (AccountClosed)
  "accountClosedAccountTakenOver": {
    object (AccountClosedAccountTakenOver)
  "accountOnHold": {
    object (AccountOnHold)
  "accountClosedFraud": {
    object (AccountClosedFraud)
  "googlePaymentTokenInvalidatedByUser": {
    object (GooglePaymentTokenInvalidatedByUser)
  "tokenRefreshRequired": {
    object (TokenRefreshRequired)
  "payeeProxyNotRegistered": {
    object (PayeeProxyNotRegistered)
  // End of list of possible types for union field result.

Union field result.

result can be only one of the following:


object (Empty)

Successful transfer.


object (ChargeExceedsTransactionLimit)

This transfer request's amount exceeds per-transaction limit. If this code is used populate the transactionLimit field for user messaging purposes.


object (ChargeExceedsDailyLimit)

This account cannot be used for transfers right now as it has exceeded its daily limits.


object (ChargeExceedsMonthlyLimit)

This account cannot be used for transfers right now as it has exceeded its monthly limits.


object (ChargeUnderLimit)

This transfer request's amount does not meet the minimum transaction amount.


object (InsufficientFunds)

This account does not have sufficient funds to guarantee this transfer.


object (AccountDoesNotSupportCurrency)

This account does not support the requested currency.


object (AccountClosed)

The user's account held with the integrator has been closed.

Returning this value will cause the user's instrument to be closed with Google. The user will be forced to add a new instrument by going through the association flow again.


object (AccountClosedAccountTakenOver)

The user's account with the integrator has been closed, suspected account take over.

Returning this value will cause the user's instrument to be closed with Google. The user will be forced to add a new instrument by going through the association flow again.


object (AccountOnHold)

The account is on hold.


object (AccountClosedFraud)

The user's account held with the integrator has been closed because of fraud.

Returning this value will cause the user's instrument to be closed with Google. The user will be forced to add a new instrument by going through the association flow again.


object (GooglePaymentTokenInvalidatedByUser)

The account is active, but the GPT has been invalidated by the user on the integrator's side.

Returning this value will cause the user's instrument to be closed with Google. The user will be forced to add a new instrument by going through the association flow again.


object (TokenRefreshRequired)

Returning this requires the user to go through a refresh flow.


object (PayeeProxyNotRegistered)

The payee proxy is not registered.


This payment request's amount exceeds per-transaction limit. If this code is used populate the transactionLimit field for user messaging purposes.

JSON representation
  "rawResult": {
    object (RawResult)

  // Union field limit can be only one of the following:
  "transactionLimit": {
    object (Amount)
  // End of list of possible types for union field limit.

object (RawResult)

OPTIONAL: Raw result of this event. Used to help inform Google's risk engine and analytics. In decline code–mapping situations, data is sometimes lost. The integrator can choose to give Google a raw code. For example, a credit card gateway (the integrator) may use this field to communicate to Google the exact decline code that was received from the VISA network. In that case, the scope would be "visa" and the rawCode would be whatever the VISA network returned.

Union field limit. REQUIRED: The per-transaction limit which was exceeded by this transaction. limit can be only one of the following:

object (Amount)

REQUIRED: This is the maximum amount the user could spend on a transaction.

The currencyCode of transactionLimit must match the currencyCode of the request.


This account cannot be used for purchases right now as it has exceeded its daily amount limits.

JSON representation
  "rawResult": {
    object (RawResult)

object (RawResult)

OPTIONAL: Raw result of this event. Used to help inform Google's risk engine and analytics. In decline code–mapping situations, data is sometimes lost. The integrator can choose to give Google a raw code. For example, a credit card gateway (the integrator) may use this field to communicate to Google the exact decline code that was received from the VISA network. In that case, the scope would be "visa" and the rawCode would be whatever the VISA network returned.


This account cannot be used for purchases right now as it has exceeded its monthly amount limits.

JSON representation
  "rawResult": {
    object (RawResult)

object (RawResult)

OPTIONAL: Raw result of this event. Used to help inform Google's risk engine and analytics. In decline code–mapping situations, data is sometimes lost. The integrator can choose to give Google a raw code. For example, a credit card gateway (the integrator) may use this field to communicate to Google the exact decline code that was received from the VISA network. In that case, the scope would be "visa" and the rawCode would be whatever the VISA network returned.


This request's amount does not meet the minimum transaction amount.

JSON representation
  "rawResult": {
    object (RawResult)
  "minimumTransactionLimit": {
    object (Amount)

object (RawResult)

OPTIONAL: Raw result of this event. Used to help inform Google's risk engine and analytics. In decline code–mapping situations, data is sometimes lost. The integrator can choose to give Google a raw code. For example, a credit card gateway (the integrator) may use this field to communicate to Google the exact decline code that was received from the VISA network. In that case, the scope would be "visa" and the rawCode would be whatever the VISA network returned.


object (Amount)

OPTIONAL: This is the minimum amount the user could spend on a transaction. Note: this field will transition to REQUIRED in a future version of the API.


This account does not have sufficient funds to guarantee this capture.

JSON representation
  "rawResult": {
    object (RawResult)
  "currentBalance": {
    object (Amount)

object (RawResult)

OPTIONAL: Raw result of this event. Used to help inform Google's risk engine and analytics. In decline code–mapping situations, data is sometimes lost. The integrator can choose to give Google a raw code. For example, a credit card gateway (the integrator) may use this field to communicate to Google the exact decline code that was received from the VISA network. In that case, the scope would be "visa" and the rawCode would be whatever the VISA network returned.


object (Amount)

OPTIONAL: This is the current available balance for the account. If provided, this value will be included in user-facing messaging.


The user's account with the integrator has been closed, suspected account take over.

JSON representation
  "rawResult": {
    object (RawResult)

object (RawResult)

OPTIONAL: Raw result of this event. Used to help inform Google's risk engine and analytics. In decline code–mapping situations, data is sometimes lost. The integrator can choose to give Google a raw code. For example, a credit card gateway (the integrator) may use this field to communicate to Google the exact decline code that was received from the VISA network. In that case, the scope would be "visa" and the rawCode would be whatever the VISA network returned.


The account is on hold.

JSON representation
  "rawResult": {
    object (RawResult)

object (RawResult)

OPTIONAL: Raw result of this event. Used to help inform Google's risk engine and analytics. In decline code–mapping situations, data is sometimes lost. The integrator can choose to give Google a raw code. For example, a credit card gateway (the integrator) may use this field to communicate to Google the exact decline code that was received from the VISA network. In that case, the scope would be "visa" and the rawCode would be whatever the VISA network returned.


The user's account held with the integrator has been closed because of fraud.

JSON representation
  "rawResult": {
    object (RawResult)

object (RawResult)

OPTIONAL: Raw result of this event. Used to help inform Google's risk engine and analytics. In decline code–mapping situations, data is sometimes lost. The integrator can choose to give Google a raw code. For example, a credit card gateway (the integrator) may use this field to communicate to Google the exact decline code that was received from the VISA network. In that case, the scope would be "visa" and the rawCode would be whatever the VISA network returned.


The account is active, but the GPT has been invalidated by the user on the integrator's side.

JSON representation
  "rawResult": {
    object (RawResult)

object (RawResult)

OPTIONAL: Raw result of this event. Used to help inform Google's risk engine and analytics. In decline code–mapping situations, data is sometimes lost. The integrator can choose to give Google a raw code. For example, a credit card gateway (the integrator) may use this field to communicate to Google the exact decline code that was received from the VISA network. In that case, the scope would be "visa" and the rawCode would be whatever the VISA network returned.


Returning this requires the user to go through a refresh flow.

JSON representation
  "rawResult": {
    object (RawResult)

object (RawResult)

OPTIONAL: Raw result of this event. Used to help inform Google's risk engine and analytics. In decline code–mapping situations, data is sometimes lost. The integrator can choose to give Google a raw code. For example, a credit card gateway (the integrator) may use this field to communicate to Google the exact decline code that was received from the VISA network. In that case, the scope would be "visa" and the rawCode would be whatever the VISA network returned.