Android content provider for Gmail

The Android Gmail app includes a content provider that third party developers can use to retrieve label information like name and unread count, and stay updated as that information changes. For example, an app or widget could display the unread count of a specific account's inbox.

Before using this content provider, call the GmailContract.canReadLabels(Context) method to determine whether the user's version of the Gmail app supports these queries.

Find a valid Gmail account to query

An app must first find the email address of a valid Gmail account to query for label information. With the GET_ACCOUNTS permission, the AccountManager can return this information:

// Get the account list, and pick the first one
final String ACCOUNT_TYPE_GOOGLE = "";
final String[] FEATURES_MAIL = {
AccountManager.get(this).getAccountsByTypeAndFeatures(ACCOUNT_TYPE_GOOGLE, FEATURES_MAIL,
        new AccountManagerCallback() {
            public void run(AccountManagerFuture future) {
                Account[] accounts = null;
                try {
                    accounts = future.getResult();
                    if (accounts != null && accounts.length > 0) {
                        String selectedAccount = accounts[0].name;

                } catch (OperationCanceledException oce) {
                    // TODO: handle exception
                } catch (IOException ioe) {
                    // TODO: handle exception
                } catch (AuthenticatorException ae) {
                    // TODO: handle exception
        }, null /* handler */);

Query the content provider

With an email address selected, you can then obtain a ContentProvider URI to query against. We've provided a simple class called to construct the URI and define the columns returned.

An app can query this URI directly — or better yet, use a CursorLoader — to obtain a Cursor with information for all labels on an account:

Cursor labelsCursor = getContentResolver().query(GmailContract.Labels.getLabelsUri(selectedAccount), null, null, null, null);

With the data in this cursor, you can then persist the URI value in the GmailContract.Labels.URI column to query and watch for changes on a single label.

The NAME value for pre-defined labels can vary by locale, so don't use GmailContract.Labels.NAME. Instead, you can programmatically identify pre-defined labels like Inbox, Sent or Drafts using the String value in the GmailContract.Labels.CANONICAL_NAME column:

// loop through the cursor and find the Inbox
if (labelsCursor != null) {
    final String inboxCanonicalName = GmailContract.Labels.LabelCanonicalName.CANONICAL_NAME_INBOX;
    final int canonicalNameIndex = labelsCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(GmailContract.Labels.CANONICAL_NAME);
    while (labelsCursor.moveToNext()) {
        if (inboxCanonicalName.equals(labelsCursor.getString(canonicalNameIndex))) {
            // this row corresponds to the Inbox

For more help, read Content provider basics

Review an example

To see an example of this content provider in action, download a sample app.