Timeline: get

Requer autorização

Recebe um único item da linha do tempo por ID. Veja um exemplo.

Este endpoint retorna os metadados do item de linha do tempo. Consulte Mirror.attachments.get para saber como fazer o download do conteúdo de anexos do item da linha do tempo.


Solicitação HTTP

GET https://www.googleapis.com/mirror/v1/timeline/id


Nome do parâmetro Valor Descrição
Parâmetros de caminho
id string ID do item de linha do tempo.


Esta solicitação requer autorização com pelo menos um dos seguintes escopos (leia mais sobre autenticação e autorização).


Corpo da solicitação

Não forneça um corpo de solicitação com este método.


Se for bem-sucedido, este método retornará um recurso Timeline no corpo da resposta.


Observação: os exemplos de código disponíveis para esse método não representam todas as linguagens de programação compatíveis. Consulte a página de bibliotecas cliente para ver uma lista de linguagens compatíveis.


Usa a biblioteca cliente de Java.

import com.google.api.services.mirror.Mirror;
import com.google.api.services.mirror.model.Attachment;
import com.google.api.services.mirror.model.Contact;
import com.google.api.services.mirror.model.NotificationConfig;
import com.google.api.services.mirror.model.TimelineItem;

import java.io.IOException;

public class MyClass {
  // ...

   * Print some timeline item metadata information.
   * @param service Authorized Mirror service.
   * @param itemId ID of the timeline item to print metadata information for.
  public static void printTimelineItemMetadata(Mirror service, String itemId) {
    try {
      TimelineItem timelineItem = service.timeline().get(itemId).execute();

      System.out.println("Timeline item ID: " + timelineItem.getId());
      if (timelineItem.getIsDeleted()) {
        System.out.println("Timeline item has been deleted");
      } else {
        Contact creator = timelineItem.getCreator();
        if (creator != null) {
          System.out.println("Timeline item created by " + creator.getDisplayName());
        System.out.println("Timeline item created on " + timelineItem.getCreated().toStringRfc3339());
        System.out.println("Timeline item displayed on "
            + timelineItem.getDisplayTime().toStringRfc3339());
        String inReplyTo = timelineItem.getInReplyTo();
        if (inReplyTo != null && inReplyTo.length() > 0) {
          System.out.println("Timeline item is a reply to " + inReplyTo);
        String text = timelineItem.getText();
        if (text != null && text.length() > 0) {
          System.out.println("Timeline item has text: " + text);
        for (Contact contact : timelineItem.getRecipients()) {
          System.out.println("Timeline item is shared with: " + contact.getId());
        NotificationConfig notification = timelineItem.getNotification();
        if (notification != null) {
          System.out.println("Notification delivery time: "
              + notification.getDeliveryTime().toStringRfc3339());
          System.out.println("Notification level: " + notification.getLevel());
        // See mirror.timeline.attachments.get to learn how to download the attachment's content.
        for (Attachment attachment : timelineItem.getAttachments()) {
          System.out.println("Attachment ID: " + attachment.getId());
          System.out.println("  > Content-Type: " + attachment.getContentType());
    } catch (IOException e) {
      System.err.println("An error occurred: " + e);

  // ...


Usa a biblioteca do cliente.NET.

using System;

using Google.Apis.Mirror.v1;
using Google.Apis.Mirror.v1.Data;

public class MyClass {
  // ...

  /// <summary>
  /// Print some timeline item metadata information.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name='service'>Authorized Mirror service.</param>
  /// <param name='itemId'>
  /// ID of the timeline item to print metadata information for.
  /// </param>
  public static void PrintTimelineItemMetadata(MirrorService service,
      String itemId) {
    try {
      TimelineItem timelineItem = service.Timeline.Get(itemId).Fetch();

      Console.WriteLine("Timeline item ID: " + timelineItem.Id);
      if (timelineItem.IsDeleted.HasValue && timelineItem.IsDeleted.Value) {
        Console.WriteLine("Timeline item has been deleted");
      } else {
        Contact creator = timelineItem.Creator;
        if (creator != null) {
          Console.WriteLine("Timeline item created by " + creator.DisplayName);
        Console.WriteLine("Timeline item created on " + timelineItem.Created);
            "Timeline item displayed on " + timelineItem.DisplayTime);
        String inReplyTo = timelineItem.InReplyTo;
        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(inReplyTo)) {
          Console.WriteLine("Timeline item is a reply to " + inReplyTo);
        String text = timelineItem.Text;
        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) {
          Console.WriteLine("Timeline item has text: " + text);
        foreach (Contact contact in timelineItem.Recipients) {
          Console.WriteLine("Timeline item is shared with: " + contact.Id);
        NotificationConfig notification = timelineItem.Notification;
        if (notification != null) {
              "Notification delivery time: " + notification.DeliveryTime);
          Console.WriteLine("Notification level: " + notification.Level);
        // See mirror.timeline.attachments.get to learn how to download the
        // attachment's content.
        foreach (Attachment attachment in timelineItem.Attachments) {
          Console.WriteLine("Attachment ID: " + attachment.Id);
          Console.WriteLine("  > Content-Type: " + attachment.ContentType);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      Console.WriteLine("An error occurred: " + e.Message);

  // ...


Usa a biblioteca cliente de PHP.

 * Print some timeline item metadata information.
 * @param Google_MirrorService $service Authorized Mirror service.
 * @param string $itemId ID of the timeline item to print metadata
 *                       information for.
function printTimelineItemMetadata($service, $itemId) {
  try {
    $timelineItem = $service->timeline->get($itemId);

    print 'Timeline item ID: ' . $timelineItem->getId();
    if ($timelineItem->getIsDeleted()) {
      print 'Timeline item has been deleted';
    } else {
      $creator = $timelineItem->getCreator();
      if ($creator != null) {
        print 'Timeline item created by ' . $creator->getDisplayName();
      print 'Timeline item created on ' . $timelineItem->getCreated();
      print 'Timeline item displayed on ' . $timelineItem->getDisplayTime();
      $inReplyTo = $timelineItem->getInReplyTo();
      if ($inReplyTo != null) {
        print 'Timeline item is a reply to ' . $inReplyTo;
      $text = $timelineItem->getText();
      if ($text != null) {
        print 'Timeline item has text: ' . $text;
      } else {
        foreach ($timelineItem->getHtml() as $html) {
          print 'Timeline item has HTML: ' . $html;
      foreach ($timelineItem->getRecipients() as $contacts) {
        print 'Timeline item is shared with: ' . $contact->getId();
      $notification = $timelineItem->getNotification();
      if ($notification != null) {
        print 'Notification delivery time: ' . $notification->getDeliveryTime();
        print 'Notification level: ' . $notification->getLevel();
  } catch (Exception $e) {
    print 'An error occurred: ' . $e->getMessage();


Usa a biblioteca cliente de Python.

from apiclient import errors
# ...

def print_timeline_item_metadata(service, timeline_id):
  """Print some timeline item metadata information.

    service: Authorized Mirror service.
    item_id: ID of the timeline item to print metadata information for.
    timeline_item = service.timeline().get(id=item_id).execute()

    print 'Timeline item ID:  %s' % timeline_item.get('id')
    if timeline_item.get('isDeleted'):
      print 'Timeline item has been deleted'
      creator = timeline_item.get('creator')
      if creator:
        print 'Timeline item created by  %s' % creator.get('displayName')
      print 'Timeline item created on  %s' % timeline_item.get('created')
      print 'Timeline item displayed on %s' % timeline_item.get('displayTime')
      in_reply_to = timeline_item.get('inReplyTo')
      if in_reply_to:
        print 'Timeline item is a reply to  %s' % in_reply_to
      text = timeline_item.get('text')
      if text:
        print 'Timeline item has text:  %s' % text
      for contact in timeline_item.get('recipients', []):
        print 'Timeline item is shared with:  %s' % contact.get('id')
      notification = timeline_item.get('notification')
      if notification:
        print 'Notification delivery time: %s' % (
        print 'Notification level:  %s' % notification.get('level')
      # See mirror.timeline.attachments.get to learn how to download the
      # attachment's content.
      for attachment in timeline_item.get('attachments', []):      
        print 'Attachment ID: %s' % attachment.get('id')
        print '  > Content-Type: %s' % attachment.get('contentType') 
  except errors.HttpError, error:
    print 'An error occurred: %s' % error


Usa a biblioteca de cliente Ruby.

# Print some Timeline Item metadata information.
# @param [Google::APIClient] client
#   Authorized client instance.
# @param [string] item_id
#   ID of the timeline item to print metadata information for.
# @return nil
def print_timeline_item_metadata(client, item_id)
  mirror = client.discovered_api('mirror', 'v1')
  result = client.execute(
    :api_method => mirror.timeline.get,
    :parameters => { 'id' => item_id })
  if result.success?
    timeline_item = result.data
    puts "Timeline item ID:  #{timeline_item.id}"
    if timeline_item.is_deleted
      puts "Timeline item has been deleted"
      creator = timeline_item.creator
      if creator
        puts "Timeline item created by #{creator.display_name}"
      puts "Timeline created on #{timeline_item.created}"
      puts "Timeline displayed on #{timeline_item.display_time}"
      in_reply_to = timeline_item.in_reply_to
      if in_reply_to
        puts "Timeline item is a reply to #{in_reply_to}"
      text = timeline_item.text
      if text
        puts "Timeline item has text: #{text}"
      html = timeline_item.html
      if html
        puts "Timeline item has html: #{html}"
      timeline_item.recipients.each do |contact|
        puts "Timeline item is shared with:  #{contact.id}"
      notification = timeline_item.notification
      if notification
        puts "Notification delivery time: #{notification.delivery_time}"
        puts "Notification level: #{notification.level}"
    puts "An error occurred: #{result.data['error']['message']}"


Usa a biblioteca de cliente Go.

import (

// PrintTimelineItemMetadata some timeline item metadata information.
func PrintTimelineItemMetadata(g *mirror.Service, itemId string) error {
	t, err := g.Timeline.Get(itemId).Do()
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("An error occurred: %v\n", err)
		return err
	fmt.Printf("Timeline item ID: %s\n", t.Id)
	if t.IsDeleted {
		fmt.Printf("Timeline item has been deleted\n")
	} else {
		if t.Creator != nil {
			fmt.Printf("Timeline item created by %s\n", t.Creator.DisplayName)
		fmt.Printf("Timeline item created on %s\n", t.Created)
		fmt.Printf("Timeline item displayed on %s\n", t.DisplayTime)
		if t.InReplyTo != "" {
			fmt.Printf("Timeline item is a reply to %s\n", t.InReplyTo)
		if t.Text != "" {
			fmt.Printf("Timeline item has text: %s\n", t.Text)
		for _, s := range t.Recipients {
			fmt.Printf("Timeline item is shared with: %s\n", s.Id)
		if t.Notification != nil {
			n := t.Notification
			fmt.Printf("Notification delivery time: %s\n", n.DeliveryTime)
			fmt.Printf("Notification level: %s\n", n.Level)
		for _, a := range t.Attachments {
			fmt.Printf("Attachment ID: %s\n", a.Id)
			fmt.Printf("  > Content-Type: %s\n", a.ContentType)
	return nil

HTTP bruto

Não usa uma biblioteca de cliente.

GET /mirror/v1/timeline HTTP/1.1
Host: www.googleapis.com
Authorization: Bearer auth token