Usage Limits

  1. Quota limitations
  2. Requesting additional quota
  3. Write-quota limitations

Quota limitations

Freebase allows developers a free quota of up to 100,000 (one hundred thousand) read calls per day per person or organization, and a write quota of 10k writes per day. We believe this meets the needs of the vast majority of developers.

If you find yourself needing more than 100k API calls, consider downloading the data dumps and querying the data locally.

Requesting additional quota

It's also possible to request a higher quota from the APIs Console.

  1. Go to the APIs Console
  2. Click on Quotas
  3. Click on Request more... for the Freebase API.

If you have additional quota on your account, you will need to use an API key to take advantage of that quota.

Users who requested additional quota have the same quota on both production and sandbox servers.

Write quota limitations

In order to use MQL Write, developers must contact Freebase first. See Using MQL Write.

The MQL Write quota that is granted is high enough to be sufficient for most applications. Default quotas on the production and sandbox servers are 10,000 writes per day.

If you reach your quota limit, the error message is "/api/status/error/mql/access Too many writes."