Using the API

This document describes what you need to know to use the Google Civic Information API. You can look at this Civic Info API FAQ that has some basic info about the API as well as frequently asked questions from our user forum. Additionally, you can see two examples below, first for looking up voter information during an election, and second for looking up elected representatives.

Identifying your application to Google

Your application needs to identify itself every time it sends a request to the Google Civic Information API, by including an API key with each request.

Acquiring and using an API key

To acquire an API key:

  1. Open the Credentials page in the API Console.
  2. This API supports two types of credentials. Create whichever credentials are appropriate for your project:
    • OAuth 2.0: Whenever your application requests private user data, it must send an OAuth 2.0 token along with the request. Your application first sends a client ID and, possibly, a client secret to obtain a token. You can generate OAuth 2.0 credentials for web applications, service accounts, or installed applications.

      Note: Since this API doesn't have any methods that require OAuth 2.0 authorization, you might only need to obtain API keys, which are described below. However, if your application calls other APIs that require user authorization, then you still need OAuth 2.0 credentials.

      For more information, see the OAuth 2.0 documentation.

    • API keys: A request that does not provide an OAuth 2.0 token must send an API key. The key identifies your project and provides API access, quota, and reports.

      The API supports several types of restrictions on API keys. If the API key that you need doesn't already exist, then create an API key in the Console by clicking Create credentials  > API key. You can restrict the key before using it in production by clicking Restrict key and selecting one of the Restrictions.

To keep your API keys secure, follow the best practices for securely using API keys.

After you have an API key, your application can append the query parameter key=yourAPIKey to all request URLs.

The API key is safe for embedding in URLs; it doesn't need any encoding.

API key restrictions

Your API key is unrestricted by default, which is insecure if anyone can either read this key (if placed within a browser, for example) or access the device on which the key is placed. We recommend you place a restriction on this API key to inhibit unauthorized usage.

To add a restriction, click on Restrict key within the API key created dialog box. The API key configuration panel will appear:

The type of restriction you select will depend on your application needs:

  • Web applications interacting directly with the API (that is, not through any backend or middleware) should add an HTTP referrers restriction. Note, however, that such applications will expose their API key publicly; prefer using a service account auth scheme instead.
  • Backend applications that cannot otherwise support service accounts (for example, embedded devices that do not have a supported language in the client library) should add an IP addresses restriction to guard against usage from clients at different IP addresses.
  • Android applications should add an Android apps restriction and add your package name and SHA-1 signing-certificate fingerprint.
  • iOS applications should add an iOS apps restriction and add any iOS bundle identifiers to restrict API calls to these iOS bundles.

For testing, you might not want to place any restriction at all. However, it is recommended that you either add a restriction to this key or delete it once you deploy your application to production.

electionQuery example

Here's an example (using API version 'v2') of calling the electionQuery API to obtain a list of valid election IDs, then using the voterInfoQuery API with a voter's registered address to obtain information for a selected election.

Use electionQuery to get a list of valid election Ids:<YOUR_API_KEY>

electionQuery Response:

 "kind": "civicinfo#electionsqueryresponse",
 "elections": [
   "id": "2000",
   "name": "VIP Test Election",
   "electionDay": "2013-06-06"
   "id": "2124",
   "name": "Rhode Island 2012 Primary Election",
   "electionDay": "2012-09-11"
   "id": "2126",
   "name": "Delaware 2012 Primary Election",
   "electionDay": "2012-09-11"

voterInfoQuery using curl

Use curl to send a voterInfoQuery request for VIP test election ID 2000 and voter at (test) address 340 Main St, Venice, CA 90291. You can refer to voterInfoQuery response.

curl "<YOUR_API_KEY>&address=340%20Main%20St.%20Venice%20CA&electionId=2000"

voterInfoQuery using the Google API Client Library for JavaScript

This example issues the same voterInfoQuery as the previous curl example, but it uses the JavaScript client library. The voterInfoQuery response is the same as the curl example response.

<!doctype html>
       * Build and execute request to look up voter info for provided address.
       * @param {string} address Address for which to fetch voter info.
       * @param {function(Object)} callback Function which takes the
       *     response object as a parameter.
       function lookup(address, callback) {
         * Election ID for which to fetch voter info.
         * @type {number}
        var electionId = 2000;
         * Request object for given parameters.
         * @type {gapi.client.HttpRequest}
        var req = gapi.client.request({
            'path' : '/civicinfo/v2/voterinfo',
            'params' : {'electionId' : electionId, 'address' : address}

       * Render results in the DOM.
       * @param {Object} response Response object returned by the API.
       * @param {Object} rawResponse Raw response from the API.
      function renderResults(response, rawResponse) {
        var el = document.getElementById('results');
        if (!response || response.error) {
              'Error while trying to fetch polling place'));
        var normalizedAddress = response.normalizedInput.line1 + ' ' +
   + ', ' +
            response.normalizedInput.state + ' ' +
        if (response.pollingLocations.length > 0) {
          var pollingLocation = response.pollingLocations[0].address;
          var pollingAddress = pollingLocation.locationName + ', ' +
              pollingLocation.line1 + ' ' +
     + ', ' +
              pollingLocation.state + ' ' +
          var normEl = document.createElement('strong');
              'Polling place for ' + normalizedAddress + ': '));
        } else {
              'Could not find polling place for ' + normalizedAddress));

       * Initialize the API client and make a request.
      function load() {
        gapi.client.setApiKey('YOUR API KEY GOES HERE');
        lookup('1263 Pacific Ave. Kansas City KS', renderResults);
    <script src=""></script>
    <div id="results"></div>

voterInfoQuery response

  "kind": "civicinfo#voterinforesponse",
  "status": "success",
  "election": {
  "id": "2000",
  "name": "VIP Test Election",
  "electionDay": "2025-06-06",
  "ocdDivisionId": "ocd-division/country:us"
  "normalizedInput": {
    "line1": "340 Main Street",
    "city": "Venice",
    "state": "CA",
    "zip": "90291"
  "pollingLocations": [
      "address": {
        "line1": "1010 ABBOT KINNEY BLVD",
        "city": "VENICE",
        "state": "CA",
        "zip": "90291"
      "pollingHours": "",
      "latitude": 33.9919351,
      "longitude": -118.4722031,
      "startDate": "2024-03-05",
      "endDate": "2024-03-05",
      "sources": [
          "name": "Voting Information Project",
          "official": true
      "address": {
        "locationName": "POP UP VOTE CENTER 5",
        "line1": "12400 IMPERIAL HWY",
        "city": "NORWALK",
        "state": "CA",
        "zip": "90650"
      "latitude": 33.915989,
      "longitude": -118.0677283,
      "sources": [
          "name": "Voting Information Project",
          "official": true
  "dropOffLocations": [
      "address": {
        "locationName": "FLEX VOTE CENTER 9",
        "line1": "12400 IMPERIAL HWY",
        "city": "NORWALK",
        "state": "CA",
        "zip": "90650"
      "latitude": 33.915989,
      "longitude": -118.0677283,
      "sources": [
          "name": "Voting Information Project",
          "official": true
  "contests": [
      "type": "General",
      "ballotTitle": "UNITED STATES REPRESENTATIVE, 36th District",
      "district": {
        "name": "36TH US CONGRESSIONAL",
        "scope": "congressional"
      "numberElected": "1",
      "numberVotingFor": "1",
      "ballotPlacement": "103",
      "sources": [
          "name": "Voting Information Project",
          "official": true
      "candidates": [
          "name": "ARIANA HAKAMI",
          "party": "Party Preference: Republican"
          "name": "CLAIRE RAGGE ANDERSON",
          "party": "Party Preference: None"
          "name": "MELISSA TOOMIM",
          "party": "Party Preference: Republican"
          "name": "TED W. LIEU",
          "party": "Party Preference: Democratic"
      "type": "ballot-measure",
      "district": {
        "name": "CITY OF LOS ANGELES",
        "scope": "citywide"
      "ballotPlacement": "116",
      "referendumText": "CITY MOBILITY PLAN STREET IMPROVEMENT MEASURES. INITIATIVE ORDINANCE HLA. Shall an ordinance providing that when the City of Los Angeles makes a qualifying improvement to a City-owned street (e.g., a paving project), the City must also install certain street enhancements described in the City's Mobility Plan network of pedestrian, bicycle, transit, and vehicle routes; and requiring the City to provide publicly accessible information regarding street improvements; be adopted?",
      "referendumPassageThreshold": "MAJORITY OF VOTES CAST",
      "referendumBallotResponses": [
      "sources": [
          "name": "Voting Information Project",
          "official": true
      "type": "General",
      "ballotTitle": "DISTRICT ATTORNEY",
      "district": {
        "name": "LOS ANGELES COUNTY",
        "scope": "countywide"
      "numberElected": "1",
      "numberVotingFor": "1",
      "ballotPlacement": "129",
      "sources": [
          "name": "Voting Information Project",
          "official": true
      "candidates": [
          "name": "GEORGE GASCÓN"
          "name": "JONATHAN HATAMI"
          "name": "NATHAN HOCHMAN"
          "name": "DEBRA ARCHULETA"
          "name": "JEFF CHEMERINSKY"
          "name": "ERIC SIDDALL"
          "name": "MARIA RAMIREZ"
          "name": "DAN KAPELOVITZ"
          "name": "LLOYD \"BOBCAT\" MASSON"
          "name": "JOHN MCKINNEY"
          "name": "CRAIG J. MITCHELL"
          "name": "DAVID S. MILTON"
  "state": [
      "name": "California",
      "electionAdministrationBody": {
        "name": "Secretary of State",
        "electionInfoUrl": "",
        "electionRegistrationUrl": "",
        "electionRegistrationConfirmationUrl": "",
        "absenteeVotingInfoUrl": "",
        "votingLocationFinderUrl": "",
        "ballotInfoUrl": "",
        "correspondenceAddress": {
          "line1": "1500 11th Street, 5th Floor",
          "city": "Sacramento",
          "state": "California",
          "zip": "95814"
      "local_jurisdiction": {
        "name": "Los Angeles",
        "electionAdministrationBody": {
          "name": "Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk",
          "electionInfoUrl": "",
          "electionRegistrationUrl": "",
          "electionRegistrationConfirmationUrl": "",
          "absenteeVotingInfoUrl": "",
          "ballotInfoUrl": "",
          "physicalAddress": {
            "locationName": "Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk",
            "line1": "12400 Imperial Highway",
            "city": "Norwalk",
            "state": "CA",
            "zip": "90650"
        "sources": [
            "name": "Voting Information Project",
            "official": true

representativeInfoQuery using curl

Here's an example of looking up elected representatives for an address. Use curl to send a representativeInfoByAddress request for the (test) address 1263 Pacific Ave. Kansas City, KS (see representativeInfoByAddress response, below):

curl "<YOUR_API_KEY>&address=1263%20Pacific%20Ave.%20Kansas%20City%20KS"

Reporting an error

Do you see missing or incorrect information for an elected official? Public officials sometimes leave office before their term is finished or change their contact information. Tell us about changes like these that aren't yet reflected in the data we return.

We’ll confirm your report with other users, data providers, or official government data sources. Due to the volume of reports, we may not be able to respond to you directly. If approved, your change may take some time to appear in the API results.

To report an error, fill out this form.

representativeInfoByAddress response

 "kind": "civicinfo#representativeInfoResponse",
 "status": "success",
 "normalizedInput": {
  "line1": "1263 pacific ave",
  "city": "kansas city",
  "state": "KS",
  "zip": "66102"
 "divisions": {
  "ocd-division/country:us/state:ks/county:wyandotte/council_district:2": {
   "name": "Wyandotte County Commissioner District 2",
   "scope": "countyCouncil"
  "ocd-division/country:us/state:ks/cd:3": {
   "name": "Kansas's 3rd congressional district",
   "scope": "congressional",
   "officeIndices": [ 0 ]
  "ocd-division/country:us/state:ks/sldl:32": {
   "name": "Kansas House of Representatives district 32",
   "scope": "stateLower",
   "officeIndices": [ 1 ]
  "ocd-division/country:us/state:ks/place:kansas_city": {
   "name": "Kansas City city",
   "scope": "citywide",
   "officeIndices": [ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ]
  "ocd-division/country:us/state:ks/county:wyandotte": {
   "name": "Wyandotte County",
   "scope": "countywide"
  "ocd-division/country:us": {
   "name": "United States",
   "scope": "national",
   "officeIndices": [ 9, 10 ]
  "ocd-division/country:us/state:ks": {
   "name": "Kansas",
   "scope": "statewide",
   "officeIndices": [ 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 ]
  "ocd-division/country:us/state:ks/sldu:6": {
   "name": "Kansas State Senate district 6",
   "scope": "stateUpper",
   "officeIndices": [ 18 ]
 "offices": [
   "name": "United States House of Representatives KS-03",
   "level": "federal",
   "officialIndices": [ 0 ]
   "name": "KS State House District 32",
   "level": "state",
   "officialIndices": [ 1 ]
   "name": "Sheriff",
   "level": "county",
   "officialIndices": [ 2 ]
   "name": "District Attorney",
   "level": "county",
   "officialIndices": [ 3 ]
   "name": "Register of Deeds",
   "level": "county",
   "officialIndices": [ 4 ]
   "name": "Director of Revenue",
   "level": "county",
   "officialIndices": [ 5 ]
   "name": "Unified Government Clerk",
   "level": "county",
   "officialIndices": [ 6 ]
   "name": "Unified Government Commission, At Large, District 1",
   "level": "county",
   "officialIndices": [ 7 ]
   "name": "Unified Government Commission, At Large, District 2",
   "level": "county",
   "officialIndices": [ 8 ]
   "name": "President",
   "level": "federal",
   "officialIndices": [ 9 ]
   "name": "Vice President",
   "level": "federal",
   "officialIndices": [ 10 ]
   "name": "Governor",
   "level": "state",
   "officialIndices": [ 11 ]
   "name": "State Treasurer",
   "level": "state",
   "officialIndices": [ 12 ]
   "name": "Attorney General",
   "level": "state",
   "officialIndices": [ 13 ]
   "name": "Secretary of State",
   "level": "state",
   "officialIndices": [ 14 ]
   "name": "Lieutenant Governor",
   "level": "state",
   "officialIndices": [ 15 ]
   "name": "United States Senate",
   "level": "federal",
   "officialIndices": [ 16, 17 ]
   "name": "Insurance Commissioner",
   "level": "state",
   "officialIndices": [ 18 ]
   "name": "KS State Senate District 6",
   "level": "state",
   "officialIndices": [ 19 ]
 "officials": [
   "name": "Kevin Yoder",
   "address": [
     "line1": "215 Cannon HOB",
     "city": "washington d.c.",
     "state": "DC",
     "zip": "20515"
   "party": "Republican",
   "phones": [
    "(202) 225-2865"
   "urls": [
   "photoUrl": "",
   "channels": [
     "type": "Facebook",
     "id": "CongressmanKevinYoder"
     "type": "Twitter",
     "id": "RepKevinYoder"
   "name": "Mike Peterson",
   "address": [
     "line1": "450 North 17th",
     "city": "kansas city",
     "state": "KS",
     "zip": "66102"
   "party": "Democratic",
   "phones": [
    "(785) 296-7371"
   "urls": [
   "photoUrl": "",
   "emails": [
   "name": "Donald Ash",
   "address": [
     "line1": "701 Nth 7th Street Suite 20",
     "city": "kansas city",
     "state": "KS",
     "zip": "66101"
   "party": "Democratic",
   "phones": [
    "(913) 573-2861"
   "urls": [
   "emails": [
   "name": "Jerome Gorman",
   "address": [
     "line1": "701 Nth 7th Street Suite 10",
     "city": "kansas city",
     "state": "KS",
     "zip": "66101"
   "party": "Democratic",
   "phones": [
    "(913) 573-2851"
   "urls": [
   "name": "Nancy Burns",
   "address": [
     "line1": "710 n. 7th street",
     "city": "kansas city",
     "state": "KS",
     "zip": "66101"
   "party": "Unknown",
   "phones": [
    "(913) 573-2841"
   "urls": [
   "emails": [
   "name": "Debbie Pack",
   "address": [
     "line1": "710 n. 7th street",
     "city": "kansas city",
     "state": "KS",
     "zip": "66101"
   "party": "Unknown",
   "phones": [
    "(913) 573-2821"
   "urls": [
   "emails": [
   "name": "Bridgette D. Cobbins",
   "address": [
     "line1": "710 n. 7th street",
     "city": "kansas city",
     "state": "KS",
     "zip": "66101"
   "party": "Unknown",
   "phones": [
    "(913) 573-5260"
   "urls": [
   "emails": [
   "name": "Vacant",
   "address": [
     "line1": "701 Nth 7th Street Suite 979",
     "city": "kansas city",
     "state": "KS",
     "zip": "66101"
   "party": "Unknown",
   "phones": [
    "(913) 573-5040"
   "urls": [
   "channels": [
     "type": "Facebook",
     "id": "cityofkck"
     "type": "Twitter",
     "id": "CityofKCK"
   "name": "John Mendez",
   "address": [
     "line1": "701 Nth 7th Street Suite 979",
     "city": "kansas city",
     "state": "KS",
     "zip": "66101"
   "party": "Unknown",
   "phones": [
    "(913) 573-5040"
   "urls": [
   "emails": [
   "channels": [
     "type": "Facebook",
     "id": "cityofkck"
     "type": "Twitter",
     "id": "CityofKCK"
   "name": "Barack Hussein Obama II",
   "address": [
     "line1": "The White House",
     "line2": "1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW",
     "line3": "",
     "city": "Washington",
     "state": "DC",
     "zip": "20500"
   "party": "Democrat",
   "phones": [
    "(202) 456-1111",
    "(202) 456-1414"
   "urls": [
   "photoUrl": "",
   "channels": [
     "type": "GooglePlus",
     "id": "110031535020051778989"
     "type": "Twitter",
     "id": "barackobama"
     "type": "Facebook",
     "id": "barackobama"
     "type": "YouTube",
     "id": "barackobama"
   "name": "Joseph (Joe) Robinette Biden Jr.",
   "address": [
     "line1": "The White House",
     "line2": "1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW",
     "line3": "",
     "city": "Washington",
     "state": "DC",
     "zip": "20500"
   "party": "Democrat",
   "urls": [
   "photoUrl": "",
   "channels": [
     "type": "Twitter",
     "id": "VP"
     "type": "Twitter",
     "id": "JoeBiden"
     "type": "Facebook",
     "id": "joebiden"
   "name": "Sam Brownback",
   "address": [
     "line1": "Capitol",
     "line2": "300 sw 10th ave.",
     "city": "topeka",
     "state": "KS",
     "zip": "66612"
   "phones": [
    "(785) 296-3232"
   "urls": [
   "channels": [
     "type": "Facebook",
     "id": "govsambrownback"
     "type": "Twitter",
     "id": "govsambrownback"
   "name": "Ron Estes",
   "address": [
     "line1": "Kansas State Treasurer 900 SW Jackson",
     "line2": "Suite 201",
     "city": "topeka",
     "state": "KS",
     "zip": "66612"
   "phones": [
    "(785) 296-3171"
   "urls": [
   "emails": [
   "channels": [
     "type": "Facebook",
     "id": "130975650300043"
     "type": "Twitter",
     "id": "RonEstesKS"
   "name": "Derek Schmidt",
   "address": [
     "line1": "120 SW 10th Ave",
     "line2": "2nd Floor",
     "city": "topeka",
     "state": "KS",
     "zip": "66612"
   "phones": [
    "(785) 296-2215"
   "urls": [
   "channels": [
     "type": "Twitter",
     "id": "KSAGOffice"
   "name": "Kris Kobach",
   "address": [
     "line1": "Kansas Secretary of State Memorial Hall",
     "line2": "1st Floor",
     "line3": "120 sw 10th avenue",
     "city": "topeka",
     "state": "KS",
     "zip": "66612"
   "phones": [
    "(785) 296-4564"
   "urls": [
   "emails": [
   "channels": [
     "type": "Facebook",
     "id": "Kansas-Secretary-of-State"
     "type": "Twitter",
     "id": "kansassos"
   "name": "Jeff Coyler",
   "address": [
     "line1": "State Capitol",
     "line2": "2nd Floor",
     "line3": "300 sw 10th ave.",
     "city": "topeka",
     "state": "KS",
     "zip": "66612"
   "phones": [
    "(785) 296-2214"
   "urls": [
   "name": "Jerry Moran",
   "address": [
     "line1": "361A Russell Senate Office Building",
     "city": "washington d.c.",
     "state": "DC",
     "zip": "20510"
   "party": "Republican",
   "phones": [
    "(202) 224-6521"
   "urls": [
   "photoUrl": "",
   "channels": [
     "type": "Facebook",
     "id": "jerrymoran"
     "type": "Twitter",
     "id": "JerryMoran"
     "type": "YouTube",
     "id": "senatorjerrymoran"
   "name": "Pat Roberts",
   "address": [
     "line1": "109 Hart Senate Office Building",
     "city": "washington d.c.",
     "state": "DC",
     "zip": "20510"
   "party": "Republican",
   "phones": [
    "(202) 224-4774"
   "urls": [
   "photoUrl": "",
   "emails": [
   "channels": [
     "type": "Facebook",
     "id": "SenPatRoberts"
     "type": "Twitter",
     "id": "SenPatRoberts"
     "type": "YouTube",
     "id": "SenPatRoberts"
   "name": "Sandy Praeger",
   "address": [
     "line1": "420 sw 9th street",
     "city": "topeka",
     "state": "KS",
     "zip": "66612"
   "phones": [
    "(785) 296-3071"
   "urls": [
   "emails": [
   "channels": [
     "type": "Facebook",
     "id": "KansasInsuranceDepartment"
   "name": "Pat Pettey",
   "address": [
     "line1": "Kansas State Capitol",
     "line2": "300 SW 10th St.",
     "line3": "Room 125-E",
     "city": "Topeka",
     "state": "KS",
     "zip": "66612-1504"
     "line1": "5316 Lakewood Street",
     "line2": "",
     "line3": "",
     "city": "Kansas City",
     "state": "KS",
     "zip": "66106"
   "party": "Democratic",
   "phones": [
    "(785) 296-7375"
   "urls": [
   "photoUrl": "",
   "emails": [
   "channels": [
     "type": "Twitter",
     "id": "PatHPettey"
     "type": "Facebook",
     "id": "PetteyForSenate"