Créer et gérer des imprimantes

Les exemples de requêtes de cette page montrent comment gérer les imprimantes avec l'API Chrome Printer Management.

Tous les exemples de requêtes utilisent les variables suivantes:

  • $TOKEN: jeton OAuth 2.0 de votre application.
  • $CUSTOMER: numéro client unique du compte d'entreprise, précédé de "C". (Exemple: C123abc4) Vous pouvez également saisir my_customer pour indiquer le numéro client de votre propre compte.

Obtenir la liste des modèles d'imprimante

Cet exemple demande la liste de tous les modèles d'imprimantes compatibles.


  curl -X GET \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \


  "printerModels": [
      "manufacturer": "Anitech",
      "displayName": "Anitech M24",
      "makeAndModel": "anitech m24"
      "manufacturer": "Apollo",
      "displayName": "Apollo P-2100",
      "makeAndModel": "apollo apollo 2100"
      "manufacturer": "Brother",
      "displayName": "Brother DCP-7025",
      "makeAndModel": "brother dcp-7025"
  "nextPageToken": "CGQQAQ=="

Répertorier ou rechercher des imprimantes

Cet exemple demande la liste de toutes les imprimantes visibles dans l'ID d'unité organisationnelle 04fatzly26exj7b et contenant le mot Lobby dans le nom à afficher ou la description de l'imprimante.


  curl -X GET  \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \


  "printers": [
      "name": "customers/C0202nabg/chrome/printers/0gjdgxs2zla0y7",
      "id": "0gjdgxs2zla0y7",
      "displayName": "Jupiter",
      "description": "Guest printer in lobby Building C.",
      "makeAndModel": "xerox able 1406",
      "uri": "ipp://",
      "createTime": "2021-03-11T21:41:34.779587Z",
      "orgUnitId": "04fatzly26exj7b" // Note: This printer was created in the same OU that we are searching within.
      "name": "customers/C0202nabg/chrome/printers/0gjdgxs1eqkb60",
      "id": "0gjdgxs1eqkb60",
      "displayName": "Mars",
      "description": "Printer in Lobby Building A",
      "uri": "ipp://",
      "createTime": "2021-03-11T22:02:06.048469Z",
      "orgUnitId": "04fatzly4jbjho9", // Note: This printer was added in parent OU, yet is visible from the OU we are searching within.
      "useDriverlessConfig": true

Obtenir une imprimante spécifique

Cet exemple demande des informations pour une imprimante ayant l'ID 0gjdgxs2zla0y7.


  curl -X GET  \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \


  "name": "customers/C0202nabg/chrome/printers/0gjdgxs2zla0y7",
  "id": "0gjdgxs2zla0y7",
  "displayName": "Jupiter",
  "description": "Guest printer in lobby Building C.",
  "makeAndModel": "xerox able 1406",
  "uri": "ipp://",
  "createTime": "2021-03-11T21:41:34.779587Z",
  "orgUnitId": "04fatzly26exj7b"

Créer une imprimante

Cet exemple ajoute une imprimante dans l'ID d'unité organisationnelle 04fatzly26exj7b.


curl -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
  -d '{
    "displayName": "Mercury",
    "description": "Printer in the kitchen",
    "makeAndModel": "xerox able 1406",
    "uri": "ipp://",
    "orgUnitId": "04fatzly26exj7b"
  }' \


  "name": "customers/C0202nabg/chrome/printers/0gjdgxs0o422uq",
  "id": "0gjdgxs0o422uq", // Note: This is the ID of the newly created printer.
  "displayName": "Mercury",
  "description": "Printer in the kitchen",
  "makeAndModel": "xerox able 1406",
  "uri": "ipp://",
  "createTime": "2021-03-11T23:19:27.180846Z",
  "orgUnitId": "04fatzly26exj7b"

Mettre à jour une imprimante

Cet exemple met à jour la description de l'ID d'imprimante 0gjdgxs0o422uq.


curl -X PATCH \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
  -d '{
    "description": "Printer in the office",
  }' \


  "name": "customers/C0202nabg/chrome/printers/0gjdgxs0o422uq",
  "id": "0gjdgxs0o422uq",
  "displayName": "Mercury",
  "description": "Printer in the office",
  "makeAndModel": "xerox able 1406",
  "uri": "ipp://",
  "createTime": "2021-03-11T23:19:27.180846Z",
  "orgUnitId": "04fatzly26exj7b"

Supprimer une imprimante

Cet exemple supprime l'ID de l'imprimante 0gjdgxs0o422uq.


curl -X DELETE \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \


Une réponse positive est vide. {}

Créer plusieurs imprimantes en une seule requête

Cet exemple crée plusieurs imprimantes en une seule requête, à l'aide de la méthode batchCreatePrinters.


curl -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
  -d '{
    "requests": [
        "parent": "customers/$CUSTOMER",
        "printer": {
          "displayName": "Earth",
          "description": "Color printer",
          "useDriverlessConfig": true,
          "uri": "ipp://",
          "orgUnitId": "04fatzly26exj7b"
        "parent": "customers/$CUSTOMER",
        "printer": {
          "displayName": "Saturn",
          "description": "Color printer",
          "useDriverlessConfig": true,
          "uri": "ipp://",
          "orgUnitId": "04fatzly26exj7b"
  }' \


  "printers": [
      "name": "customers/C0202nabg/chrome/printers/0gjdgxs0sbbh87",
      "id": "0gjdgxs0sbbh87",
      "displayName": "Saturn",
      "description": "Color printer",
      "uri": "ipp://",
      "createTime": "2021-03-12T01:10:32.957084Z",
      "orgUnitId": "04fatzly26exj7b",
      "useDriverlessConfig": true
      "name": "customers/C0202nabg/chrome/printers/0gjdgxs2d6170e",
      "id": "0gjdgxs2d6170e",
      "displayName": "Earth",
      "description": "Color printer",
      "uri": "ipp://",
      "createTime": "2021-03-12T01:10:32.956735Z",
      "orgUnitId": "04fatzly26exj7b",
      "useDriverlessConfig": true

Supprimer plusieurs imprimantes en une seule requête

Cet exemple supprime plusieurs imprimantes en une seule requête, à l'aide de la méthode batchDeletePrinters.


curl -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
  -d '{
    "printerIds": ["0gjdgxs0sbbh87", "0gjdgxs2d6170e"]
  }' \


  "printerIds": [ // Successfully deleted printers.