
The Google Ad Manager Video API allows you to update metadata for video content stored in Google Ad Manager.

There are two services in the Google Ad Manager Video API:

  1. Video Content Ingestion Service, and
  2. Ad Break Notification Service.

Video Content Ingestion Service

The Video Content Igestion Service allows you to notify Google Ad Manager when your video content is updated. Instead of waiting for the periodic sync initiated by Google Ad Manager, you can notify Google Ad Manager through this API so that the updated metadata becomes available for ad targeting as soon as possible.

Ad Break Notification Service

The Ad Break Notification Service allows publishers to notify Google Ad Manager of an upcoming ad break and its metadata prior to the start of the ad break.

Initial setup

Because publishers must be enabled in order to use the Google Ad Manager Video API, you must provide your Google Cloud Account, service account, and the Ad Manager network that you want to access.

To start using the Google Ad Manager Video API, complete the following steps:

  1. Create a Google Cloud Console account
  2. In the Google Cloud Console, create a new project.
  3. Create a service account for the new project.
  4. Add the service account to Ad Manager by following the steps in Add a service account user for API access.

Using Google API client libraries to make calls to the Google Ad Manager Video API

After you complete the initial setup process, you can use a client library in the language of your choice to send either HTTP or gRPC requests to the API. For more information, see the following resources: