طريقة BatchGetWayEstimates

احصل على WaitEstimates للتاجر والخدمة وحجم الحفل المطلوب. تتحقّق الواجهة الخلفية للشريك من توفّر تقديرات الانتظار المطلوبة وتحدّد حالة قائمة الانتظار بالإضافة إلى فترات الانتظار في الردّ.



القيمة المعروضة


// Batch request for the wait estimates for the specified merchant, service and
// party sizes.
message BatchGetWaitEstimatesRequest {
  // Required. Partner-provided ID for the merchant.
  string merchant_id = 1;

  // Required. Partner-provided ID for the service.
  string service_id = 2;

  // Required. The different party sizes WaitEstimates are requested for.
  // WaitEstimates may differ with the number of people in the party. A single
  // request will not include duplicate party sizes.
  repeated int32 party_size = 3;

// Response for the BatchGetWaitEstimates RPC with the wait estimates of the
// specified merchant, service and party sizes.
message BatchGetWaitEstimatesResponse {
  // Required. A status for the waitlist that indicates whether new users can
  // join and what the reason is if they can’t join. If the waitlist is not
  // open, all other fields in the BatchGetWaitEstimatesResponse are expected to
  // be unset.
  WaitlistStatus waitlist_status = 1;

  // The wait estimates for each party size requested. The response should
  // contain exactly one wait estimate for each party size sent in the request.
  // If a party size is not available for some reason, prefer ommitting it
  // instead of returning an error so that the user will have some options to
  // choose from.
  repeated WaitEstimate wait_estimate = 2;

// A status for the waitlist that determines if new users can join and what
// the reason is if they can’t join.
enum WaitlistStatus {
  // The waitlist is open and is accepting new users.
  OPEN = 1;
  // There is currently no wait and users should arrive at the merchant
  // without joining the waitlist.
  // The waitlist is not currently accepting new users because it is full
  // or closed for other reasons.

نماذج BatchGetWithوهيEstimates

يوضّح هذا المثال حالة يسمح فيها المطعم عادةً باستخدام قيم party_size من 2 إلى 10، ولكن في وقت تقديم الطلب، لا يمكن إضافة قيم party_size التي تزيد عن 7 (على سبيل المثال)، ولم يعُد بإمكان party_size من إجمالي 2 الانتظار.

الحصول على طلب الانتظار

  "merchant_id": "dining-1",
  "party_size": [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10],
  "service_id": "reservation"

الحصول على رد للانتظار

  "waitlist_status": "OPEN",
  "wait_estimate": [
    { "party_size": 2, "wait_length": {} },
    { "party_size": 3, "wait_length": { "parties_ahead_count": 3 } },
    { "party_size": 4, "wait_length": { "parties_ahead_count": 3 } },
    { "party_size": 5, "wait_length": { "parties_ahead_count": 3 } },
    { "party_size": 6, "wait_length": { "parties_ahead_count": 3 } },
    { "party_size": 7, "wait_length": { "parties_ahead_count": 3 } }