Get Started

Start building with commonly used features of the Places SDK for iOS.
Create an account, generate an API key, and start building.
Configure your app to use the Places SDK for iOS.
Learn about place IDs, which uniquely identify a place in the Google Places database and on Google Maps.
Request and display icons for various types of places.

Features for Places SDK for iOS (New)

Learn about core features of the Places SDK for iOS (New).
Use a Place ID to get details for a place.
Add high-quality photos of places to your application.
Get information about places by using a text search.
Get information about places by specifying a location as a search area.
Add type-ahead autocomplete functionality to your application, (search by place name, address, or plus code).
The new version of Place Types adds many new place types, allowing for more granular results from place search and place autocomplete requests.

Features for Places SDK for iOS

Learn about core features of the Places SDK for iOS.
Get details about a particular establishment or point of interest.
Add high-quality photos of places to your application.
Learn how to discover the place at the device's currently reported location.
Add type-ahead autocomplete functionality to your application, (search by place name, address, or plus code).
The new version of Place Types adds many new place types, allowing for more granular results from place search and place autocomplete requests.

Code Samples

Run sample apps that demonstrate the use of the Places SDK for iOS.
Install and run Places SDK for iOS demos in both Swift and Objective-C.
Learn how to add a current place picker to your iOS app, and more.
A Swift library containing Combine support for Google Maps Platform iOS SDKs.

Help & support

Get help. Give help. Join the community.

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Report a bug or open a feature request.

Find out about platform incidents and outages.

Get help from the Google Maps Platform team.