Accepting IDs from Google Wallet

In Person

Accepting IDs from Google Wallet requires the following steps:

  • Build or acquire a reader to accept IDs as defined by ISO 18013-5
  • Load IACA certificates into the reader to ensure accepted IDs are authentic
  • Test your solution
  • Register your application with Google Wallet

Build or acquire a reader to accept IDs as defined by ISO 18013-5

IDs in Wallet are implemented according to the ISO 18013-5 standard for mobile drivers licenses. They leverage NFC-based or QR code engagement along with BLE as the data transfer mechanism - so any device which can implement those aspects of the standard can act as a reader, even a mobile application. As the standard is open there are several 3rd party implementations available on the market. As well, you can implement the functionality directly if needed.

For guidance on how to implement the functionality yourself, see our open source reference reader Android app, which implements the ISO standard and can accept mDLs from Google Wallet.

You can get started by building and running the reference reader app:

  • Clone the reference apps repository
  • Open the project on Android Studio
  • Build and run the appverifier target on your Android device or emulator.

Load IACA certificates into the reader to ensure accepted IDs are authentic

Validating a real credential requires you to have an ID in wallet from a supported issuer. A list of issuers that are supported by Google Wallet is provided below along with links to their certificates for verification.

Test your solution

To test your solution, build and run our open source reference holder Android application. Below are the steps to build and run the reference holder app:

  • Clone the reference apps repository
  • Open the project on Android Studio
  • Build and run the appholder target on your Android device or emulator.

(Optional) Register your application with Google Wallet

Register your application with Google Wallet by filling up this form.

Online (Coming Soon)

Fill out this form to express your interest in using Google Wallet's online verification APIs.