Glossary of Google Static Transit terminology

This page provides a list of static transit terms and definitions to help transit partners and data aggregators use the terms consistently across multiple documents or user interfaces.

Agency A company or an organization that operates the transit services or that's known by passengers to be responsible for those services.
Aggregator A company or an organization that provides software services and works on the transit data aggregation.
Calendar A schedule that contains days and times when transit service is available for one or more routes.
Departure board On the transit layer of Google Maps, when you click a stop icon, the departure board appears. It shows the stop name, route type, route name, headsign, and estimated time to arrival.
Exact timetable A schedule that's clearly defined in calendar.txt and calendar_dates.txt, which shows the availability of transit services.
Frequency-based trip A trip based on a certain time period between the previous trip and subsequent one. For example, a trip with the description "every 3 minutes."
Headsign The text that appears on signage and shows the destination to passengers.
Pathway A particular way that has only two nodes, to represent the beginning and ending. This path helps passengers travel through a station.
Platform A particular location for passengers to get on board or leave a vehicle.
Route A particular way between the start location and destination, along which the passengers travel in the public transit vehicle.
Static feed A ZIP package that complies with the GTFS format and provides information about planned routes running on fixed schedules.
Station A physical structure or area that contains one or more stops.
Stop A location where a vehicle stops to let passengers get on board or leave the vehicle.
Transit layer A layer on Google Maps that shows the public transit routes, stops, vehicles, and other information.
Transit partner dashboard A dashboard that lets transit partners set up, manage, and monitor their transit feeds, and configure account access for users in their organization.
Trip A sequence of two or more stops within a specific time.
Trip directions page In the page with trip search results, when you click one result, the trip directions page displays. It shows details about your trip from the start location to the destination.
Trip search results On Google Maps, when you click Directions, a page displays for you to specify the start location and destination. After you specify them, the page with trip search results displays.