TAGContainer Class Reference

TAGContainer Class Reference


A class that provides access to container values.

Container objects must be created via TAGManager. Once a container is created, it can be queried for key values which may depend on rules established for the container. A container is automatically refreshed periodically (every 12 hours), but can also be manually refreshed with refresh (TAGContainer).

Public Member Functions

(BOOL) - booleanForKey:
 Returns a BOOL representing the configuration value for the given key.
(double) - doubleForKey:
 Returns a double representing the configuration value for the given key.
(int64_t) - int64ForKey:
 Returns an int64_t representing the configuration value for the given key.
(NSString *) - stringForKey:
 Returns an NSString to represent the configuration value for the given key.
(void) - refresh
 Requests that this container be refreshed from the network.
(void) - close
 Closes this container so that it will no longer be refreshed.
(BOOL) - isDefault
 Returns whether this is a default container, or one refreshed from the server.
(void) - registerFunctionCallMacroHandler:forMacro:
 Registers the given macro handler to handle a given function call macro.
(id< TAGFunctionCallMacroHandler >) - functionCallMacroHandlerForMacro:
 Given the name of a function call macro, returns the handler registered for the macro.
(void) - registerFunctionCallTagHandler:forTag:
 Registers the given tag handler to handle a given function call tag.
(id< TAGFunctionCallTagHandler >) - functionCallTagHandlerForTag:
 Given the name of a function call tag, returns the handler registered for the tag.


NSString * containerId
 The ID for this container.
double lastRefreshTime
 The last time (in milliseconds since midnight Jan 1, 1970 UTC) that this container was refreshed from the network.

Member Function Documentation

- (BOOL) booleanForKey: (NSString *)  key

Returns a BOOL representing the configuration value for the given key.

If the container has no value for this key, NO will be returned.

keyThe key to lookup for the configuration value.
- (double) doubleForKey: (NSString *)  key

Returns a double representing the configuration value for the given key.

If the container has no value for this key, 0.0 will be returned.

keyThe key to lookup for the configuration value.
- (int64_t) int64ForKey: (NSString *)  key

Returns an int64_t representing the configuration value for the given key.

If the container has no value for this key, 0 will be returned.

keyThe key to lookup for the configuration value.
- (NSString *) stringForKey: (NSString *)  key

Returns an NSString to represent the configuration value for the given key.

If the container has no value for this key, an empty string will be returned.

keyThe key to lookup for the configuration value.
- (void) refresh

Requests that this container be refreshed from the network.

This call is asynchronous, so the refresh may take place on another thread.

- (void) close

Closes this container so that it will no longer be refreshed.

After closing, don't make any other calls to the container.

- (BOOL) isDefault

Returns whether this is a default container, or one refreshed from the server.

- (void) registerFunctionCallMacroHandler: (id< TAGFunctionCallMacroHandler >)  handler
forMacro: (NSString *)  macroName 

Registers the given macro handler to handle a given function call macro.

handlerThe handler for the macro. If the parameter is nil, the method unregisters any existing handler for that macro.
macroNameThe name of the macro which is being registered.
- (id<TAGFunctionCallMacroHandler>) functionCallMacroHandlerForMacro: (NSString *)  functionCallMacroName

Given the name of a function call macro, returns the handler registered for the macro.

The handler registered for the macro.
- (void) registerFunctionCallTagHandler: (id< TAGFunctionCallTagHandler >)  handler
forTag: (NSString *)  tagName 

Registers the given tag handler to handle a given function call tag.

handlerThe handler for the tag. If the parameter is nil, the method unregisters any existing handler for that tag.
tagNameThe name of the tag which is being registered.
- (id<TAGFunctionCallTagHandler>) functionCallTagHandlerForTag: (NSString *)  functionCallTagName

Given the name of a function call tag, returns the handler registered for the tag.

The handler registered for the tag.

Property Documentation

- (NSString*) containerId [read, copy]

The ID for this container.

- (double) lastRefreshTime [read, assign]

The last time (in milliseconds since midnight Jan 1, 1970 UTC) that this container was refreshed from the network.