Deploy and Host your Content-Driven Web App

To get started, you need to select a hosting provider and deploy your web application.

Deploy your application

The deployment of your web application is the process of making the application operational and accessible on a hosting environment so that users across the internet can access your application. Various deployment strategies can be used for your content-driven application, including building a serverless application, using containers, VMs, or edge computing.

Key considerations to ensure your application runs smoothly, reliably, and securely in a production environment include:

Server Preparation Prepare the web server or hosting environment where your application is deployed. Preparations may include provisioning VMs, setting up cloud instances, or completing configurations.
Code Deployment Transfer or upload the application code and all related files to the server. Utilize secure file transfer protocols such as SFTP or SCP, tooling provided by your provider, or integrations into your build pipeline or build system. Make sure that the application code is organized accurately on the server, and consider using version control systems to manage code changes and deployments.
Environment Configuration Adjust configuration settings, server parameters, and environment variables to match the production environment requirements.
Testing Complete testing in the production environment to confirm that the deployed application works. Tests can include functionality testing, security testing, and performance testing.
Documentation Strategy Keep detailed documentation of the deployment process that includes all configurations, dependencies, and necessary procedures for scaling and maintenance.

Web application deployment is an important phase in the application's build cycle. Proper planning and strategic execution are essential to the application's security, availability, and overall performance.

Hosting Options

Given your chosen deployment technology, rendering approach, CDN requirements, and your application's requirements on reliability, resilience, scalability and any other important factors, consider what hosting platform is best suited for your application.

Here is an example of how you might consider Firebase Hosting for your application.

Firebase Hosting

Firebase Hosting is a web hosting service provided by Google as part of the Firebase platform. It offers an efficient way to deploy web applications with both static and dynamic content, making it possible to host and serve your web project quickly. It provides a secure and speedy hosting environment for web applications, including CDN, SSL encryption, and custom domain mapping. It lets you deploy preview versions of your site to temporary URLs, with a GitHub action available to automate previews for every PR.

Firebase Hosting is especially useful for hosting web applications, websites, and single-page applications. It integrates seamlessly with other Firebase services, such as Firebase Authentication and Firebase Realtime Database. CI/CD pipelines can also be set up using tools such as Firebase CLI or third-party services.

Firebase Hosting simplifies the web hosting process by providing a secure, scalable, and global hosting solution that integrates with other Firebase services and development tools. It is well-suited for developers who want to deploy web applications quickly and efficiently without the need to manage complex infrastructure.

Connecting Cloud functions to Firebase Hosting lets you serve both static and dynamic content from the same Firebase project. This integration offers the flexibility to build web applications that combine serverless, dynamic features with static content hosting. Your Cloud Functions are accessible using URLs relative to your Firebase domain. This integration is particularly useful for creating web applications with both client-side and server-side capabilities. It simplifies the deployment, hosting, and scaling of web applications by providing the integration of hosting and serverless functions within Firebase.