Provide your applicants with tips for how to best apply to your organization.
Things you might want to include:
- How to structure a good proposal.
- Prerequisites. Do you want at least one pull request first?
- The best way to reach out and contact you.
These are examples from organizations who have participated in the past. They may or may not be participating in future programs.
Python Foundation
Please provide a brief CV.
In your application please include answers to the following questions:
- What interests you most about our project?
- As mentors and project coordinators, how can we get the best out of you?
- Is there anything that you’ll be studying or working on whilst working alongside us?
- Are there any techniques and tools which you use to keep yourself organized?
Once you’ve selected a project assignment from the ideas page, please include a well-defined, weekly schedule with clear milestones and deliverables around it. Alternatively, if you want to propose your own idea then please include outline, goals, and a well-defined weekly schedule with clear milestones and deliverables.
Please complete a matching mandatory qualification task on the idea page (also linked to with every idea/task on the idea page) when you apply. When applying with your own idea please check with the mentors/org admins beforehand to see which qualification task would be a good match. Applications without completed qualification task will not be considered."
The application process consists of next steps:
- Become acquainted with application process on wiki;
- Join to gsoc mailing list;
- Search mentor for chosen project in mailing list discuss;
- Get invite to chosen project in altlinux github organization;
- Submit the application/proposal including all requirements at the Google Summer of Code Site.
Requirements before starting search for mentor:
- Get and install latest release of ALT Workstation from;
- Clone sources for chosen project from github, examine it superficially and try to build;
- Prepare answers to questions about own participation in project.