Binary instruction decoder tutorial

The objectives of this tutorial are:

  • Learn the structure and syntax of the binary format description file.
  • Learn how the binary format description matches up with the ISA description.
  • Write the binary descriptions for the RiscV RV32I subset of instructions.


RiscV binary instruction encoding

Binary instruction encoding is the standard way to encode instructions for execution on a microprocessor. They are normally stored in an executable file, usually in the ELF format. Instructions can be either fixed width or variable width.

Typically, instructions use a small set of encoding formats, with each format customized for the type of instructions encoded. For instance, register-register instructions may use one format that maximizes the number of available opcodes, while register-immediate instructions use another that trades off the number of available opcodes for increasing the size of the immediate that can be encoded. Branch and jump instructions almost always use formats that maximize the size of the immediate in order to support branches with larger offsets.

The instruction formats used by the instructions we want to decode in our RiscV simulator are the following:

R-Type format, used for register-register instructions:

31..25 24..20 19..15 14..12 11..7 6..0
7 5 5 3 5 7
func7 rs2 rs1 func3 rd opcode

I-Type format, used for register-immediate instructions, load instructions, and the jalr instruction, 12 bit immediate.

31..20 19..15 14..12 11..7 6..0
12 5 3 5 7
imm12 rs1 func3 rd opcode

Specialized I-Type format, used for shift with immediate instructions, 5 bit immediate:

31..25 24..20 19..15 14..12 11..7 6..0
7 5 5 3 5 7
func7 uimm5 rs1 func3 rd opcode

U-Type format, used for long immediate instructions (lui, auipc), 20 bit immediate:

31..12 11..7 6..0
20 5 7
uimm20 rd opcode

B-Type format, used for conditional branches, 12-bit immediate.

31 30..25 24..20 19..15 14..12 11..8 7 6..0
1 6 5 5 3 4 1 7
imm imm rs2 rs1 func3 imm imm opcode

J-Type format, used for the jal instruction, 20 bit immediate.

31 30..21 20 19..12 11..7 6..0
1 10 1 8 5 7
imm imm imm imm rd opcode

S-Type format, used for store instructions, 12 bit immediate.

31..25 24..20 19..15 14..12 11..7 6..0
7 5 5 3 5 7
imm rs2 rs1 func3 imm opcode

As you can see from these formats, all these instructions are 32 bits long, and the low 7 bits in each format is the opcode field. Also notice that while several formats have the same size immediates, their bits are taken from different parts of the instruction. As we will see, the binary decoder specification format is able to express this.

Binary encoding description

The binary encoding of the instruction is expressed in the binary format (.bin_fmt) description file. It describes the binary encoding of the instructions in an ISA so that a binary format instruction decoder can be generated. The generated decoder determines the opcode, extracts the value of operand and immediate fields, in order to provide information needed by the ISA encoding-agnostic decoder described in the previous tutorial.

In this tutorial we will write a binary encoding description file for a subset of the RiscV32I instructions necessary to simulate the instructions used in a small "Hello World" program. For more details on the RiscV ISA see Risc-V Specifications{.external}.

Start by opening up the file: riscv_bin_decoder/riscv32i.bin_fmt.

The content of the file is broken into several sections.

First, is the decoder definition.

decoder RiscV32I {
  // The namespace in which code will be generated.
  namespace mpact::sim::codelab;
  // The name (including any namespace qualifiers) of the opcode enum type.
  opcode_enum = "OpcodeEnum";
  // Include files specific to this decoder.
  includes {
    #include "riscv_isa_decoder/solution/riscv32i_decoder.h"
  // Instruction groups for which to generate decode functions.

Our decoder definition specifies the name of our decoder RiscV32I, as well as four additional pieces of information. The first is namespace, which defines the namespace in which the generated code will be placed. Second, the opcode_enum, which names how the opcode enumeration type that is generated by the ISA decoder should be referenced within the generated code. Third, includes {} specifies include files necessary for the code generated for this decoder. In our case, this is the file that is produced by the ISA decoder from the previous tutorial. Additional include files can be specified in a globally scoped includes {} definition. This is useful if multiple decoders are defined, and they all need to include some of the same files. Fourth is a list of names of instruction groups that make up the instructions for which the decoder is generated. In our case there is only one: RiscVInst32.

Next there are three format definitions. These represent different instruction formats for a 32-bit instruction word used by the instructions already defined in the file.

// The generic RiscV 32 bit instruction format.
format Inst32Format[32] {
    unsigned bits[25];
    unsigned opcode[7];

// RiscV 32 bit instruction format used by a number of instructions
// needing a 12 bit immediate, including CSR instructions.
format IType[32] : Inst32Format {
    signed imm12[12];
    unsigned rs1[5];
    unsigned func3[3];
    unsigned rd[5];
    unsigned opcode[7];

// RiscV instruction format used by fence instructions.
format Fence[32] : Inst32Format {
    unsigned fm[4];
    unsigned pred[4];
    unsigned succ[4];
    unsigned rs1[5];
    unsigned func3[3];
    unsigned rd[5];
    unsigned opcode[7];

The first defines a 32 bit wide instruction format named Inst32Format that has two fields: bits (25 bits wide) and opcode (7 bits wide). Each field is unsigned, meaning that the value will be zero-extended when it is extracted and placed in a C++ integer type. The sum of the widths of the bitfields must equal the width of the format. The tool will generate an error if there is a disagreement. This format does not derive from any other format, so it is considered a top level format.

The second defines a 32 bit wide instruction format named IType that derives from Inst32Format, making these two formats related. The format contains 5 fields: imm12, rs1, func3, rd and opcode. The imm12 field is signed, which means that the value will be sign-extended when the value is extracted and placed in a C++ integer type. Note that IType.opcode both has the same signed/unsigned attribute and refers to the same instruction word bits as Inst32Format.opcode.

The third format is a custom format that is only used by the fence instruction, which is an instruction that is already specified and we don't have to worry about in this tutorial.

Key point: Reuse field names in different related formats as long as they represent the same bits and have the same signed/unsigned attribute.

After the format definitions in riscv32i.bin_fmt comes an instruction group definition. All instructions in an instruction group must have the same bit-length, and use a format that derives (perhaps indirectly) from the same top level instruction format. When an ISA can have instructions with different lengths, a different instruction group is used for each length. Additionally, if the target ISA decoding depends on an execution mode, such as Arm vs. Thumb instructions, a separate instruction group is required for each mode. The bin_fmt parser generates a binary decoder for each instruction group.

instruction group RiscV32I[32] "OpcodeEnum" : Inst32Format {
  fence   : Fence  : func3 == 0b000, opcode == 0b000'1111;
  csrs    : IType  : func3 == 0b010, rs1 != 0, opcode == 0b111'0011;
  csrw_nr : IType  : func3 == 0b001, rd == 0,  opcode == 0b111'0011;
  csrs_nw : IType  : func3 == 0b010, rs1 == 0, opcode == 0b111'0011;

The instruction group defines a name RiscV32I, a width [32], the name of the opcode enumeration type to use "OpcodeEnum", and a base instruction format. The opcode enumeration type should be the same as produced by the format independent instruction decoder covered in the tutorial on the ISA decoder.

Each instruction encoding description consists of 3 parts:

  • The opcode name, which must be the same as was used in the instruction decoder description for the two to work together.
  • The instruction format to use for the opcode. This is the format that is used to satisfy references to bitfields in the final part.
  • A comma separated list of bit field constraints, ==, !=, <, <=, >, and >= that all must be true for the opcode to successfully match the instruction word.

The .bin_fmt parser uses all this information to build a decoder that:

  • Provides extraction functions (signed/unsigned) as appropriate for each bit field in every format. The extractor functions are placed in namespaces named by the snake-case version of the format name. For instance, the extractor functions for format IType are placed in namespace i_type. Each extractor function is declared inline, takes the narrowest uint_t type that holds the width of the format, and returns the narrowest int_t (for signed), uint_t (for unsigned) type, that holds the extracted field width. E.g.:
inline uint8_t ExtractOpcode(uint32_t value) {
  return value & 0x7f;
  • A decode function for each instruction group. It returns a value of type OpcodeEnum, and takes the narrowest uint_t type that holds the width of the instruction group format.

Perform initial build

Change directory to riscv_bin_decoder and build the project using the following command:

$ cd riscv_bin_decoder
$ bazel build :all

Now change your directory back to the repository root, then let's take a look at the sources that were generated. For that, change directory to bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/riscv_bin_decoder (assuming you are on an x86 host - for other hosts, the k8-fastbuild will be another string).

$ cd ..
$ cd bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/riscv_bin_decoder
  • riscv32i_bin_decoder.h

The generated header file (.h)

Open up riscv32i_bin_decoder.h. The first part of the file contains standard boilerplate guards, include files, namespace declarations. Following that there is a templated helper function in namespace internal. This function is used to extract bit fields from formats too long to fit in a 64-bit C++ integer.


#include <iostream>
#include <cstdint>

#include "third_party/absl/functional/any_invocable.h"

#include "learning/brain/research/mpact/sim/codelab/riscv_isa_decoder/solution/riscv32i_decoder.h"

namespace mpact {
namespace sim {
namespace codelab {

namespace internal {

template <typename T>
static inline T ExtractBits(const uint8_t *data, int data_size,
                            int bit_index, int width) {
  if (width == 0) return 0;

  int byte_pos = bit_index >> 3;
  int end_byte = (bit_index + width - 1) >> 3;
  int start_bit = bit_index & 0x7;

  // If it is only from one byte, extract and return.
  if (byte_pos == end_byte) {
    uint8_t mask = 0xff >> start_bit;
    return (mask & data[byte_pos]) >> (8 - start_bit - width);

  // Extract from the first byte.
  T val = 0;
  val = data[byte_pos++] & 0xff >> start_bit;
  int remainder = width - (8 - start_bit);
  while (remainder >= 8) {
    val = (val << 8) | data[byte_pos++];
    remainder -= 8;

  // Extract any remaining bits.
  if (remainder > 0) {
    val <<= remainder;
    int shift = 8 - remainder;
    uint8_t mask = 0b1111'1111 << shift;
    val |= (data[byte_pos] & mask) >> shift;
  return val;

}  // namespace internal

Following the initial section there is a a set of three namespaces, one for each of the format declarations in the riscv32i.bin_fmt file:

namespace fence {


}  // namespace fence

namespace i_type {


}  // namespace i_type

namespace inst32_format {


}  // namespace inst32_format

Within each of these namespaces the inline bitfield extraction function for each bit field in that format is defined. Additionally, the base format duplicates extraction functions from the descendant formats for which 1) the field names only occur in a single field name, or 2) for which the field names refer to the same type field (signed/unsigned and bit positions) in each format they occur in. This enables bit fields that describe the same bits to be extracted using functions in the top level format namespace.

The functions in the i_type namespace is shown below:

namespace i_type {

inline uint8_t ExtractFunc3(uint32_t value) {
  return  (value >> 12) & 0x7;

inline int16_t ExtractImm12(uint32_t value) {
  int16_t result = ( (value >> 20) & 0xfff) << 4;
  result = result >> 4;
  return result;

inline uint8_t ExtractOpcode(uint32_t value) {
  return value & 0x7f;

inline uint8_t ExtractRd(uint32_t value) {
  return  (value >> 7) & 0x1f;

inline uint8_t ExtractRs1(uint32_t value) {
  return  (value >> 15) & 0x1f;

}  // namespace i_type

Lastly, the function declaration of the decoder function for the instruction group RiscVInst32 is declared. It takes a 32 bit unsigned as the value of the instruction word and returns the OpcodeEnum enumeration class member that matches, or OpcodeEnum::kNone if there is no match.

OpcodeEnum DecodeRiscVInst32(uint32_t inst_word);

The generated Source File (.cc)

Now open up The first part of the file contains the #include and namespace declarations, followed by the decoder function declarations:

#include "riscv32i_bin_decoder.h"

namespace mpact {
namespace sim {
namespace codelab {

OpcodeEnum DecodeRiscVInst32None(uint32_t);
OpcodeEnum DecodeRiscVInst32_0(uint32_t inst_word);
OpcodeEnum DecodeRiscVInst32_0_3(uint32_t inst_word);
OpcodeEnum DecodeRiscVInst32_0_3c(uint32_t inst_word);
OpcodeEnum DecodeRiscVInst32_0_5c(uint32_t inst_word);

The DecodeRiscVInst32None is used for empty decode actions, i.e., the ones that return OpcodeEnum::kNone. The other three functions make up the generated decoder. The overall decoder works in a hierarchical fashion. A set of bits in the instruction word is computed to differentiate between instructions or groups of instructions at the top level. The bits need not be contiguous. The number of bits determine the size of a lookup table that is populated with second level decoder functions. This is seen in the next section of the file:

absl::AnyInvocable<OpcodeEnum(uint32_t)> parse_group_RiscVInst32_0[kParseGroupRiscVInst32_0_Size] = {
    &DecodeRiscVInst32None, &DecodeRiscVInst32None,
    &DecodeRiscVInst32None, &DecodeRiscVInst32_0_3,
    &DecodeRiscVInst32None, &DecodeRiscVInst32None,


    &DecodeRiscVInst32None, &DecodeRiscVInst32None,
    &DecodeRiscVInst32None, &DecodeRiscVInst32None,
    &DecodeRiscVInst32_0_3c, &DecodeRiscVInst32None,


Lastly, the decoder functions are defined:

OpcodeEnum DecodeRiscVInst32None(uint32_t) {
  return OpcodeEnum::kNone;

OpcodeEnum DecodeRiscVInst32_0(uint32_t inst_word) {
  if ((inst_word & 0x4003) != 0x3) return OpcodeEnum::kNone;
  uint32_t index;
  index = (inst_word >> 2) & 0x1f;
  index |= (inst_word >> 7) & 0x60;
  return parse_group_RiscVInst32_0[index](inst_word);

OpcodeEnum DecodeRiscVInst32_0_3(uint32_t inst_word) {
  return OpcodeEnum::kFence;

OpcodeEnum DecodeRiscVInst32_0_3c(uint32_t inst_word) {
  if ((inst_word & 0xf80) != 0x0) return OpcodeEnum::kNone;
  return OpcodeEnum::kCsrwNr;

OpcodeEnum DecodeRiscVInst32_0_5c(uint32_t inst_word) {
  uint32_t rs1_value = (inst_word >> 15) & 0x1f;
  if (rs1_value != 0x0)
    return OpcodeEnum::kCsrs;
  if (rs1_value == 0x0)
    return OpcodeEnum::kCsrsNw;
  return OpcodeEnum::kNone;

OpcodeEnum DecodeRiscVInst32(uint32_t inst_word) {
  OpcodeEnum opcode;
  opcode = DecodeRiscVInst32_0(inst_word);
  return opcode;

In this case, where there are only 4 instructions defined, there is only a single level of decode and a very sparse lookup table. As instructions are added, the structure of the decoder will change and the number of levels in the decoder table hierarchy may increase.

Add register-register ALU instructions

Now it's time to add some new instructions to the riscv32i.bin_fmt file. The first group of instructions are register-register ALU instructions such as add, and, etc. On RiscV32, these all use the R-type binary instruction format:

31..25 24..20 19..15 14..12 11..7 6..0
7 5 5 3 5 7
func7 rs2 rs1 func3 rd opcode

The first thing we need to do is to add the format. Go ahead and open up riscv32i.bin_fmt in your favorite editor. Right after the Inst32Format lets add a format called RType which derives from Inst32Format. All the bitfields in RType are unsigned. Use the names, bit width, and order (left to right) from the table above to define the format. If you need a hint, or want to see the full solution, click here.

Next we need to add the instructions. The instructions are:

  • add - integer add.
  • and - bitwise and.
  • or - bitwise or.
  • sll - shift left logical.
  • sltu - set less-than, unsigned.
  • sub - integer subtract.
  • xor - bitwise xor.

Their encodings are:

31..25 24..20 19..15 14..12 11..7 6..0 opcode name
000 0000 rs2 rs1 000 rd 011 0011 add
000 0000 rs2 rs1 111 rd 011 0011 and
000 0000 rs2 rs1 110 rd 011 0011 or
000 0000 rs2 rs1 001 rd 011 0011 sll
000 0000 rs2 rs1 011 rd 011 0011 sltu
010 0000 rs2 rs1 000 rd 011 0011 sub
000 0000 rs2 rs1 100 rd 011 0011 xor
func7 func3 opcode

Add these instruction definitions before the other instructions in the RiscVInst32 instruction group. Binary strings are specified with a leading prefix of 0b (similar to 0x for hexadecimal numbers). To make it easier to read long strings of binary digits, you may also insert the single quote ' as a digit separator where you see fit.

Each of these instruction definitions will have three constraints, namely on func7, func3, and opcode. For all but sub, the func7 constraint will be:

func7 == 0b000'0000

The func3 constraint varies across most of the instructions. For add and sub it is:

func3 == 0b000

The opcode constraint is the same for each of these instructions:

opcode == 0b011'0011

Remember to terminate each line with a semicolon ;.

The finished solution is here.

Now go ahead and build your project as previously, and open up the generated file. You will see that additional decoder functions have been generated to handle the new instructions. For the most part they are similar to the ones that had been generated before, but look at DecodeRiscVInst32_0_c which is used for add/sub decode:

OpcodeEnum DecodeRiscVInst32_0_c(uint32_t inst_word) {
  static constexpr OpcodeEnum opcodes[2] = {
  if ((inst_word & 0xbe000000) != 0x0) return OpcodeEnum::kNone;
  uint32_t index;
  index = (inst_word >> 30) & 0x1;
  return opcodes[index];

In this function there is a static decode table generated, and a lookup value is extracted from the instruction word to select the appropriate index. This adds a second layer in the instruction decoder hierarchy, but since the opcode can be looked up directly in a table without further comparisons, it is inlined in this function as opposed to requiring another function call.

Add ALU instructions with immediates

The next set of instructions we will add are ALU instructions that use an immediate value instead of one of the registers. There are three groups of these instructions (based on the immediate field): the I-Type immediate instructions with a 12 bit signed immediate, the specialized I-Type immediate instructions for shifts, and the U-Type immediate, with a 20-bit unsigned immediate value. The formats are shown below:

The I-Type immediate format:

31..20 19..15 14..12 11..7 6..0
12 5 3 5 7
imm12 rs1 func3 rd opcode

The specialized I-Type immediate format:

31..25 24..20 19..15 14..12 11..7 6..0
7 5 5 3 5 7
func7 uimm5 rs1 func3 rd opcode

The U-Type immediate format:

31..12 11..7 6..0
20 5 7
uimm20 rd opcode

The I-Type format already exists in riscv32i.bin_fmt, so there is no need to add that format.

If we compare the specialized I-Type format to the R-Type format we defined in the previous exercise, we see that the only difference is that the rs2 fields is renamed to uimm5. Instead of adding a whole new format we can augment the R-Type format. We can't add another field, as that would increase the width of the format, but we can add an overlay. An overlay is an alias for a set of bits in the format, and can be used to combine multiple subsequences of the format into a separate named entity. The side-effect is that the generated code will now also include an extraction function for the overlay, in addition to those for the fields. In this case, when both rs2 and uimm5 are unsigned it doesn't make much difference except to make it explicit that the field is used as an immediate. To add an overlay named uimm5 to the R-Type format, add the following after the last field:

    unsigned uimm5[5] = rs2;

The only new format we need to add is the U-Type format. Before we add the format, let's consider the two instructions that use that format: auipc and lui. Both of these shift the 20-bit immediate value left by 12 before using it to either adding the pc to it (auipc) or write it directly to a register (lui). Using an overlay we can provide a pre-shifted version of the immediate, shifting a little bit of computation from instruction execution to instruction decode. First add the format according to the fields specified in the table above. Then we can add the following overlay:

    unsigned uimm32[32] = uimm20, 0b0000'0000'0000;

The overlay syntax allows us to concatenate, not only fields, but literals as well. In this case we concatenate it with 12 zeros, in effect shifting it left by 12.

The I-Type instructions we need to add are:

  • addi - Add immediate.
  • andi - Bitwise and with immediate.
  • ori - Bitwise or with immediate.
  • xori - Bitwise xor with immediate.

Their encodings are:

31..20 19..15 14..12 11..7 6..0 opcode_name
imm12 rs1 000 rd 001 0011 addi
imm12 rs1 111 rd 001 0011 andi
imm12 rs1 110 rd 001 0011 ori
imm12 rs1 100 rd 001 0011 xori
func3 opcode

The R-Type (specialized I-Type) instructions we need to add are:

  • slli - Shift left logical by immediate.
  • srai - Shift right arithmetic by immediate.
  • srli - Shift right logical by immediate.

Their encodings are:

31..25 24..20 19..15 14..12 11..7 6..0 opcode name
000 0000 uimm5 rs1 001 rd 001 0011 slli
010 0000 uimm5 rs1 101 rd 001 0011 srai
000 0000 uimm5 rs1 101 rd 001 0011 srli
func7 func3 opcode

The U-Type instructions we need to add are:

  • auipc - Add upper immediate to pc.
  • lui - Load upper immediate.

Their encodings are:

31..12 11..7 6..0 opcode name
uimm20 rd 001 0111 auipc
uimm20 rd 011 0111 lui

Go ahead and make the changes and then build. Check the generated output. Just as previously, you can check your work against riscv32i.bin_fmt.

The next set of instructions that need to be defined are the conditional branch instructions, the jump-and-link instruction, and the jump-and-link register instruction.

The conditional branches we are adding all use the B-Type encoding.

31..25 24..20 19..15 14..12 11..7 6..0
7 5 5 3 5 7
imm7 rs2 rs1 func3 imm5 opcode

While the B-Type encoding is identical in layout to the R-Type encoding, we choose to use a new format type for it to align with the RiscV documentation. But you could also just have added an overlay to get the appropriate branch displacement immediate out, using the func7 and rd fields of the R-Type encoding.

Adding a format BType with the fields as specified above is necessary, but not sufficient. As you can see, the immediate is split over two instruction fields. Moreover, the branch instructions do not treat this as a simple concatenation of the two fields. Instead, each field is further partitioned, and these partitions are concatenated in a different order. Finally, that value is shifted left by one to obtain a 16-bit aligned offset.

The sequence of bits in the instruction word used to form the immediate are: 31, 7, 30..25, 11..8. This corresponds to the following sub-field references, where the index or range specify the bits in the field, numbered right to left, i.e., imm7[6] refers to the msb of imm7, and imm5[0] refers to the lsb of imm5.

imm7[6], imm5[0], imm7[5..0], imm5[4..1]

Making this bit manipulation part of the branch instructions themselves have two big drawbacks. First, it ties the implementation of the semantic function to details in the binary instruction representation. Second, it adds more run-time overhead. The answer is to add an overlay to the BType format, including a trailing '0' to account for the left shift.

    signed b_imm[13] = imm7[6], imm5[0], imm7[5..0], imm5[4..1], 0b0;

Notice that the overlay is signed, so it will be automatically sign-extended when it is extracted from the instruction word.

The jump-and-link (immediate) instruction uses the J-Type encoding:

31..12 11..7 6..0
20 5 7
imm20 rd opcode

This is also an easy format to add, but again, the immediate that is used by the instruction is not as straightforward as it seems. The bit sequences used to form the full immediate are: 31, 19..12, 20, 30..21, and the final immediate is shifted left by one for half word alignment. The solution is to add another overlay (21 bits to account for the left shift) to the format:

    signed j_imm[21] = imm20[19, 7..0, 8, 18..9], 0b0;

As you can see, the syntax for overlays support specifying multiple ranges in a field in a shorthand format. Additionally, if no field name is used, the bit numbers refer to the instruction word itself, so the above could just as well be written as:

    signed j_imm[21] = [31, 19..12, 20, 30..21], 0b0;

Finally, the jump-and-link (register) uses the I-type format as used previously.

The I-Type immediate format:

31..20 19..15 14..12 11..7 6..0
12 5 3 5 7
imm12 rs1 func3 rd opcode

This time, there is no change that has to be made to the format.

The branch instructions we need to add, are:

  • beq - Branch if equal.
  • bge - Branch if greater than or equal.
  • bgeu - Branch if greater than or equal unsigned.
  • blt - Branch if less than.
  • bltu - Branch if less than unsigned.
  • bne - Branch if not equal.

They are encoded as follows:

31..25 24..20 19..15 14..12 11..7 6..0 opcode name
imm7 rs2 rs1 000 imm5 110 0011 beq
imm7 rs2 rs1 101 imm5 110 0011 bge
imm7 rs2 rs1 111 imm5 110 0011 bgeu
imm7 rs2 rs1 100 imm5 110 0011 blt
imm7 rs2 rs1 110 imm5 110 0011 bltu
imm7 rs2 rs1 001 imm5 110 0011 bne
func3 opcode

The jal instruction is encoded as follows:

31..12 11..7 6..0 opcode name
imm20 rd 110 1111 jal

The jalr instruction is encoded as follows:

31..20 19..15 14..12 11..7 6..0 opcode_name
imm12 rs1 000 rd 110 0111 jalr
func3 opcode

Go ahead and make the changes and then build. Check the generated output. Just as previously, you can check your work against riscv32i.bin_fmt.

Add store instructions

The store instructions use the S-Type encoding, which is identical to the B-Type encoding used by branch instructions, except for the composition of the immediate. We choose to add the SType format to remain aligned with the RiscV documentation.

31..25 24..20 19..15 14..12 11..7 6..0
7 5 5 3 5 7
imm7 rs2 rs1 func3 imm5 opcode

In the case of the SType format, the immediate is thankfully a straight forward concatenation of the two immediate fields, so the overlay specification is simply:

    signed s_imm[12] = imm7, imm5;

Note that no bit range specifiers are required when concatenating whole fields.

The store instructions are encoded as follows:

31..25 24..20 19..15 14..12 11..7 6..0 opcode name
imm7 rs2 rs1 000 imm5 010 0011 sb
imm7 rs2 rs1 001 imm5 010 0011 sh
imm7 rs2 rs1 010 imm5 010 0011 sw
func3 opcode

Go ahead and make the changes and then build. Check the generated output. Just as previously, you can check your work against riscv32i.bin_fmt.

Add load instructions

The load instructions use the I-Type format. No change has to be made there.

The encodings are:

31..20 19..15 14..12 11..7 6..0 opcode_name
imm12 rs1 000 rd 000 0011 lb
imm12 rs1 100 rd 000 0011 lbu
imm12 rs1 001 rd 000 0011 lh
imm12 rs1 101 rd 000 0011 lhu
imm12 rs1 010 rd 000 0011 lw
func3 opcode

Go ahead and make the changes and then build. Check the generated output. Just as previously, you can check your work against riscv32i.bin_fmt.

This concludes this tutorial, we hope it has been useful.