GoogleRidesharingDriver Framework Reference


typedef NSString GMTDFleetEngineIDString

Specifies an ID field that is of type String.

The SDK receives string data from other APIs and passes that data unmodified to Fleet Engine. However, Fleet Engine requires that some string-typed data conform to specific rules. Data passed through the SDK to Fleet Engine can result in request failure if the data format does not conform to Fleet Engine rules. To prevent request failures to Fleet Engine, use this typedef to identify which fields from incoming calls must follow the following formatting rules:

  • The string must be a valid UTF-8 string in UTF normalized form C (see
  • The string must be no longer than 64 characters in length.
  • The string must not contain the characters ‘/’, ‘:’, ‘?’, ‘,’, or ‘#’.

You are responsible for ensuring that when your client makes calls to Fleet Engine SDKs, ID strings conform to the restrictions above. The SDK itself will pass the input values unmodified to the backend.