Đoạn trích

Tạo phần mở rộng về đoạn trích

function createSnippet() {
  // For full details on creating a new snippet extension, see:
  // https://developers.google.com/google-ads/scripts/docs/reference/adsapp/adsapp_snippetbuilder
  const newSnippet = AdsApp.extensions().newSnippetBuilder()
      // Replace the values below with your header, values, and mobile preferred
      // For a list of supported headers, see: https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/appendix/structured-snippet-headers
      .withHeader('Brands')                    // required
      .withValues(['Nest', 'Waymo','Google'])  // required
      .withMobilePreferred(true)               // optional

  // Add snippet to a campaign
  const campaignIterator = AdsApp.campaigns()
      .withCondition('campaign.name = "INSERT_CAMPAIGN_NAME_HERE"')
  if (campaignIterator.hasNext()) {
    const campaign = campaignIterator.next();

  // Add snippet to an ad group
  const adGroupIterator = AdsApp.adGroups()
      .withCondition('campaign.name = "INSERT_CAMPAIGN_NAME_HERE"')
      .withCondition('ad_group.name = "INSERT_AD_GROUP_NAME_HERE"')
  if (adGroupIterator.hasNext()) {
    const adGroup = adGroupIterator.next();

  // Add snippet to an account
  const account = AdsApp.currentAccount();

Thông tin chi tiết về đoạn mã nhật ký cho chiến dịch

function logSnippetDetails() {
  // Get a campaign.
  const campaignIterator = AdsApp.campaigns()
      .withCondition('campaign.name = "INSERT_CAMPAIGN_NAME_HERE"')
  if (!campaignIterator.hasNext()) {
    throw new Error('Campaign not found.');
  const campaign = campaignIterator.next();

  // Retrieve the campaign's snippets. Retrieving an ad group's and
  // account's sniuppets is similar.
  const snippetIterator = campaign.extensions().snippets().get();
  for (const snippet of snippetIterator) {
    // You can also request reports for pre-defined date ranges. See
    // https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/guides/awql,
    // DateRangeLiteral section for possible values.
    const stats = snippet.getStatsFor('LAST_MONTH');

    console.log(`Snippet header : ${ snippet.getHeader() }`);
    console.log(`Snippet values : ${ snippet.getValues() }`);
    console.log(`mobile preferred : ${ snippet.isMobilePreferred() }`);
    console.log(`clicks : ${ stats.getClicks() }`);
    console.log(`impressions : ${ stats.getImpressions() }`);

  console.log(`${snippetIterator.totalNumEntities()} snippets in the campaign`);

Đặt lịch biểu cho đoạn mã trong chiến dịch

function setSnippetSchedule() {
  // Get a campaign.
  const campaignIterator = AdsApp.campaigns()
      .withCondition('campaign.name = "INSERT_CAMPAIGN_NAME_HERE"')
  if (!campaignIterator.hasNext()) {
    throw new Error('Campaign not found.');
  const campaign = campaignIterator.next();

  // Retrieve the campaign's snippets. Retrieving an ad group's and
  // account's saitelinks is similar.
  const snippetIterator = campaign.extensions().snippets().get();

  for (const snippet of snippetIterator) {
    if (snippet.getHeader() === 'Brands') {
      // Set snippet schedule to run only on Mondays and Tuesdays, 9 AM to
      // 6 PM.
      const monday = {
        dayOfWeek: 'MONDAY',
        startHour: 9,
        startMinute: 0,
        endHour: 18,
        endMinute: 0

      const tuesday = {
        dayOfWeek: 'TUESDAY',
        startHour: 9,
        startMinute: 0,
        endHour: 18,
        endMinute: 0

      snippet.setSchedules([monday, tuesday]);
