- Dataset Availability
- 2018-01-01T00:00:00Z–2022-01-01T00:00:00Z
- Dataset Provider
- Joint Research Center (JRC)
- Earth Engine Snippet
- Cadence
- 1 Year
- Tags
European crop type map based on Sentinel-1 and LUCAS Copernicus 2018 in-situ observations for 2018; and one based on Sentinel-2 and LUCAS Copernicus 2022 for 2022.
Capitalizing on the unique LUCAS 2018 Copernicus in-situ survey, the 2018 dataset is the first continental crop type map with 10m pixel size for the EU based on S1A and S1B Synthetic Aperture Radar observations for the year 2018; the 2022 dataset is a continuation of the work and is based on optical S2 observations for the year 2022.
Pixel Size
10 meters
Name | Description |
classification |
Main crop-specific land cover classification. |
classification Class Table
Value | Color | Description |
100 | #ff130f | Artificial |
211 | #a57000 | Common wheat |
212 | #896054 | Durum wheat |
213 | #e2007c | Barley |
214 | #aa007c | Rye |
215 | #a05989 | Oats |
216 | #ffd300 | Maize |
217 | #00a8e2 | Rice |
218 | #d69ebc | Triticale |
219 | #d69ebc | Other cereals |
221 | #dda50a | Potatoes |
222 | #a800e2 | Sugar beet |
223 | #00af49 | Other root crops |
230 | #00af49 | Other non-permanent industrial crops |
231 | #ffff00 | Sunflower |
232 | #d1ff00 | Rapeseed and turnip rapeseed |
233 | #267000 | Soya |
240 | #f2a377 | Dry pulses |
250 | #e8bfff | Fodder crops (cereals and leguminous) |
290 | #696969 | Bare arable land |
300 | #93cc93 | Woodland and Shrubland (incl. permanent crops) |
500 | #e8ffbf | Grasslands |
600 | #a89e7f | Bare land/lichens moss |
700 | #0793de | Water |
800 | #7cafaf | Wetlands |
Image Properties
Image Properties
Name | Type | Description |
classification_class_names | STRING_LIST | Array of cropland classification names. |
classification_class_palette | STRING_LIST | Array of hex code color strings used for the classification palette. |
classification_class_values | INT_LIST | Value of the cropland classification. |
Terms of Use
Terms of Use
d'Andrimont, R., Verhegghen, A., Lemoine, G., Kempeneers, P., Meroni, M., & Van der Velde, M. (2021). From parcel to continental scale-A first European crop type map based on Sentinel-1 and LUCAS Copernicus in-situ observations. Remote sensing of environment, 266, 112708.
d'Andrimont, R., Verhegghen, A., Lemoine, G., Kempeneers, P., Meroni, M., & Van der Velde, M. (2021). From parcel to continental scale-A first European crop type map based on Sentinel-1 and LUCAS Copernicus in-situ observations. Remote sensing of environment, 266, 112708. doi:10.1016/j.rse.2021.112708.
Ghassemi, B., Dujakovic, A., Żółtak, M., Immitzer, M., Atzberger, C. and Vuolo, F., 2022. Designing a European-wide crop type mapping approach based on machine learning algorithms using LUCAS field survey and Sentinel-2 data. Remote sensing, 14(3), p.541. 10.3390/rs14030541
Explore with Earth Engine
Code Editor (JavaScript)
var image = ee.ImageCollection('JRC/D5/EUCROPMAP/V1').filterDate( '2018-01-01', '2019-01-01').first(); Map.addLayer(image, {}, 'EUCROPMAP 2018'); Map.setCenter(10, 48, 4);