

「郵件合併」會從試算表或其他資料來源的資料列中擷取值,然後插入範本文件中。如此一來,您可以建立單一的「主要」文件 (範本),產生許多類似文件,每個文件皆會合併資料。結果不可用於郵件或表單字母,但可用於任何目的,例如產生一批客戶發票。


1 姓名 Address 可用區
2 都會區 新生南路一段 西部
3 鸚鵡形 信義路 5 段 7 號 南部地區
4 以此類推...

本頁的範例應用程式說明如何使用 Google 文件和試算表 (和雲端硬碟) API 解開郵件合併作業的詳細細節,保護使用者免於實作疑慮。如要進一步瞭解此範例,請前往範例的開放原始碼存放區



  • 建立新的 Google 文件檔案。選擇要使用的範本。(我們的範本範例使用 Letter/Spearmint)。
  • 記下文件 ID,也就是網址 document/d/ 後方的字串 (請參閱 DOCUMENT_ID):https://docs.google.com/document/d/DOCUMENT_ID/edit
  • 將程式碼中的 DOCS_FILE_ID 變數設為該文件 ID。
  • 將文件中的聯絡資訊替換成應用程式要與所需資料合併的範本預留位置變數。

以下是字母範本範例,其中含有將來源 (例如 Google 試算表或純文字) 等來源的實際資料合併的預留位置。該範本如下所示:

接下來,請設定 SOURCE 變數,選擇純文字或 Google 試算表做為資料來源。預設值為純文字,這代表 TEXT_SOURCE_DATA 變數中的範例資料。如要從 Google 試算表收集資料,請將 SOURCE 變數更新為 'sheets',並設定 SHEETS_FILE_ID 變數,使其指向範例。以下是我們的試算表格式,方便您瞭解格式:


  • 設定
  • 從資料來源擷取資料
  • 循環顯示每一列的資料
    • 建立範本副本
    • 將副本與資料合併
    • 新合併文件的輸出連結

所有新的合併字母也會顯示在使用者的 Google 雲端硬碟中。以下是合併字母的範例:



import time

import google.auth
from googleapiclient.discovery import build
from googleapiclient.errors import HttpError

# Fill-in IDs of your Docs template & any Sheets data source
DOCS_FILE_ID = "195j9eDD3ccgjQRttHhJPymLJUCOUjs-jmwTrekvdjFE"
SHEETS_FILE_ID = "11pPEzi1vCMNbdpqaQx4N43rKmxvZlgEHE9GqpYoEsWw"

# authorization constants

SCOPES = (  # iterable or space-delimited string

# application constants
SOURCES = ("text", "sheets")
SOURCE = "text"  # Choose one of the data SOURCES
COLUMNS = ["to_name", "to_title", "to_company", "to_address"]
        "Ms. Lara Brown",
        "Google NYC",
        "111 8th Ave\nNew York, NY  10011-5201",
        "Mr. Jeff Erson",
        "Google NYC",
        "76 9th Ave\nNew York, NY  10011-4962",

# fill-in your data to merge into document template variables
merge = {
    # sender data
    "my_name": "Ayme A. Coder",
    "my_address": "1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy\nMountain View, CA  94043-1351",
    "my_email": "http://google.com",
    "my_phone": "+1-650-253-0000",
    # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    # recipient data (supplied by 'text' or 'sheets' data source)
    "to_name": None,
    "to_title": None,
    "to_company": None,
    "to_address": None,
    # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    "date": time.strftime("%Y %B %d"),
    # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    "body": (
        "Google, headquartered in Mountain View, unveiled the new "
        "Android phone at the Consumer Electronics Show. CEO Sundar "
        "Pichai said in his keynote that users love their new phones."

creds, _ = google.auth.default()
# pylint: disable=maybe-no-member

# service endpoints to Google APIs

DRIVE = build("drive", "v2", credentials=creds)
DOCS = build("docs", "v1", credentials=creds)
SHEETS = build("sheets", "v4", credentials=creds)

def get_data(source):
  """Gets mail merge data from chosen data source."""
    if source not in {"sheets", "text"}:
      raise ValueError(
          f"ERROR: unsupported source {source}; choose from {SOURCES}"
    return SAFE_DISPATCH[source]()
  except HttpError as error:
    print(f"An error occurred: {error}")
    return error

def _get_text_data():
  """(private) Returns plain text data; can alter to read from CSV file."""

def _get_sheets_data(service=SHEETS):
  """(private) Returns data from Google Sheets source. It gets all rows of
  'Sheet1' (the default Sheet in a new spreadsheet), but drops the first
  (header) row. Use any desired data range (in standard A1 notation).
  return (
      .get(spreadsheetId=SHEETS_FILE_ID, range="Sheet1")
  # skip header row

# data source dispatch table [better alternative vs. eval()]
SAFE_DISPATCH = {k: globals().get(f"_get_{k}_data") for k in SOURCES}

def _copy_template(tmpl_id, source, service):
  """(private) Copies letter template document using Drive API then
  returns file ID of (new) copy.
    body = {"name": f"Merged form letter ({source})"}
    return (
        .copy(body=body, fileId=tmpl_id, fields="id")
  except HttpError as error:
    print(f"An error occurred: {error}")
    return error

def merge_template(tmpl_id, source, service):
  """Copies template document and merges data into newly-minted copy then
  returns its file ID.
    # copy template and set context data struct for merging template values
    copy_id = _copy_template(tmpl_id, source, service)
    context = merge.iteritems() if hasattr({}, "iteritems") else merge.items()

    # "search & replace" API requests for mail merge substitutions
    reqs = [
            "replaceAllText": {
                "containsText": {
                    "text": "{{%s}}" % key.upper(),  # {{VARS}} are uppercase
                    "matchCase": True,
                "replaceText": value,
        for key, value in context

    # send requests to Docs API to do actual merge
        body={"requests": reqs}, documentId=copy_id, fields=""
    return copy_id
  except HttpError as error:
    print(f"An error occurred: {error}")
    return error

if __name__ == "__main__":
  # get row data, then loop through & process each form letter
  data = get_data(SOURCE)  # get data from data source
  for i, row in enumerate(data):
    merge.update(dict(zip(COLUMNS, row)))
        "Merged letter %d: docs.google.com/document/d/%s/edit"
        % (i + 1, merge_template(DOCS_FILE_ID, SOURCE, DRIVE))

詳情請參閱 README 應用程式,以及此範例應用程式的開放原始碼存放區的完整應用程式原始碼。