Quiz - Onboard and launch a location

  1. Which of the following expectations does Business Messages require agents to meet?

    Choose as many answers as you see fit.

  2. What kind of ID does Business Messages use to identify locations?

  3. Which of the following is a type of non-local information?

    Choose as many answers as you see fit.

  4. Which of the following types of automated responses does Business Messages allow you to configure in the conversational settings?

    Choose as many answers as you see fit.

  5. Match the different types of locales with their descriptions.

    Each answer only matches one item.

    Default locale

    Supported locale

    User locale

    Resolved locale

  6. Which of the following items can you update after you verify your agent?

    Choose as many answers as you see fit.

  7. How soon is an agent available to users after launching?

  8. Which of the following pre-launch checklist items are required before launching a location?

    Choose as many answers as you see fit.