
public class TokenBindingIdValue extends AbstractSafeParcelable

Represents the Token binding ID value associated with the caller origin.

The ID of the Token Binding established as a result of Token Binding message processing contains the identifier of the negotiated key parameters, the length (in bytes) of the Token Binding public key, and the Token Binding public key itself. The Token Binding ID can be obtained from the TokenBinding structure by discarding the Token Binding type, signature and extensions.

See Also

Nested Class Summary

enum TokenBindingIdValue.TokenBindingIdValueType The type of value stored by this TokenBindingIdValue. 
class TokenBindingIdValue.UnsupportedTokenBindingIdValueTypeException Exception thrown when an unsupported or unrecognized TokenBindingIdValueType is encountered. 

Inherited Constant Summary

Field Summary

public static final TokenBindingIdValue ABSENT Used to indicate there is no token binding ID.
public static final TokenBindingIdValue UNAVAILABLE Used to indicate the client is aware of token binding ID, but that the value of its public key is unknown to this U2F client.
public static final TokenBindingIdValue UNUSED Used to indicate the client is aware of Token binding ID, but has not used it with the server.

Public Constructor Summary

Public Method Summary

equals(Object other)
static TokenBindingIdValue.TokenBindingIdValueType
writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags)

Inherited Method Summary


public static final TokenBindingIdValue ABSENT

Used to indicate there is no token binding ID.

public static final TokenBindingIdValue UNAVAILABLE

Used to indicate the client is aware of token binding ID, but that the value of its public key is unknown to this U2F client.

public static final TokenBindingIdValue UNUSED

Used to indicate the client is aware of Token binding ID, but has not used it with the server.

Public Constructors

public TokenBindingIdValue (JSONObject value)

Public Methods

public boolean equals (Object other)

public JSONObject getObjectValue ()

public String getObjectValueAsString ()

public String getStringValue ()

public int getTypeAsInt ()

public int hashCode ()

public void writeToParcel (Parcel dest, int flags)