Menambahkan layanan online (Tidak digunakan lagi)

Layanan online didefinisikan sebagai layanan yang diselenggarakan sepenuhnya secara online melalui platform yang dihosting, dan tidak mewajibkan pelanggan untuk menghadiri layanan secara langsung. Beberapa contoh layanan online dapat mencakup:

  • Kelas yoga online melalui Zoom
  • Masterclass tata rias online melalui Google Meet
  • Estimasi video pipa ledeng online melalui Skype

Persyaratan kelayakan layanan online

Sebelum memulai penerapan, tinjau kebijakan dan praktik terbaik layanan online.

Implementasi layanan online

Integrasi layanan online merupakan add-on untuk integrasi Janji Temu yang ada secara menyeluruh, dan memerlukan beberapa perubahan pada implementasi yang ada. Secara umum, perubahan berikut mencakup:

  • Feed: tambahkan type, VirtualSession , DirectMerchantPayment, dan CancellationPolicy (jika belum ditambahkan) ke feed Layanan
  • Server pemesanan: menambahkan VirtualSessionInfo ke metode CreateBooking, mengirim email dengan informasi penyiapan virtual kepada pengguna
  • Update real-time (perilaku yang ada): menangani perubahan pada inventaris virtual melalui RTU InventoryUpdate, modifikasi pada pemesanan melalui RTU BookingNotification, dan perubahan pada layanan melalui RTU Layanan


Feed layanan

Kolom berikut ditambahkan ke feed Layanan untuk mendukung layanan online.

Spesifikasi feed layanan

 enum ServiceType {
    // Service that provides dining reservation.
    // Service that provides food ordering in general, could be either takeout
    // or delivery or both.
    // Service that only provides food delivery.
    // Service that only provides food takeout.

    // Service that provides appointments or classes. Recommended for (1) health
    // and fitness, (2) spa and beauty, and (3) financial consults and
    // evaluations services. Please see the supported service types:
    // Service that provides appointment for an online class or session which
    // will be fully virtual. Must be set if enabling virtual service bookings.
// Information about virtual/online session. E.g. Online yoga class, virtual
// cooking class etc.
message VirtualSession {
  // Instructions on how this virtual class is set up. If the partner does not
  // include the video URL with the booking, then this text must include when
  // the video URL will be shared with the user. Eg. “Zoom url will be mailed
  // 30 minutes prior to the class”. (Recommended)
  // Only the folloiwng four tags are supported: <br>, <strong>, <em>, <i>.
  Text session_instructions = 1;

  // Requirements for the given virtual session. Eg. yoga mat,
  // cooking utensils etc. (Recommended)
  // Only the folloiwng four tags are supported: <br>, <strong>, <em>, <i>.
  Text session_requirements = 2;

  // Information about the virtual platform used in this session. (Required to
  // enable virtual services)
  message VirtualPlatformInfo {
    // Enum to indicate which virtual platform would be used by the merchant.
    enum Platform {
      // The merchant is flexible in which video platform they use.
      FLEXIBLE = 1;
      GOOGLE_MEET = 3;
      ZOOM = 4;
      SKYPE = 5;
      YOUTUBE = 6;
      // Should be set if the video platform used is different from the ones
      // mentioned here.
      OTHER = 7;
    Platform platform = 1;
    // The name of the platform if the platform is set to OTHER. (Required if
    // platform is set to OTHER)
    Text other_platform_name = 2;
  VirtualPlatformInfo virtual_platform_info = 3;

  // Set this as true if the virtual session is not live and is pre-recorded.
  // (Optional)
  bool is_session_prerecorded = 4;
// Information about how the user can pay directly to the merchant instead of
// pre-paying for the service via RwG.
message DirectMerchantPayment {
  // Users would be advised to pay only via the payment methods mentioned below.
  repeated Text payment_methods = 1;
// Cancellation policy for a service.
message CancellationPolicy {
  // Defines a single refund condition. Multiple refund conditions could be
  // used together to describe "refund steps" as various durations before the
  // service start time.
  message RefundCondition {
    // Duration in seconds before the start time, until when the customer can
    // receive a refund for part of the service's cost specified in
    // `refund_percent`.
    // When set to 0 (default), the service can be cancelled at any time.
    int64 min_duration_before_start_time_sec = 1;

    // The percent that can be refunded, as long as the service booking is
    // cancelled at least `min_duration_before_start_time` before the service
    // start time, in the range of [0, 100]. When set to 0 (default), the
    // service is not refundable. When set to 100 this service is fully
    // refundable.
    uint32 refund_percent = 2;
  // Zero or more refund conditions applicable to the policy.
  repeated RefundCondition refund_condition = 1;

Contoh feed layanan

  "service": [
      "merchant_id": "100",
      "service_id": "100-1",
      "localized_service_name": {
        "value": "Makeup masterclass",
        "localized_value": [
            "locale": "en",
            "value": "Makeup masterclass"
      "localized_description": {
        "value": "Learn how to do runway makeup from an award winning makeup artist.",
        "localized_value": [
            "locale": "en",
            "value": "Learn how to do runway makeup from an award winning makeup artist."
      "virtual_session": {
        "session_instructions": {
          "value": "You must have access to a computer, and a solid internet connection. Class registration link will be sent to you 15 mins before the start of the class. The class link will be accessible 1 day after the class.  ",
          "localized_value": [
              "locale": "en",
              "value": "You must have access to a computer, and a solid internet connection. Class registration link will be sent to you 15 mins before the start of the class. The class link will be accessible 1 day after the class.  "
        "session_requirements": {
          "value": "makeup brush, makeup palette, mirror",
          "localized_value": [
              "locale": "en",
              "value": "makeup brush, makeup palette, mirror"
        "virtual_platform_info": {
          "platform": "OTHER",
          "other_platform_name": "Susan's hosted platform"
      "direct_merchant_payment": {
        "payment_methods": [
            "value": "Venmo",
            "localized_value": [
                "locale": "en",
                "value": "Venmo"
      "price": {
        "price_micros": 75000000,
        "currency_code": "USD"
      "rules": {
        "min_advance_booking": 0,
        "min_advance_online_canceling": 86400,
        "cancellation_policy": {
          "refund_condition": [
              "min_duration_before_start_time_sec": 3600,
              "refund_percent": 100
      "prepayment_type": "NOT_SUPPORTED",
      "tax_rate": {
        "micro_percent": 7750000
      "merchant_id": "100",
      "service_id": "100-2",
      "localized_service_name": {
        "value": "Advanced Vinyasa Yoga",
        "localized_value": [
            "locale": "en",
            "value": "Advanced Vinyasa Yoga"
      "localized_description": {
        "value": "Learn the advanced techniques of vinyasa yoga taught by award winning yoga instructors.",
        "localized_value": [
            "locale": "en",
            "value": "Learn the advanced techniques of vinyasa yoga taught by award winning yoga instructors."
      "virtual_session": {
        "session_instructions": {
          "value": "You must have access to a computer, and a solid internet connection. Class registration link will be included in an email from the merchant.",
          "localized_value": [
              "locale": "en",
              "value": "You must have access to a computer, and a solid internet connection. Class registration link will be included in an email from the merchant."
        "session_requirements": {
          "value": "yoga mat, dumbbells",
          "localized_value": [
              "locale": "en",
              "value": "yoga mat, dumbbells"
        "virtual_platform_info": {
          "platform": "ZOOM"
      "price": {
        "price_micros": 40000000,
        "currency_code": "USD"
      "rules": {
        "min_advance_booking": 0,
        "min_advance_online_canceling": 86400,
        "cancellation_policy": {
          "refund_condition": [
              "min_duration_before_start_time_sec": 86400,
              "refund_percent": 100
              "min_duration_before_start_time_sec": 3600,
              "refund_percent": 50
      "prepayment_type": "REQUIRED",
      "tax_rate": {
        "micro_percent": 7750000
      "require_credit_card": "REQUIRE_CREDIT_CARD_ALWAYS"
  • Deskripsi yang dilokalkan: Deskripsi harus menguraikan layanan tersebut dengan jelas. Lihat panduan praktik terbaik tentang cara terbaik untuk menyusun konten layanan Anda.
  • Petunjuk sesi: Petunjuk sesi harus menjelaskan semua penyiapan yang diperlukan yang diperlukan dan memenuhi panduan yang dijabarkan dalam kebijakan.
    • Jika URL video platform dan ID rapat tidak dibuat secara otomatis sebagai bagian dari CreateBooking (misalnya, detail tidak dikirim melalui CreateBookingResponse), Anda harus menyebutkan dengan jelas di session_instructions kapan dan dari siapa pengguna mengetahui detail platform akan dikirim kepada mereka.
  • Persyaratan sesi: Persyaratan sesi harus menjelaskan semua peralatan atau materi yang diperlukan yang dibutuhkan pengguna untuk berpartisipasi dalam kelas secara efektif. Anda juga dapat menyertakan bahan opsional yang mungkin diperlukan pengguna, tetapi harap tandai sebagai opsional.
  • Platform: Platform harus menunjukkan platform yang akan digunakan pengguna untuk mengakses layanan online.
    • Jika platform akan ditentukan oleh penjual di lain waktu, tetapkan platform ke FLEXIBLE.
    • Jika platform yang digunakan penjual tidak ada dalam daftar, tetapkan platform ke OTHER, dan tentukan other_platform_name.
  • Kebijakan pembatalan: Penting untuk memiliki kebijakan pembatalan yang akurat. Tetapkan CancellationPolicy jika pengembalian dana dan pembatalan diizinkan. Asumsi default, jika tidak ditetapkan, adalah bahwa pengembalian dana tidak diizinkan.

Feed ketersediaan

  • Total Spot: Tetapkan ini ke total kapasitas peserta yang diizinkan untuk platform (pastikan untuk mengurangi staf)

Server Pemesanan

Opsional: Jika sistem Anda membuat URL dan ID rapat atas nama penjual, sertakan VirtualSessionInfo sebagai bagian dari CreateBookingResponse.

Spesifikasi CreateBooking

message Booking {
// Information related to the virtual session which was booked.
message VirtualSessionInfo {
  // URL which was created for the virtual session. (optional)
  string session_url = 1;
  // The meeting id which was created for the virtual session. (optional)
  string meeting_id = 2;
  // Password required to access the session. (optional)
  string password = 3;

 VirtualSessionInfo virtual_session_info = X;


  "idempotency_token": "10000000000",
  "payment_information": {
    "prepayment_status": "PREPAYMENT_NOT_PROVIDED"
  "slot": {
    "confirmation_mode": "CONFIRMATION_MODE_SYNCHRONOUS",
    "duration_sec": "3600",
    "merchant_id": "10001",
    "service_id": "10001-1",
    "start_sec": "1586829600"
  "user_information": {
    "email": "",
    "family_name": "John",
    "given_name": "Doe",
    "telephone": "+123 456 7890",
    "user_id": "110291237"


  "booking": {
    "bookingId": "abcdefg-12345",
    "slot": {
      "merchantId": "10001",
      "serviceId": "10001-1",
      "startSec": "1586804400",
      "durationSec": "3600"
    "userInformation": {
      "userId": "110291237",
      "givenName": "John",
      "familyName": "Doe",
      "telephone": "+123 456 7890",
      "email": ""
    "status": "CONFIRMED",
    "virtual_session_info": {
      "video_url": "",
      "meeting_id": "abcd-efg",
      "password" : "somepassword"

Real-time Updates

Logika yang ada untuk memperbarui inventaris atau pemesanan harus dipertahankan untuk pemesanan virtual.

  • InventoryUpdate RTU: Setiap update pada perubahan slot pada sistem Anda atau sistem Pusat Tindakan, harus mengaktifkan RTU InventoryUpdate untuk memberi tahu kami tentang perubahan dalam slot.
  • RTU BookingNotification: Setiap pembaruan pada pemesanan (misalnya perubahan waktu, atau pembatalan) pada sistem Anda atau sistem Pusat Tindakan, harus mengaktifkan RTU BookingNotification untuk memberi tahu kami tentang perubahan pada pemesanan.
    • Jika pengguna tidak mengirimkan pembayaran ke penjual/partner, harap kirim RTU pembatalan kepada kami. Email pembatalan akan dikirim oleh Pusat Tindakan.
  • RTU layanan: Jika saat ini Anda mengupdate layanan melalui RTU Layanan, pastikan untuk menyertakan kolom layanan online yang sesuai jika mengupdate untuk layanan online.


Secara default, Pusat Action akan mengirimkan email konfirmasi pemesanan, modifikasi, dan pembatalan standar saat pengguna bertransaksi di platform Pusat Action.

Partner juga harus mengirim detail konferensi, detail pembayaran, dan informasi kebijakan pembatalan dalam email terpisah kepada pengguna. Atau, Anda dapat mengirim email pengingat sebelum janji temu atau kelas. Harap baca dokumen kebijakan untuk memastikan Anda mematuhi kebijakan email untuk kelas virtual.