Como começar a usar a API Web

Antes de começar a usar a API Web, verifique se você cumpre os pré-requisitos. Para continuar com a API Web, você precisa ter uma conta de serviço e uma chave de conta de serviço, além de conceder acesso à conta de serviço para chamar a API.

Faça o download do exemplo de código no GitHub para executar os snippets mencionados nas etapas abaixo.

Autenticação e autorização

As solicitações à API Google Wallet precisam ser autenticadas para que a API Google Wallet possa identificar que uma solicitação está sendo feita pelo seu aplicativo. Para conseguir um token de acesso, a chave da conta de serviço é usada.

Primeiro, faça as importações de biblioteca necessárias e defina algumas variáveis para o JSON da conta de serviço e os IDs do emissor, da classe, do usuário único e do objeto que serão salvos.


import com.auth0.jwt.JWT;
import com.auth0.jwt.algorithms.Algorithm;
import java.util.*;

public class DemoTransit {
   * Path to service account key file from Google Cloud Console. Environment variable:
  public static String keyFilePath;

  /** Service account credentials for Google Wallet APIs. */
  public static GoogleCredentials credentials;

  /** Google Wallet service client. */
  public static Walletobjects service;

  public DemoTransit() throws Exception {
    keyFilePath =
        System.getenv().getOrDefault("GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS", "/path/to/key.json");



use Firebase\JWT\JWT;
use Google\Auth\Credentials\ServiceAccountCredentials;
use Google\Client as Google_Client;

/** Demo class for creating and managing Transit passes in Google Wallet. */
class DemoTransit
   * Path to service account key file from Google Cloud Console. Environment
  public string $keyFilePath;

   * Service account credentials for Google Wallet APIs.
  public ServiceAccountCredentials $credentials;

   * Google Wallet service client.
  public Google_Service_Walletobjects $service;

  public function __construct()
    $this->keyFilePath = getenv('GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS') ?: '/path/to/key.json';



import json
import os
import uuid

from google.auth.transport.requests import AuthorizedSession
from google.oauth2.service_account import Credentials
from google.auth import jwt, crypt

class DemoTransit:
    """Demo class for creating and managing Transit passes in Google Wallet.

        key_file_path: Path to service account key file from Google Cloud
            Console. Environment variable: GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS.
        base_url: Base URL for Google Wallet API requests.

    def __init__(self):
        self.key_file_path = os.environ.get('GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS',
        self.base_url = ''
        self.batch_url = ''
        self.class_url = f'{self.base_url}/transitClass'
        self.object_url = f'{self.base_url}/transitObject'

        # Set up authenticated client


using System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt;
using System.Net.Http.Headers;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using Google.Apis.Auth.OAuth2;
using Google.Apis.Services;
using Google.Apis.Walletobjects.v1;
using Google.Apis.Walletobjects.v1.Data;
using Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;

/// <summary>
/// Demo class for creating and managing Transit passes in Google Wallet.
/// </summary>
class DemoTransit
  /// <summary>
  /// Path to service account key file from Google Cloud Console. Environment
  /// </summary>
  public static string keyFilePath;

  /// <summary>
  /// Service account credentials for Google Wallet APIs
  /// </summary>
  public static ServiceAccountCredential credentials;

  /// <summary>
  /// Google Wallet service client
  /// </summary>
  public static WalletobjectsService service;

  public DemoTransit()
    keyFilePath = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(
        "GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS") ?? "/path/to/key.json";



const { GoogleAuth } = require('google-auth-library');
const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken');
const { v4: uuidv4 } = require('uuid');

 * Demo class for creating and managing Transit passes in Google Wallet.
class DemoTransit {
  constructor() {
     * Path to service account key file from Google Cloud Console. Environment
    this.keyFilePath = process.env.GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS || '/path/to/key.json';

    this.baseUrl = '';
    this.batchUrl = '';
    this.classUrl = `${this.baseUrl}/transitClass`;
    this.objectUrl = `${this.baseUrl}/transitObject`;


Em seguida, use uma das bibliotecas de framework para recuperar as credenciais necessárias para chamar { api_name }.


 * Create authenticated HTTP client using a service account file.
 * @throws Exception
public void Auth() throws Exception {
  String scope = "";

  credentials =
      GoogleCredentials.fromStream(new FileInputStream(keyFilePath))

  HttpTransport httpTransport = GoogleNetHttpTransport.newTrustedTransport();

  // Initialize Google Wallet API service
  service =
      new Walletobjects.Builder(
              new HttpCredentialsAdapter(credentials))


 * Create authenticated HTTP client using a service account file.
public function auth()
  $scope = '';

  $this->credentials = new ServiceAccountCredentials(

  // Initialize Google Wallet API service
  $this->client = new Google_Client();

  $this->service = new Google_Service_Walletobjects($this->client);


def auth(self):
    """Create authenticated HTTP client using a service account file."""
    self.credentials = Credentials.from_service_account_file(

    self.http_client = AuthorizedSession(self.credentials)


/// <summary>
/// Create authenticated service client using a service account file.
/// </summary>
public void Auth()
  credentials = (ServiceAccountCredential)GoogleCredential
      .CreateScoped(new List<string>

  service = new WalletobjectsService(
      new BaseClientService.Initializer()
        HttpClientInitializer = credentials


 * Create authenticated HTTP client using a service account file.
auth() {
  this.credentials = require(this.keyFilePath);

  this.httpClient = new GoogleAuth({
    credentials: this.credentials,
    scopes: ''

Como criar um objeto de cartões

Um objeto de cartões é uma instância de uma classe de cartões. Para criar um objeto de cartões, você precisa fornecer os seguintes atributos:

  • classId: o id da classe de cartões
  • id: um ID exclusivo para o cliente

Também é recomendável incluir os seguintes atributos:

  • accountId
  • accountName

Consulte as diretrizes de modelo para saber mais informações sobre como esses atributos são representados no cartão de transporte público.

Exemplo de código para criar um objeto de cartões:


 * Create an object.
 * @param issuerId The issuer ID being used for this request.
 * @param classSuffix Developer-defined unique ID for this pass class.
 * @param objectSuffix Developer-defined unique ID for this pass object.
 * @return The pass object ID: "{issuerId}.{objectSuffix}"
 * @throws IOException
public String CreateObject(String issuerId, String classSuffix, String objectSuffix)
    throws IOException {
  // Check if the object exists
  try {
    service.transitobject().get(String.format("%s.%s", issuerId, objectSuffix)).execute();

    System.out.println(String.format("Object %s.%s already exists!", issuerId, objectSuffix));
    return String.format("%s.%s", issuerId, objectSuffix);
  } catch (GoogleJsonResponseException ex) {
    if (ex.getStatusCode() == 404) {
      // Object does not exist
      // Do nothing
    } else {
      // Something else went wrong...
      return String.format("%s.%s", issuerId, objectSuffix);

  // See link below for more information on required properties
  TransitObject newObject =
      new TransitObject()
          .setId(String.format("%s.%s", issuerId, objectSuffix))
          .setClassId(String.format("%s.%s", issuerId, classSuffix))
              new Image()
                      new ImageUri()
                      new LocalizedString()
                              new TranslatedString()
                                  .setValue("Hero image description"))))
                  new TextModuleData()
                      .setHeader("Text module header")
                      .setBody("Text module body")
              new LinksModuleData()
                          new Uri()
                              .setDescription("Link module URI description")
                          new Uri()
                              .setDescription("Link module tel description")
                  new ImageModuleData()
                          new Image()
                                  new ImageUri()
                                  new LocalizedString()
                                          new TranslatedString()
                                              .setValue("Image module description"))))
          .setBarcode(new Barcode().setType("QR_CODE").setValue("QR code value"))
                  new LatLongPoint()
          .setPassengerNames("Passenger names")
              new TicketLeg()
                      new LocalizedString()
                              new TranslatedString()
                                  .setValue("Origin name")))
                      new LocalizedString()
                              new TranslatedString()
                                  .setValue("Origin name")))
                      new LocalizedString()
                              new TranslatedString()
                                  .setValue("Fare name"))));

  TransitObject response = service.transitobject().insert(newObject).execute();

  System.out.println("Object insert response");

  return response.getId();


 * Create an object.
 * @param string $issuerId The issuer ID being used for this request.
 * @param string $classSuffix Developer-defined unique ID for this pass class.
 * @param string $objectSuffix Developer-defined unique ID for this pass object.
 * @return string The pass object ID: "{$issuerId}.{$objectSuffix}"
public function createObject(string $issuerId, string $classSuffix, string $objectSuffix)
  // Check if the object exists
  try {

    print("Object {$issuerId}.{$objectSuffix} already exists!");
    return "{$issuerId}.{$objectSuffix}";
  } catch (Google\Service\Exception $ex) {
    if (empty($ex->getErrors()) || $ex->getErrors()[0]['reason'] != 'resourceNotFound') {
      // Something else went wrong...
      return "{$issuerId}.{$objectSuffix}";

  // See link below for more information on required properties
  $newObject = new Google_Service_Walletobjects_TransitObject([
    'id' => "{$issuerId}.{$objectSuffix}",
    'classId' => "{$issuerId}.{$classSuffix}",
    'state' => 'ACTIVE',
    'heroImage' => new Google_Service_Walletobjects_Image([
      'sourceUri' => new Google_Service_Walletobjects_ImageUri([
        'uri' => ''
      'contentDescription' => new Google_Service_Walletobjects_LocalizedString([
        'defaultValue' => new Google_Service_Walletobjects_TranslatedString([
          'language' => 'en-US',
          'value' => 'Hero image description'
    'textModulesData' => [
      new Google_Service_Walletobjects_TextModuleData([
        'header' => 'Text module header',
        'body' => 'Text module body',
        'id' => 'TEXT_MODULE_ID'
    'linksModuleData' => new Google_Service_Walletobjects_LinksModuleData([
      'uris' => [
        new Google_Service_Walletobjects_Uri([
          'uri' => '',
          'description' => 'Link module URI description',
          'id' => 'LINK_MODULE_URI_ID'
        new Google_Service_Walletobjects_Uri([
          'uri' => 'tel:6505555555',
          'description' => 'Link module tel description',
          'id' => 'LINK_MODULE_TEL_ID'
    'imageModulesData' => [
      new Google_Service_Walletobjects_ImageModuleData([
        'mainImage' => new Google_Service_Walletobjects_Image([
          'sourceUri' => new Google_Service_Walletobjects_ImageUri([
            'uri' => ''
          'contentDescription' => new Google_Service_Walletobjects_LocalizedString([
            'defaultValue' => new Google_Service_Walletobjects_TranslatedString([
              'language' => 'en-US',
              'value' => 'Image module description'
        'id' => 'IMAGE_MODULE_ID'
    'barcode' => new Google_Service_Walletobjects_Barcode([
      'type' => 'QR_CODE',
      'value' => 'QR code value'
    'locations' => [
      new Google_Service_Walletobjects_LatLongPoint([
        'latitude' => 37.424015499999996,
        'longitude' =>  -122.09259560000001
    'passengerType' => 'SINGLE_PASSENGER',
    'passengerNames' => 'Passenger names',
    'tripType' => 'ONE_WAY',
    'ticketLeg' => new Google_Service_Walletobjects_TicketLeg([
      'originStationCode' => 'LA',
      'originName' => new Google_Service_Walletobjects_LocalizedString([
        'defaultValue' => new Google_Service_Walletobjects_TranslatedString([
          'language' => 'en-US',
          'value' => 'Origin name'
      'destinationStationCode' => 'SFO',
      'destinationName' => new Google_Service_Walletobjects_LocalizedString([
        'defaultValue' => new Google_Service_Walletobjects_TranslatedString([
          'language' => 'en-US',
          'value' => 'Destination name'
      'departureDateTime' => '2020-04-12T16:20:50.52Z',
      'arrivalDateTime' => '2020-04-12T20:20:50.52Z',
      'fareName' => new Google_Service_Walletobjects_LocalizedString([
        'defaultValue' => new Google_Service_Walletobjects_TranslatedString([
          'language' => 'en-US',
          'value' => 'Fare name'

  $response = $this->service->transitobject->insert($newObject);

  print "Object insert response\n";

  return $response->id;


def create_object(self, issuer_id: str, class_suffix: str,
                  object_suffix: str) -> str:
    """Create an object.

        issuer_id (str): The issuer ID being used for this request.
        class_suffix (str): Developer-defined unique ID for the pass class.
        object_suffix (str): Developer-defined unique ID for the pass object.

        The pass object ID: f"{issuer_id}.{object_suffix}"

    # Check if the object exists
    response = self.http_client.get(

    if response.status_code == 200:
        print(f'Object {issuer_id}.{object_suffix} already exists!')
        return f'{issuer_id}.{object_suffix}'
    elif response.status_code != 404:
        # Something else went wrong...
        return f'{issuer_id}.{object_suffix}'

    # See link below for more information on required properties
    new_object = {
        'id': f'{issuer_id}.{object_suffix}',
        'classId': f'{issuer_id}.{class_suffix}',
        'state': 'ACTIVE',
        'heroImage': {
            'sourceUri': {
            'contentDescription': {
                'defaultValue': {
                    'language': 'en-US',
                    'value': 'Hero image description'
        'textModulesData': [{
            'header': 'Text module header',
            'body': 'Text module body',
            'id': 'TEXT_MODULE_ID'
        'linksModuleData': {
            'uris': [{
                'uri': '',
                'description': 'Link module URI description',
                'id': 'LINK_MODULE_URI_ID'
            }, {
                'uri': 'tel:6505555555',
                'description': 'Link module tel description',
                'id': 'LINK_MODULE_TEL_ID'
        'imageModulesData': [{
            'mainImage': {
                'sourceUri': {
                'contentDescription': {
                    'defaultValue': {
                        'language': 'en-US',
                        'value': 'Image module description'
            'id': 'IMAGE_MODULE_ID'
        'barcode': {
            'type': 'QR_CODE',
            'value': 'QR code'
        'locations': [{
            'latitude': 37.424015499999996,
            'longitude': -122.09259560000001
        'passengerType': 'SINGLE_PASSENGER',
        'passengerNames': 'Passenger names',
        'tripType': 'ONE_WAY',
        'ticketLeg': {
            'originStationCode': 'LA',
            'originName': {
                'defaultValue': {
                    'language': 'en-US',
                    'value': 'Origin name'
            'destinationStationCode': 'SFO',
            'destinationName': {
                'defaultValue': {
                    'language': 'en-US',
                    'value': 'Destination name'
            'departureDateTime': '2020-04-12T16:20:50.52Z',
            'arrivalDateTime': '2020-04-12T20:20:50.52Z',
            'fareName': {
                'defaultValue': {
                    'language': 'en-US',
                    'value': 'Fare name'

    # Create the object
    response =, json=new_object)

    print('Object insert response')

    return response.json().get('id')


/// <summary>
/// Create an object.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="issuerId">The issuer ID being used for this request.</param>
/// <param name="classSuffix">Developer-defined unique ID for this pass class.</param>
/// <param name="objectSuffix">Developer-defined unique ID for this pass object.</param>
/// <returns>The pass object ID: "{issuerId}.{objectSuffix}"</returns>
public string CreateObject(string issuerId, string classSuffix, string objectSuffix)
  // Check if the object exists
  Stream responseStream = service.Transitobject

  StreamReader responseReader = new StreamReader(responseStream);
  JObject jsonResponse = JObject.Parse(responseReader.ReadToEnd());

  if (!jsonResponse.ContainsKey("error"))
    Console.WriteLine($"Object {issuerId}.{objectSuffix} already exists!");
    return $"{issuerId}.{objectSuffix}";
  else if (jsonResponse["error"].Value<int>("code") != 404)
    // Something else went wrong...
    return $"{issuerId}.{objectSuffix}";

  // See link below for more information on required properties
  TransitObject newObject = new TransitObject
    Id = $"{issuerId}.{objectSuffix}",
    ClassId = $"{issuerId}.{classSuffix}",
    State = "ACTIVE",
    HeroImage = new Image
      SourceUri = new ImageUri
        Uri = ""
      ContentDescription = new LocalizedString
        DefaultValue = new TranslatedString
          Language = "en-US",
          Value = "Hero image description"
    TextModulesData = new List<TextModuleData>
      new TextModuleData
        Header = "Text module header",
        Body = "Text module body",
        Id = "TEXT_MODULE_ID"
    LinksModuleData = new LinksModuleData
      Uris = new List<Google.Apis.Walletobjects.v1.Data.Uri>
        new Google.Apis.Walletobjects.v1.Data.Uri
          UriValue = "",
          Description = "Link module URI description",
          Id = "LINK_MODULE_URI_ID"
        new Google.Apis.Walletobjects.v1.Data.Uri
          UriValue = "tel:6505555555",
          Description = "Link module tel description",
          Id = "LINK_MODULE_TEL_ID"
    ImageModulesData = new List<ImageModuleData>
      new ImageModuleData
        MainImage = new Image
          SourceUri = new ImageUri
            Uri = ""
          ContentDescription = new LocalizedString
            DefaultValue = new TranslatedString
              Language = "en-US",
              Value = "Image module description"
        Id = "IMAGE_MODULE_ID"
    Barcode = new Barcode
      Type = "QR_CODE",
      Value = "QR code"
    Locations = new List<LatLongPoint>
      new LatLongPoint
        Latitude = 37.424015499999996,
        Longitude = -122.09259560000001
    PassengerType = "SINGLE_PASSENGER",
    PassengerNames = "Passenger names",
    TripType = "ONE_WAY",
    TicketLeg = new TicketLeg
      OriginStationCode = "LA",
      OriginName = new LocalizedString
        DefaultValue = new TranslatedString
          Language = "en-US",
          Value = "Origin name"
      DestinationStationCode = "SFO",
      DestinationName = new LocalizedString
        DefaultValue = new TranslatedString
          Language = "en-US",
          Value = "Destination name"
      DepartureDateTime = "2020-04-12T16:20:50.52Z",
      ArrivalDateTime = "2020-04-12T20:20:50.52Z",
      FareName = new LocalizedString
        DefaultValue = new TranslatedString
          Language = "en-US",
          Value = "Fare name"

  responseStream = service.Transitobject
  responseReader = new StreamReader(responseStream);
  jsonResponse = JObject.Parse(responseReader.ReadToEnd());

  Console.WriteLine("Object insert response");

  return $"{issuerId}.{objectSuffix}";


 * Create an object.
 * @param {string} issuerId The issuer ID being used for this request.
 * @param {string} classSuffix Developer-defined unique ID for the pass class.
 * @param {string} objectSuffix Developer-defined unique ID for the pass object.
 * @returns {string} The pass object ID: `${issuerId}.${objectSuffix}`
async createObject(issuerId, classSuffix, objectSuffix) {
  let response;

  // Check if the object exists
  try {
    response = await this.httpClient.request({
      url: `${this.objectUrl}/${issuerId}.${objectSuffix}`,
      method: 'GET'

    console.log(`Object ${issuerId}.${objectSuffix} already exists!`);

    return `${issuerId}.${objectSuffix}`;
  } catch (err) {
    if (err.response && err.response.status !== 404) {
      // Something else went wrong...
      return `${issuerId}.${objectSuffix}`;

  // See link below for more information on required properties
  let newObject = {
    'id': `${issuerId}.${objectSuffix}`,
    'classId': `${issuerId}.${classSuffix}`,
    'state': 'ACTIVE',
    'heroImage': {
      'sourceUri': {
        'uri': ''
      'contentDescription': {
        'defaultValue': {
          'language': 'en-US',
          'value': 'Hero image description'
    'textModulesData': [
        'header': 'Text module header',
        'body': 'Text module body',
        'id': 'TEXT_MODULE_ID'
    'linksModuleData': {
      'uris': [
          'uri': '',
          'description': 'Link module URI description',
          'id': 'LINK_MODULE_URI_ID'
          'uri': 'tel:6505555555',
          'description': 'Link module tel description',
          'id': 'LINK_MODULE_TEL_ID'
    'imageModulesData': [
        'mainImage': {
          'sourceUri': {
            'uri': ''
          'contentDescription': {
            'defaultValue': {
              'language': 'en-US',
              'value': 'Image module description'
        'id': 'IMAGE_MODULE_ID'
    'barcode': {
      'type': 'QR_CODE',
      'value': 'QR code'
    'locations': [
        'latitude': 37.424015499999996,
        'longitude': -122.09259560000001
    'passengerType': 'SINGLE_PASSENGER',
    'passengerNames': 'Passenger names',
    'tripType': 'ONE_WAY',
    'ticketLeg': {
      'originStationCode': 'LA',
      'originName': {
        'defaultValue': {
          'language': 'en-US',
          'value': 'Origin name'
      'destinationStationCode': 'SFO',
      'destinationName': {
        'defaultValue': {
          'language': 'en-US',
          'value': 'Destination name'
      'departureDateTime': '2020-04-12T16:20:50.52Z',
      'arrivalDateTime': '2020-04-12T20:20:50.52Z',
      'fareName': {
        'defaultValue': {
          'language': 'en-US',
          'value': 'Fare name'

  response = await this.httpClient.request({
    url: this.objectUrl,
    method: 'POST',
    data: newObject

  console.log('Object insert response');

  return `${issuerId}.${objectSuffix}`;

Depois de concluído, o objeto de cartões do cliente será criado no servidor. No entanto, nesta etapa, o objeto de cartões não está vinculado a um usuário do Google ou ao dispositivo dele. Para que o cartão seja associado a um usuário, ele precisa primeiro adicionar o cartão à Carteira do Google.

Como adicionar à Carteira do Google

A adição de um cartão à Carteira do Google vincula o objeto de cartões a um usuário do Google e só pode ser iniciada no contexto de uma identidade do Google conectada. Para fazer isso, direcione o usuário a um URL de "Adicionar à Carteira do Google".

O URL "Adicionar à Carteira do Google" é gerado de maneira dinâmica e contém as seguintes informações sobre o ID do objeto de cartões criado na etapa anterior. Essas informações são codificadas como um JSON Web Token (JWT).

JSON Web Token (JWT)

O JWT tem declarações que você (o emissor) está fazendo sobre o objeto de cartões que vai ser salvo pelo usuário. O JWT precisa ser assinado com o uso da private_key da chave da conta de serviço conseguida na etapa Criar conta de serviço, e o Google vai validar essas declarações verificando a assinatura JWT.

As declarações JWT precisam ter a seguinte estrutura:

  "aud": "google",
  "origins": [""],
  "iss": "",
  "typ": "savetowallet",
  "payload": {
    "transitObjects": [
        "id": "PASSES_OBJECT_ID_1234567890"

Crie o claims do JWT (etapa 1) e encontre o token assinando as declarações com o private_key da chave da conta de serviço (etapa 2):


 * Generate a signed JWT that creates a new pass class and object.
 * <p>When the user opens the "Add to Google Wallet" URL and saves the pass to their wallet, the
 * pass class and object defined in the JWT are created. This allows you to create multiple pass
 * classes and objects in one API call when the user saves the pass to their wallet.
 * @param issuerId The issuer ID being used for this request.
 * @param classSuffix Developer-defined unique ID for this pass class.
 * @param objectSuffix Developer-defined unique ID for the pass object.
 * @return An "Add to Google Wallet" link.
public String CreateJWTNewObjects(String issuerId, String classSuffix, String objectSuffix) {
  // See link below for more information on required properties
  TransitClass newClass =
      new TransitClass()
          .setId(String.format("%s.%s", issuerId, classSuffix))
          .setIssuerName("Issuer name")
              new Image()
                      new ImageUri()
                      new LocalizedString()
                              new TranslatedString()
                                  .setValue("Logo description"))))

  // See link below for more information on required properties
  TransitObject newObject =
      new TransitObject()
          .setId(String.format("%s.%s", issuerId, objectSuffix))
          .setClassId(String.format("%s.%s", issuerId, classSuffix))
              new Image()
                      new ImageUri()
                      new LocalizedString()
                              new TranslatedString()
                                  .setValue("Hero image description"))))
                  new TextModuleData()
                      .setHeader("Text module header")
                      .setBody("Text module body")
              new LinksModuleData()
                          new Uri()
                              .setDescription("Link module URI description")
                          new Uri()
                              .setDescription("Link module tel description")
                  new ImageModuleData()
                          new Image()
                                  new ImageUri()
                                  new LocalizedString()
                                          new TranslatedString()
                                              .setValue("Image module description"))))
          .setBarcode(new Barcode().setType("QR_CODE").setValue("QR code value"))
                  new LatLongPoint()
          .setPassengerNames("Passenger names")
              new TicketLeg()
                      new LocalizedString()
                              new TranslatedString()
                                  .setValue("Origin name")))
                      new LocalizedString()
                              new TranslatedString()
                                  .setValue("Origin name")))
                      new LocalizedString()
                              new TranslatedString()
                                  .setValue("Fare name"))));

  // Create the JWT as a HashMap object
  HashMap<String, Object> claims = new HashMap<String, Object>();
  claims.put("iss", ((ServiceAccountCredentials) credentials).getClientEmail());
  claims.put("aud", "google");
  claims.put("origins", Arrays.asList(""));
  claims.put("typ", "savetowallet");

  // Create the Google Wallet payload and add to the JWT
  HashMap<String, Object> payload = new HashMap<String, Object>();
  payload.put("transitClasses", Arrays.asList(newClass));
  payload.put("transitObjects", Arrays.asList(newObject));
  claims.put("payload", payload);

  // The service account credentials are used to sign the JWT
  Algorithm algorithm =
          null, (RSAPrivateKey) ((ServiceAccountCredentials) credentials).getPrivateKey());
  String token = JWT.create().withPayload(claims).sign(algorithm);

  System.out.println("Add to Google Wallet link");
  System.out.println(String.format("", token));

  return String.format("", token);


 * Generate a signed JWT that creates a new pass class and object.
 * When the user opens the "Add to Google Wallet" URL and saves the pass to
 * their wallet, the pass class and object defined in the JWT are
 * created. This allows you to create multiple pass classes and objects in
 * one API call when the user saves the pass to their wallet.
 * @param string $issuerId The issuer ID being used for this request.
 * @param string $classSuffix Developer-defined unique ID for the pass class.
 * @param string $objectSuffix Developer-defined unique ID for the pass object.
 * @return string An "Add to Google Wallet" link.
public function createJwtNewObjects(string $issuerId, string $classSuffix, string $objectSuffix)
  // See link below for more information on required properties
  $newClass = new Google_Service_Walletobjects_TransitClass([
    'id' => "{$issuerId}.{$classSuffix}",
    'issuerName' => 'Issuer name',
    'reviewStatus' => 'UNDER_REVIEW',
    'logo' => new Google_Service_Walletobjects_Image([
      'sourceUri' => new Google_Service_Walletobjects_ImageUri([
        'uri' => ''
      'contentDescription' => new Google_Service_Walletobjects_LocalizedString([
        'defaultValue' => new Google_Service_Walletobjects_TranslatedString([
          'language' => 'en-US',
          'value' => 'Logo description'
    'transitType' => 'BUS'

  // See link below for more information on required properties
  $newObject = new Google_Service_Walletobjects_TransitObject([
    'id' => "{$issuerId}.{$objectSuffix}",
    'classId' => "{$issuerId}.{$classSuffix}",
    'state' => 'ACTIVE',
    'heroImage' => new Google_Service_Walletobjects_Image([
      'sourceUri' => new Google_Service_Walletobjects_ImageUri([
        'uri' => ''
      'contentDescription' => new Google_Service_Walletobjects_LocalizedString([
        'defaultValue' => new Google_Service_Walletobjects_TranslatedString([
          'language' => 'en-US',
          'value' => 'Hero image description'
    'textModulesData' => [
      new Google_Service_Walletobjects_TextModuleData([
        'header' => 'Text module header',
        'body' => 'Text module body',
        'id' => 'TEXT_MODULE_ID'
    'linksModuleData' => new Google_Service_Walletobjects_LinksModuleData([
      'uris' => [
        new Google_Service_Walletobjects_Uri([
          'uri' => '',
          'description' => 'Link module URI description',
          'id' => 'LINK_MODULE_URI_ID'
        new Google_Service_Walletobjects_Uri([
          'uri' => 'tel:6505555555',
          'description' => 'Link module tel description',
          'id' => 'LINK_MODULE_TEL_ID'
    'imageModulesData' => [
      new Google_Service_Walletobjects_ImageModuleData([
        'mainImage' => new Google_Service_Walletobjects_Image([
          'sourceUri' => new Google_Service_Walletobjects_ImageUri([
            'uri' => ''
          'contentDescription' => new Google_Service_Walletobjects_LocalizedString([
            'defaultValue' => new Google_Service_Walletobjects_TranslatedString([
              'language' => 'en-US',
              'value' => 'Image module description'
        'id' => 'IMAGE_MODULE_ID'
    'barcode' => new Google_Service_Walletobjects_Barcode([
      'type' => 'QR_CODE',
      'value' => 'QR code value'
    'locations' => [
      new Google_Service_Walletobjects_LatLongPoint([
        'latitude' => 37.424015499999996,
        'longitude' =>  -122.09259560000001
    'passengerType' => 'SINGLE_PASSENGER',
    'passengerNames' => 'Passenger names',
    'tripType' => 'ONE_WAY',
    'ticketLeg' => new Google_Service_Walletobjects_TicketLeg([
      'originStationCode' => 'LA',
      'originName' => new Google_Service_Walletobjects_LocalizedString([
        'defaultValue' => new Google_Service_Walletobjects_TranslatedString([
          'language' => 'en-US',
          'value' => 'Origin name'
      'destinationStationCode' => 'SFO',
      'destinationName' => new Google_Service_Walletobjects_LocalizedString([
        'defaultValue' => new Google_Service_Walletobjects_TranslatedString([
          'language' => 'en-US',
          'value' => 'Destination name'
      'departureDateTime' => '2020-04-12T16:20:50.52Z',
      'arrivalDateTime' => '2020-04-12T20:20:50.52Z',
      'fareName' => new Google_Service_Walletobjects_LocalizedString([
        'defaultValue' => new Google_Service_Walletobjects_TranslatedString([
          'language' => 'en-US',
          'value' => 'Fare name'

  // The service account credentials are used to sign the JWT
  $serviceAccount = json_decode(file_get_contents($this->keyFilePath), true);

  // Create the JWT as an array of key/value pairs
  $claims = [
    'iss' => $serviceAccount['client_email'],
    'aud' => 'google',
    'origins' => [''],
    'typ' => 'savetowallet',
    'payload' => [
      'transitClasses' => [
      'transitObjects' => [

  $token = JWT::encode(

  print "Add to Google Wallet link\n";
  print "{$token}";

  return "{$token}";


def create_jwt_new_objects(self, issuer_id: str, class_suffix: str,
                           object_suffix: str) -> str:
    """Generate a signed JWT that creates a new pass class and object.

    When the user opens the "Add to Google Wallet" URL and saves the pass to
    their wallet, the pass class and object defined in the JWT are
    created. This allows you to create multiple pass classes and objects in
    one API call when the user saves the pass to their wallet.

        issuer_id (str): The issuer ID being used for this request.
        class_suffix (str): Developer-defined unique ID for the pass class.
        object_suffix (str): Developer-defined unique ID for the pass object.

        An "Add to Google Wallet" link.

    # See link below for more information on required properties
    new_class = {
        'id': f'{issuer_id}.{class_suffix}',
        'issuerName': 'Issuer name',
        'reviewStatus': 'UNDER_REVIEW',
        'logo': {
            'sourceUri': {
            'contentDescription': {
                'defaultValue': {
                    'language': 'en-US',
                    'value': 'Logo description'
        'transitType': 'BUS'

    # See link below for more information on required properties
    new_object = {
        'id': f'{issuer_id}.{object_suffix}',
        'classId': f'{issuer_id}.{class_suffix}',
        'state': 'ACTIVE',
        'heroImage': {
            'sourceUri': {
            'contentDescription': {
                'defaultValue': {
                    'language': 'en-US',
                    'value': 'Hero image description'
        'textModulesData': [{
            'header': 'Text module header',
            'body': 'Text module body',
            'id': 'TEXT_MODULE_ID'
        'linksModuleData': {
            'uris': [{
                'uri': '',
                'description': 'Link module URI description',
                'id': 'LINK_MODULE_URI_ID'
            }, {
                'uri': 'tel:6505555555',
                'description': 'Link module tel description',
                'id': 'LINK_MODULE_TEL_ID'
        'imageModulesData': [{
            'mainImage': {
                'sourceUri': {
                'contentDescription': {
                    'defaultValue': {
                        'language': 'en-US',
                        'value': 'Image module description'
            'id': 'IMAGE_MODULE_ID'
        'barcode': {
            'type': 'QR_CODE',
            'value': 'QR code'
        'locations': [{
            'latitude': 37.424015499999996,
            'longitude': -122.09259560000001
        'passengerType': 'SINGLE_PASSENGER',
        'passengerNames': 'Passenger names',
        'tripType': 'ONE_WAY',
        'ticketLeg': {
            'originStationCode': 'LA',
            'originName': {
                'defaultValue': {
                    'language': 'en-US',
                    'value': 'Origin name'
            'destinationStationCode': 'SFO',
            'destinationName': {
                'defaultValue': {
                    'language': 'en-US',
                    'value': 'Destination name'
            'departureDateTime': '2020-04-12T16:20:50.52Z',
            'arrivalDateTime': '2020-04-12T20:20:50.52Z',
            'fareName': {
                'defaultValue': {
                    'language': 'en-US',
                    'value': 'Fare name'

    # Create the JWT claims
    claims = {
        'iss': self.credentials.service_account_email,
        'aud': 'google',
        'origins': [''],
        'typ': 'savetowallet',
        'payload': {
            # The listed classes and objects will be created
            'transitClasses': [new_class],
            'transitObjects': [new_object]

    # The service account credentials are used to sign the JWT
    signer = crypt.RSASigner.from_service_account_file(self.key_file_path)
    token = jwt.encode(signer, claims).decode('utf-8')

    print('Add to Google Wallet link')

    return f'{token}'


/// <summary>
/// Generate a signed JWT that creates a new pass class and object.
/// <para />
/// When the user opens the "Add to Google Wallet" URL and saves the pass to
/// their wallet, the pass class and object defined in the JWT are created.
/// This allows you to create multiple pass classes and objects in one API
/// call when the user saves the pass to their wallet.
/// <para />
/// The Google Wallet C# library uses Newtonsoft.Json.JsonPropertyAttribute
/// to specify the property names when converting objects to JSON. The
/// Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject method will automatically
/// serialize the object with the right property names.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="issuerId">The issuer ID being used for this request.</param>
/// <param name="classSuffix">Developer-defined unique ID for this pass class.</param>
/// <param name="objectSuffix">Developer-defined unique ID for the pass object.</param>
/// <returns>An "Add to Google Wallet" link.</returns>
public string CreateJWTNewObjects(string issuerId, string classSuffix, string objectSuffix)
  // Ignore null values when serializing to/from JSON
  JsonSerializerSettings excludeNulls = new JsonSerializerSettings()
    NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore

  // See link below for more information on required properties
  TransitClass newClass = new TransitClass
    Id = $"{issuerId}.{classSuffix}",
    IssuerName = "Issuer name",
    ReviewStatus = "UNDER_REVIEW",
    Logo = new Image
      SourceUri = new ImageUri
        Uri = ""
      ContentDescription = new LocalizedString
        DefaultValue = new TranslatedString
          Language = "en-US",
          Value = "Logo description"
    TransitType = "BUS"

  // See link below for more information on required properties
  TransitObject newObject = new TransitObject
    Id = $"{issuerId}.{objectSuffix}",
    ClassId = $"{issuerId}.{classSuffix}",
    State = "ACTIVE",
    HeroImage = new Image
      SourceUri = new ImageUri
        Uri = ""
      ContentDescription = new LocalizedString
        DefaultValue = new TranslatedString
          Language = "en-US",
          Value = "Hero image description"
    TextModulesData = new List<TextModuleData>
      new TextModuleData
        Header = "Text module header",
        Body = "Text module body",
        Id = "TEXT_MODULE_ID"
    LinksModuleData = new LinksModuleData
      Uris = new List<Google.Apis.Walletobjects.v1.Data.Uri>
        new Google.Apis.Walletobjects.v1.Data.Uri
          UriValue = "",
          Description = "Link module URI description",
          Id = "LINK_MODULE_URI_ID"
        new Google.Apis.Walletobjects.v1.Data.Uri
          UriValue = "tel:6505555555",
          Description = "Link module tel description",
          Id = "LINK_MODULE_TEL_ID"
    ImageModulesData = new List<ImageModuleData>
      new ImageModuleData
        MainImage = new Image
          SourceUri = new ImageUri
            Uri = ""
          ContentDescription = new LocalizedString
            DefaultValue = new TranslatedString
              Language = "en-US",
              Value = "Image module description"
        Id = "IMAGE_MODULE_ID"
    Barcode = new Barcode
      Type = "QR_CODE",
      Value = "QR code"
    Locations = new List<LatLongPoint>
      new LatLongPoint
        Latitude = 37.424015499999996,
        Longitude = -122.09259560000001
    PassengerType = "SINGLE_PASSENGER",
    PassengerNames = "Passenger names",
    TripType = "ONE_WAY",
    TicketLeg = new TicketLeg
      OriginStationCode = "LA",
      OriginName = new LocalizedString
        DefaultValue = new TranslatedString
          Language = "en-US",
          Value = "Origin name"
      DestinationStationCode = "SFO",
      DestinationName = new LocalizedString
        DefaultValue = new TranslatedString
          Language = "en-US",
          Value = "Destination name"
      DepartureDateTime = "2020-04-12T16:20:50.52Z",
      ArrivalDateTime = "2020-04-12T20:20:50.52Z",
      FareName = new LocalizedString
        DefaultValue = new TranslatedString
          Language = "en-US",
          Value = "Fare name"

  // Create JSON representations of the class and object
  JObject serializedClass = JObject.Parse(
      JsonConvert.SerializeObject(newClass, excludeNulls));
  JObject serializedObject = JObject.Parse(
      JsonConvert.SerializeObject(newObject, excludeNulls));

  // Create the JWT as a JSON object
  JObject jwtPayload = JObject.Parse(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new
    iss = credentials.Id,
    aud = "google",
    origins = new List<string>
    typ = "savetowallet",
    payload = JObject.Parse(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new
      // The listed classes and objects will be created
      // when the user saves the pass to their wallet
      transitClasses = new List<JObject>
      TransitObjects = new List<JObject>

  // Deserialize into a JwtPayload
  JwtPayload claims = JwtPayload.Deserialize(jwtPayload.ToString());

  // The service account credentials are used to sign the JWT
  RsaSecurityKey key = new RsaSecurityKey(credentials.Key);
  SigningCredentials signingCredentials = new SigningCredentials(
      key, SecurityAlgorithms.RsaSha256);
  JwtSecurityToken jwt = new JwtSecurityToken(
      new JwtHeader(signingCredentials), claims);
  string token = new JwtSecurityTokenHandler().WriteToken(jwt);

  Console.WriteLine("Add to Google Wallet link");

  return $"{token}";


 * Generate a signed JWT that creates a new pass class and object.
 * When the user opens the "Add to Google Wallet" URL and saves the pass to
 * their wallet, the pass class and object defined in the JWT are
 * created. This allows you to create multiple pass classes and objects in
 * one API call when the user saves the pass to their wallet.
 * @param {string} issuerId The issuer ID being used for this request.
 * @param {string} classSuffix Developer-defined unique ID for the pass class.
 * @param {string} objectSuffix Developer-defined unique ID for the pass object.
 * @returns {string} An "Add to Google Wallet" link.
createJwtNewObjects(issuerId, classSuffix, objectSuffix) {
  // See link below for more information on required properties
  let newClass = {
    'id': `${issuerId}.${classSuffix}`,
    'issuerName': 'Issuer name',
    'reviewStatus': 'UNDER_REVIEW',
    'logo': {
      'sourceUri': {
        'uri': ''
      'contentDescription': {
        'defaultValue': {
          'language': 'en-US',
          'value': 'Logo description'
    'transitType': 'BUS'

  // See link below for more information on required properties
  let newObject = {
    'id': `${issuerId}.${objectSuffix}`,
    'classId': `${issuerId}.${classSuffix}`,
    'state': 'ACTIVE',
    'heroImage': {
      'sourceUri': {
        'uri': ''
      'contentDescription': {
        'defaultValue': {
          'language': 'en-US',
          'value': 'Hero image description'
    'textModulesData': [
        'header': 'Text module header',
        'body': 'Text module body',
        'id': 'TEXT_MODULE_ID'
    'linksModuleData': {
      'uris': [
          'uri': '',
          'description': 'Link module URI description',
          'id': 'LINK_MODULE_URI_ID'
          'uri': 'tel:6505555555',
          'description': 'Link module tel description',
          'id': 'LINK_MODULE_TEL_ID'
    'imageModulesData': [
        'mainImage': {
          'sourceUri': {
            'uri': ''
          'contentDescription': {
            'defaultValue': {
              'language': 'en-US',
              'value': 'Image module description'
        'id': 'IMAGE_MODULE_ID'
    'barcode': {
      'type': 'QR_CODE',
      'value': 'QR code'
    'locations': [
        'latitude': 37.424015499999996,
        'longitude': -122.09259560000001
    'passengerType': 'SINGLE_PASSENGER',
    'passengerNames': 'Passenger names',
    'tripType': 'ONE_WAY',
    'ticketLeg': {
      'originStationCode': 'LA',
      'originName': {
        'defaultValue': {
          'language': 'en-US',
          'value': 'Origin name'
      'destinationStationCode': 'SFO',
      'destinationName': {
        'defaultValue': {
          'language': 'en-US',
          'value': 'Destination name'
      'departureDateTime': '2020-04-12T16:20:50.52Z',
      'arrivalDateTime': '2020-04-12T20:20:50.52Z',
      'fareName': {
        'defaultValue': {
          'language': 'en-US',
          'value': 'Fare name'

  // Create the JWT claims
  let claims = {
    iss: this.credentials.client_email,
    aud: 'google',
    origins: [''],
    typ: 'savetowallet',
    payload: {
      // The listed classes and objects will be created
      transitClasses: [newClass],
      transitObjects: [newObject]

  // The service account credentials are used to sign the JWT
  let token = jwt.sign(claims, this.credentials.private_key, { algorithm: 'RS256' });

  console.log('Add to Google Wallet link');

  return `${token}`;

Depois de receber um JWT assinado, use essas informações para criar um link Adicionar à Carteira do Google.

O link "Adicionar à Carteira do Google" tem este formato:{token}

Esse link pode ser incorporado à sua página da Web ou enviado por e-mail como um hiperlink. Ele também pode ser enviado ao cliente usando outros canais, como chat e SMS.

O comprimento seguro de um JWT codificado é 1.800 caracteres. Se o JWT estiver abaixo desse limite, o objeto inteiro poderá ser incluído no JWT assinado. Os JWTs precisam ficar abaixo desse limite. Se o comprimento estiver acima de 1.800 caracteres, talvez não seja possível adicionar o cartão à Carteira do Google devido ao truncamento dos navegadores da Web.

Botão "Adicionar à Carteira do Google"

Para ter resultados melhores, use os recursos do botão Carteira do Google na sua página da Web, e-mail ou app Android.

O botão "Carteira do Google" pode ser renderizado de duas maneiras:

  • O botão JavaScript Web pode ser usado para sites.
  • O link do JWT com um botão pode ser usado para e-mail, SMS, apps e sites.


No modo de demonstração, todos os cartões criados terão um texto adicional "[SOMENTE TESTE]" no título do cartão. Isso serve para diferenciar os cartões de demonstração dos cartões ativos. Depois de receber da nossa equipe a aprovação para a produção, esses cartões do modo de demonstração não terão mais o texto adicional quando o usuário reabrir o app da carteira em um dispositivo conectado.

Próximas etapas