
Container.Callback Callback will be invoked after the resource has been successfully loaded. 
Container.FunctionCallMacroHandler Handler that is provided by the application to calculate the value of a custom macro. 
Container.FunctionCallTagHandler Handler that is provided by the application to execute a custom tag. 
ContainerOpener.ContainerFuture An object that will return a Container. 
ContainerOpener.Notifier Object that will receive a notification when a container is available for use. 
Logger A simple interface for error/warning/info/debug/verbose logging. 
TagManager.Logger A simple interface for error/warning/info/debug/verbose logging. 


Container An object that provides access to container values. 
ContainerOpener Helper class for opening containers. 
DataLayer The data layer is a map holding generic information about the application. 
InstallReferrerReceiver The Google Play Intent is broadcast when an app is installed from the Google Play Store. 
InstallReferrerService IntentService for handling the Google Play Store's INSTALL_REFERRER intent. 
PreviewActivity An Activity to preview the app with previewed container version. 
TagManager This is the mobile implementation of Google Tag Manager (GTM). 


Container.RefreshFailure Ways in which a refresh can fail. 
Container.RefreshType Origin of container refresh. 
ContainerOpener.OpenType Preferences for opening a container. 
Logger.LogLevel Log Level setting. 
TagManager.RefreshMode Mode for refreshing the container.