Use MySQL database auditing

This topic describes how to enable and use the Cloud SQL for MySQL Audit Plugin. For an overview, see MySQL database auditing. For more information about MySQL plugins, see MySQL plugin loading.

Before you begin

Data Access audit logs

Enable and configure Data Access audit logs. See Configure Data Access audit logs.

Privileges required for audit users

You must have EXECUTE privileges on the audit stored procedures to run them. If an administrator needs to change an auditor's access privileges to the audit stored procedures, they should use the GRANT or REVOKE command in the mysql client. For details about the user privileges, refer to MySQL user privileges. For example, if an administrator wanted to grant access to an auditor named user, to manage the audit rules, they could grant the privileges using the following statement:

CREATE USER 'user'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
GRANT EXECUTE ON PROCEDURE mysql.cloudsql_list_audit_rule TO 'user'@'%';

If that administrator later wanted to revoke access to the auditor, they could revoke the privileges using the following statement:

REVOKE ALL ON PROCEDURE mysql.cloudql_list_audit_rule FROM 'user'@'%';

By default, users created using Cloud SQL (except IAM users) are administrators who have all privileges except FILE and SUPER, including all privileges to the audit stored procedures. IAM database users, by default, have no privileges.

Enable the Cloud SQL for MySQL Audit Plugin

The Cloud SQL for MySQL Audit Plugin (cloudsql_mysql_audit) controls the auditing behavior for a given database instance. To use the plugin, you must first enable it on the Cloud SQL instance.

To enable the cloudsql_mysql_audit plugin, use one of the following options:

  • --cloudsql_mysql_audit=ON

    Tells the server to enable the plugin. If the plugin fails to initialize, the server runs with the plugin disabled.

  • --cloudsql_mysql_audit=FORCE

    Tells the server to enable the plugin, but if plugin initialization fails, the server does not start. In other words, this option forces the server to run with the plugin enabled or not at all.

  • --cloudsql_mysql_audit=FORCE_PLUS_PERMANENT

    Like FORCE, but also prevents the plugin from being unloaded at runtime. If a user tries to unload the plugin with UNINSTALL PLUGIN, an error occurs.

Plugin activation states are visible in the PLUGIN_STATUS column of the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS table.


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Cloud SQL Instances page.

    Go to Cloud SQL Instances

  2. Open the instance and click Edit.
  3. Scroll down to the Flags section.
  4. To set a flag that has not been set on the instance before, click Add flag, choose cloudsql_mysql_audit from the drop-down menu, and set its value to ON.
  5. Click Save to save your changes.
  6. Confirm your changes under Flags on the Overview page.


Replace the following:

  • INSTANCE_NAME: The name of the instance you are setting the flag on.
gcloud sql instances patch INSTANCE_NAME \
           --database-flags cloudsql_mysql_audit=ON

This command overwrites all database flags previously set. To keep those and add new ones, include the values for all flags you want set on the instance; any flag not specifically included is set to its default value. For flags that do not take a value, specify the flag name followed by an equals sign (=).

REST v1beta4

Before using any of the request data, make the following replacements:

  • project-id: The project ID
  • instance-id: The instance ID

HTTP method and URL:


Request JSON body:

        "name": "cloudsql_mysql_audit",
        "value": "ON"

To send your request, expand one of these options:

You should receive a JSON response similar to the following:


Before using any of the request data, make the following replacements:

  • project-id: The project ID
  • instance-id: The instance ID

HTTP method and URL:


Request JSON body:

        "name": "cloudsql_mysql_audit",
        "value": "ON"

To send your request, expand one of these options:

You should receive a JSON response similar to the following:

Cloud SQL for MySQL Audit Plugin settings

You can tune the behavior of the Cloud SQL for MySQL Audit Plugin using the flags below. All flags can be altered without restarting the database. To understand how to manage the flags, see Configuring database flags.

  • cloudsql_mysql_audit_data_masking_regex

    A regular expression used for data masking that is compliant with Perl Compatible Regular Expressions (PCREs).

    By default, in the output audit log, user passwords (<psw>) are substituted by a password mask of ***.

    Regex is applied only to statements with a command type specified using cloudsql_mysql_audit_data_masking_cmds. When using gcloud you must use a flag file to set values with complex special characters.

    Default values for this flag:


    See the following examples.

    • Without the cloudsql_mysql_audit_data_masking_regex, an audit log entry describing a create user command would appear as follows:

      {..."cmd":"create_user","query":"create user user1@'localhost' identified
      by 'pw'"}
    • With the default value of cloudsql_mysql_audit_data_masking_regex, the same audit log would be changed to:

      {..."cmd":"create_user","query":"create user user1@'localhost' identified by
    • If you set cloudsql_mysql_audit_data_masking_regex to (?<psw>.*), Cloud SQL can filter all the query contents.

  • cloudsql_mysql_audit_data_masking_cmds

    Comma-separated list of commands that the data masking regex (cloudsql_mysql_audit_data_masking_regex) is applied to. Set an empty string ("")to stop filtering. When using gcloud, you must use a flag file to set a comma-separated list. The default value includes MySQL commands with the following password clause:

  • cloudsql_mysql_audit_max_query_length

    Controls the maximum length of the query to record in the audit log. If you don't need to see the details of the query, you can use 0, which means the query is not recorded in the audit log. This saves storage space for the log, resulting in lower cost. -1 means no limitation. Default is -1.

  • cloudsql_mysql_audit_log_write_period

    The log write period, for which the writer thread writes the contents of the buffer to disk after reaching the number of milliseconds you set for this flag option, or when the buffer is full. If you set this flag option to 0, the user thread is forced to wait for a notification from the writer thread that the write has been completed. The default is 500 (milliseconds).


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Cloud SQL Instances page.

    Go to Cloud SQL Instances

  2. Open the instance and click Edit.
  3. Scroll down to the Flags section.
  4. To set a flag that has not been set on the instance before, click Add flag, and choose a database flag from the list above from the drop-down menu, and set its value.
  5. Click Save to save your changes.
  6. Confirm your changes under Flags on the Overview page.


Replace the following:

  • INSTANCE_NAME: The name of the instance you are setting the flag on.
  • FLAG_NAME: The name of the configuration flag.
  • FLAG_VALUE: The value to use for the flag.

        gcloud sql instances patch INSTANCE_NAME /
                   --database-flags FLAG_NAME=FLAG_VALUE

REST v1beta4

Before using any of the request data, make the following replacements:

  • project-id: The project ID
  • instance-id: The instance ID

HTTP method and URL:


Request JSON body:

        "name": "flag_name",
        "value": "flag_value"

To send your request, expand one of these options:

You should receive a JSON response similar to the following:


Before using any of the request data, make the following replacements:

  • project-id: The project ID
  • instance-id: The instance ID

HTTP method and URL:


Request JSON body:

        "name": "flag_name",
        "value": "flag_value"

To send your request, expand one of these options:

You should receive a JSON response similar to the following:

Configure database auditing

Manage audit rules

Cloud SQL uses a set of stored procedures to manage Cloud SQL for MySQL Audit Plugin audit rules. There are four stored procedures that you can use to create, list, update, and delete audit rules.

Each stored procedure returns two variables: @outval and @outmsg. These variables indicate the status code and the error message of the stored procedure, respectively. You can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard to search for user, host, database, and table names. Use the asterisk as a suffix, a prefix, or both. In addition, you can use the wildcard character % only for hosts. You can use the backtick (`) to indicate that a string should be used literally. For example, `ta*ble` matches literally.

To make the new changes take effect, you should either run the stored procedures with the input parameter reload_mode=1 or call mysql.cloudsql_reload_audit_rule(1) to make the new changes take effect.

Create audit rules

You can use mysql.cloudsql_create_audit_rule to create a new audit rule.

To create the audit rule and reload it in one call, use the following statement:

CALL mysql.cloudsql_create_audit_rule('user@host','db','obj','ops','op_result',1, @outval,@outmsg);
SELECT @outval, @outmsg;

To create the rule and reload it in a separate call, use the following statement:

CALL mysql.cloudsql_create_audit_rule('user@host','db','obj','ops','op_result',0, @outval,@outmsg);
SELECT @outval, @outmsg;
CALL mysql.cloudsql_reload_audit_rule(1);

The previous command lets you create multiple rules and then reload all changes at the same time.

The following tables show the input and output parameters for the previous command.

Input parameters
Name Type Description Example
user@host or user@ip string The comma-separated list of database users to audit. Use the format user@host or user@ip.

db string The comma-separated list of databases to audit. db1,db2,db3*
obj string The comma-separated list of database objects to audit. table1,table2,table3*
ops string The comma-separated list of database actions to audit. select,delete,insert
op_result string Audit success (S), unsuccessful (U) or both (B) successful and unsuccessful operations. S,U, or B
reload_mode Integer 0 for not reload the rule and 1 for reload. 0 or 1
Output parameters
Name Type Description Example
@outval int The status code of the stored procedure. 0 for success and 1 for failure.
@outmsg string The error message of the stored procedure.

Audit rules have the following limitations:

Length of user, db, obj, and ops. Maximum size is 2048 characters.
Number of combinations of user, db, obj ,and ops. Maximum of 1000 combinations. For example, an audit rule auditing user1,user2, db1, db2, table1,table2, and select,delete generates 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 16 combinations.

List audit rules

Auditors can use mysql.cloudsql_list_audit_rule to list existing audit rules.

To list audit rule 1 and 2, use the following commands:

CALL mysql.cloudsql_list_audit_rule('1,2',@outval,@outmsg);
SELECT @outval, @outmsg;

To list all audit rules, do the following:

CALL mysql.cloudsql_list_audit_rule('*',@outval,@outmsg);
SELECT @outval, @outmsg;

The following tables show the input and output parameters for the previous command.

Input parameters
Name Type Description Example
rule_id string The comma-separated list of rule IDs to remove. 1,2,3
Output parameters
Name Type Description Example
@outval int The status code of the stored procedure. 0 for success and 1 for failure.
@outmsg string The error message of the stored procedure.

Update audit rules

You can use mysql.cloudsql_update_audit_rule to update an existing audit rule.

To update the audit rule and reload it in one call, use the following statement:

CALL mysql.cloudsql_update_audit_rule(1,'user@host','db','obj','ops','op_result',1,@outval,@outmsg);
SELECT @outval, @outmsg;

You might want to update multiple audit rules in one session before reloading the rules. You can use the following stored procedure to update rules in one step and then reload those rules in a later step.

CALL mysql.cloudsql_update_audit_rule(1,'user@host','db','obj','ops','op_result',0,@outval,@outmsg);
SELECT @outval, @outmsg;
CALL mysql.cloudsql_reload_audit_rule(1);

The following tables show the input and output parameters for the previous command.

Input parameters
Name Type Description Example
rule_id int The ID for the rule to update. 5
user@host string The comma-separated list of database users to audit. Use the format user@host.

db string The comma-separated list of databases to audit. db1,db2,db3*
obj string The comma-separated list of database objects to audit. table1,table2,table3*
ops string The comma-separated list of database actions to audit. SELECT,DELETE,INSERT
op_result string Audit success (S), unsuccessful (U), or both (B) successful and unsuccessful operations. S,U, or B
reload_mode Integer 0 for not reload the rule and 1 for reload. 0 or 1
Output parameters
Name Type Description Example
@outval int The status code of the stored procedure. 0 for success and 1 for failure.
@outmsg string The error message of the stored procedure.

Audit rules have the following limitations:

Length of user, db, obj and ops. Maximum size 2048 characters.
Number of combinations of user, db, obj and ops. Maximum of 1000 combinations. For example, an audit rule auditing user1,user2, db1, db2, table1,table2, and select,delete generates 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 16 combinations.

Delete audit rules

You can use the mysql.cloudsql_delete_audit_rule to delete an existing audit rule.

To delete the audit rule and reload it in one call, use the following statement:

CALL mysql.cloudsql_delete_audit_rule('1,2',1,@outval,@outmsg);
SELECT @outval, @outmsg;

To delete the rule and reload it in a separate call, use the following statement:

CALL mysql.cloudsql_delete_audit_rule('1,2',0,@outval,@outmsg);
SELECT @outval, @outmsg;
CALL cloudsql_reload_audit_rule(1);

The previous command lets you delete multiple rules and then reload all changes at the same time.

The following tables show the input and output parameters for the previous command.

Input parameters
Name Type Description Example
rule_id string The comma-separated list of rule IDs to remove. 1,2,3
reload_mode Integer 0 for not reload the rule and 1 for reload. 0 or 1
Output parameters
Name Type Description Example
@outval int The status code of the stored procedure. 0 for success and 1 for failure.
@outmsg string The error message of the stored procedure.

Operation groups

The Cloud SQL for MySQL Audit Plugin supports using operation groups in rule definitions to audit collections of activities. You can use the following operation groups to simplify audit rule creation.

Operation groups Operations included
dql select
dml delete,delete_multi, insert, insert_select, load, replace, replace_select, truncate, update, update_multi,
ddl alter_db, alter_event, alter_function, alter_procedure, alter_table, alter_user, create_db, create_event, create_function, create_index, create_procedure, create_table, create_trigger, create_user, create_udf, create_view, drop_db, drop_event, drop_function, drop_index, drop_procedure, drop_table, drop_trigger, drop_user, drop_view, rename_table, rename_user
dcl grant, revoke, revoke_all
show show_binlog_events, show_create_func, show_create_proc, show_procedure_code, show_create_event, show_create_trigger, show_events, show_function_code, show_grants, show_relaylog_events, show_triggers,
call call_procedure

View Cloud SQL database audit logs

View database audit log records in Cloud Logging

To view database audit logs, first make sure you've enabled Data Access audit logs for your project. The generated MySQL audit logs for a given instance are sent to Cloud Logging as Data Access audit logs. You can view the generated MySQL database audit logs through the Logs Explorer application.

In Logs Explorer, you can view MySQL audit logs by using the following query to show all MySQL database audit logs for a given Cloud SQL project through the Advanced Filter interface.

Replace the following:

  • PROJECT_NAME: The name of the project you want audit logs for.

Alternatively, you can select the log filter.

Audit Log Format

An audit log has the following fields.

Field name Description
msgType A string to represent the audit log message type.The only value for msgType is activity.
status Status of the operation, either success or unsuccessful.
date A timestamp indicating when the audit event was generated.
threadId The ID of the MySQL thread.
queryId The ID of the MySQL query.
user A string representing the username sent by the client. This might differ from the privUser value.
privUser A string representing the user that the server authenticated the client as. This is the username that the server uses for privilege checking. It might differ from the user value.
gcpIamAccount A string representing the GCP IAM account or service account.
ip A string representing the client IP address.
host A string representing the client host name.
errCode The MySQL error code for a unsuccessful operation. See the MySQL Server Error Message Reference.
cmd A string that indicates the SQL statement (operation type) to use. For example, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE.
objects The audit objects. Normally a table. This field includes the following information about the object:

db A string representing the default database name.
name A string representing the object name. Normally the table name.
objType A string representing the type of the object. Normally TABLE.
query An SQL statement (executed directly).
chunkCount Total number of chunks if the audit log query size is more than the cloudsql_mysql_audit_event_split_threshold (90k).
chunkIndex Index of the chunk. chunk_index starts at 1.
@type Type is always

The following is an example audit log entry.

"query":"select * from test.t4",

Disable database auditing

To disable the Cloud SQL for MySQL Audit Plugin, you can set the database flag cloudsql_mysql_audit to OFF or remove the flag.


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Cloud SQL Instances page.

    Go to Cloud SQL Instances

  2. Open the instance and click Edit.
  3. Scroll down to the Flags section.
  4. To set a flag that has not been set on the instance before, click Add flag, choose cloudsql_mysql_audit from the drop-down menu, and set its value to OFF.
  5. Click Save to save your changes.
  6. Confirm your changes under Flags on the Overview page.


Replace the following:

  • INSTANCE_NAME: The name of the instance you are setting the flag on.

    gcloud sql instances patch INSTANCE_NAME \
               --database-flags cloudsql_mysql_audit=OFF

REST v1beta4

Before using any of the request data, make the following replacements:

  • project-id: The project ID
  • instance-id: The instance ID

HTTP method and URL:


Request JSON body:

        "name": "cloudsql_mysql_audit",
        "value": "OFF"

To send your request, expand one of these options:

You should receive a JSON response similar to the following:


Before using any of the request data, make the following replacements:

  • project-id: The project ID
  • instance-id: The instance ID

HTTP method and URL:


Request JSON body:

        "name": "cloudsql_mysql_audit",
        "value": "OFF"

To send your request, expand one of these options:

You should receive a JSON response similar to the following:

Examples of Audit Rules

  1. Audit all activities for all the users:

    CALL mysql.cloudsql_create_audit_rule('*','*','*','*','B',1,@outval,@outmsg);
  2. Audit all activities for a single user user1:

    CALL mysql.cloudsql_create_audit_rule('user1@*','*','*','*','B',1,@outval,@outmsg);
  3. Audit all activities for all users that start with user:

    CALL mysql.cloudsql_create_audit_rule('user*@*','*','*','*','B',1, @outval,@outmsg);
  4. Audit all DML operations for all the users:

    CALL mysql.cloudsql_create_audit_rule('*','*','*','dml','B',1,@outval,@outmsg);
  5. Audit select operation for a special database db1:

    CALL mysql.cloudsql_create_audit_rule('*','db1','*','select','B',1,@outval,@outmsg);
  6. Audit all activities for a database with special character db~1:

    CALL mysql.cloudsql_create_audit_rule('*','`db~1`','*','*','B',1,@outval,@outmsg);
  7. Audit select and delete operations for table db1.table1:

    CALL mysql.cloudsql_create_audit_rule('*','db1','table1','select,delete','B',1,@outval,@outmsg);
  8. Audit all successful operations:

    CALL mysql.cloudsql_create_audit_rule('*','*','*','*','S',1,@outval,@outmsg);
  9. Do not audit all activities for all users that start with user:

    CALL mysql.cloudsql_create_audit_rule('user*@*','*','*','*','E',1, @outval,@outmsg);


Issue Troubleshooting
I can't see cloudsql_mysql_audit when I invoke the command:

SHOW (global) variables
cloudsql_mysql_audit is the name of the plugin. To check if it is active, use the following command:


And check the status entry.
Why can't I see mysql audit logs after enabling cloudsql_mysql_audit? You must enable Data Access audit logs (as described in Configure Data Access audit logs. Also, audit rules are needed for the Cloud SQL for MySQL Audit Plugin to audit wanted audit logs. Use stored procedures with `reload_mode=1` to create audit rules, or run the following command or restart the database to make the newly added audit rules work:

CALL mysql.cloudsql_reload_audit_rule(1)
I see the following error when updating the database flag:

Error 1193: Unknown system variable 'cloudsql_mysql_audit_xxx'
cloudsql_mysql_audit_xxx flags only work when the Audit Plugin is active. Remove any existing cloudsql_mysql_audit_xxx flags from the instance, and then turn on the plugin using the following command before updating cloudsql_mysql_audit_xxx flags:

I can see audit logs generated even though I didn't set any audit rules. Changes to the audit rule tables (mysql.audit_log_rules and mysql.audit_log_rules_expanded) and audit stored procedures (mysql.cloudsql_xxxx_audit_rule) are logged by default.
After I made changes on the primary instance, I can't see the audit logs on my replica instances. Replication threads and crash recovery threads aren't logged. Cloud SQL audits activities on the primary instance but not on the replica instance.
I tried to use the following command to set values from a comma-separated list, but it doesn't work.

gcloud instances patch --database-flags
If specifying a comma-separated list of flag values using gcloud commands, use the --flags-file argument. First, you need to create a file with the following information:

general_log: OFF
cloudsql_mysql_audit_max_query_length: '20'
cloudsql_mysql_audit_data_masking_cmds: select,update

Then run the following command:

gcloud sql instances patch --flags-file=flagfile
The following command returns an error:

CALL mysql.cloudsql_create_canonical_rules
This is intended. mysql.cloudsql_create_canonical_rules should only be called internally by mysql.cloudsql_create_audit_rule and mysql.cloudsql_update_audit_rule.
Which operations can I audit? The supported operations are listed in the Full list of supported operations. Some operations, such as the following, aren't audited since they're not affecting the database:

USE db_name



Also, in some cases, the functions can't be audited as an object (non-supported features).
I want to audit all operations on a specific table, so I created the following audit rule:

mysql.cloudsql_create_audit_rule("user@*","db", "table","*","B",1,@1,@2);
But I can see audit logs that aren't related to this table, such as disconnect and connect.
Some operations, such as disconnect or connect, are considered global. They ignore the input db and object fields.
When I create, update, or delete an audit rule using stored procedures, I see the following error.

The MySQL server is running with the read-only option so it can't execute this statement.
Cloud SQL can't change stored procedures on a read-only instance. If the instance is primary, remove the read_only flags. If the instance is a replica instance, make the changes on its primary instance. After the changes of the rules are replicated to the replica instance, on the replica instance, run the following command to reload the rules into the replica:
CALL mysql.cloudsql_reload_audit_rule(1)
When I create, update, or delete an audit rule, I see the following error, even though the change was successful.

0 rows affected
The 0 rows affected response is for the last statement executed in the stored procedure, not the tables. To see if the audit rule is changed, use the following command:

I can't set cloudsql_mysql_audit_data_masking_cmds and cloudsql_mysql_audit_data_masking_regexp with gcloud. gcloud requires using the --flags-file argument to set complex flag values (the flags that include special characters).
I created a stored procedure using the CREATE USER statement, but the password isn't masked. By default, masking only works for cmds (operations), such as the following:


To filter the password while creating the stored procedure, add create_procedure to the cloudsql_mysql_audit_data_masking_cmds.
I got a lock wait timeout exceeded error when trying to create, update, or delete audit rules. Normally, this error is caused when two or more sessions try to modify the audit rules at the same time. If this happens frequently, increase the value of the innodb_lock_wait_timeout variable. It can be increased either globally (using the database flag) or just for the session, for example, using the following command:
SET innodb_lock_wait_timeout=120

What's next