Measure performance

You can use the Reports service to retrieve performance metrics for your account.

See the metrics documentation for the complete list of available metrics.


You need the Reporting manager role to retrieve this report.

To give an account the Reporting manager role, use accounts.update to set the reportingManager field to true. The Reporting manager role is equivalent to the Performance and insights role in Merchant Center.

accounts.update replaces the entire Account resource. Use accounts.get to get the full Account resource, then provide all fields in your accounts.update request so you don't lose information.

Sample query

The following query retrieves the impressions, clicks, and ctr for all products in your account during a specific 30-day period. To make the request, pass the following Merchant Center Query Language statement to the method:

FROM MerchantPerformanceView
WHERE BETWEEN '2020-12-01' AND '2020-12-30'


Click Run to try the sample in the API Explorer. After you click Run, update the merchant ID placeholder to your own merchant ID in the request URL. You can modify the query. The full query must remain on one line to work with the API explorer.

You can also segment the metrics in the query for more granular performance reports.

See the Products guide to learn how to retrieve and filter products with the Reports service.