Method: unenroll

Informs the integrator that an enrollment is over. This means that the given enrollmentRequestId is no longer valid and will not be used again to retrieve a virtual card number.

Calls to unenroll with an enrollmentRequestId that has been seen previously should always return success to respect idempotency.

In the event a future retrieveVirtualCardNumber uses this unenrolled enrollmentRequestId it should be declined.

An example request looks like:

  "requestHeader": {
    "protocolVersion": {
      "major": 1
    "requestId": "DWSW4Q689HT93PJ",
    "requestTimestamp": {
      "epochMillis": "1481899949854"
    "paymentIntegratorAccountId": "abcdef123456"
  "enrollmentRequestId": "G1MQ0YERJ0Q7LPM"

An example success response looks like:

  "responseHeader": {
    "responseTimestamp": {
      "epochMillis": "1481899949868"
  "result": {
    "success" :{}

HTTP request


Request body

The request body contains data with the following structure:

JSON representation
  "requestHeader": {
    object (RequestHeader)
  "enrollmentRequestId": string

object (RequestHeader)

REQUIRED: Common header for all requests.



REQUIRED: A reference to an earlier enrollment request. Specifically, the identifier set in the requestId of the requestHeader sent in the enrollRequest that registered a card for Virtual Cards.

This is a string that has a maximum length of 100 characters.

Response body

This method supports multiple return types. For additional information about what 4XX or 5XX HTTP status code to return with an ErrorResponse, consult the ErrorResponse object and HTTP status codes documentation.

Possible response messages
HTTP 200 Status

object (UnenrollResponse)

HTTP 4XX / 5XX Status

object (ErrorResponse)


Response object for the unenroll method.

JSON representation
  "responseHeader": {
    object (ResponseHeader)
  "result": {
    object (UnenrollResult)

object (ResponseHeader)

REQUIRED: Common header for all responses.


object (UnenrollResult)

REQUIRED: Contains the result of the request.


Details corresponding to the result.

JSON representation

  // Union field result can be only one of the following:
  "success": {
    object (UnenrollSuccessResult)
  // End of list of possible types for union field result.
Union field result. Contains the possible result types. Exactly one must be set. result can be only one of the following:

object (UnenrollSuccessResult)

The request to unenroll was successful.


This type has no fields.

Details about the success result.